Sep 17, 2024  
University Catalog 2021-2022 
University Catalog 2021-2022 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

Courses are numbered as follows: freshmen, 100-level; sophomores, 200-level; juniors, 300-level; seniors, 400-level; graduate students, 500- & 600-level. Certain 400-level courses may be taken by graduate students for graduate credit; in such cases, graduate students complete additional research assignments to bring the courses up to graduate level rigor. The letter G in parentheses, (G), appears at the end of those 400-level undergraduate course descriptions which are approved for graduate level work. When taught for graduate credit, those courses are taught by Graduate Faculty. Only students admitted to the Graduate School may enroll in 500- & 600-level courses.

No credit is allowed in any curriculum for any course with a catalog number beginning with zero (0) (e.g. ENGL 099 ).

The numerical listing after each course title gives the following information: the first number represents lab hours per week; the second digit represents the number of 75-minute lecture periods per week; the third digit represents the semester credit hours earned for successful completion of the course. A few courses will have a fourth digit in parentheses. This means the course may be repeated for credit and the fourth digit designates the total amount of semester hour credit that may be earned including repetition of the course. Typically, these courses are research-, performance-, or project-oriented and found in the 300-, 400-levels (undergraduate student) or 500-, 600-levels (graduate student).

Some courses require the student to complete a prerequisite course or to secure special permission from faculty prior to enrolling in the course. These prerequisites are listed immediately after the numerical semester credit hour designations. Each student is responsible for complying with prerequisite course work requirements and special instructions.


  1. Courses designated with an asterisk * mean this course will be accepted for General Education Requirement (GER) transfer credit. A course MAY or MAY NOT be accepted as equivalent to or substitute for a course in a specific discipline or major. Please check the Board of Regents web site at and the school you are transferring to for additional information.
  2. Courses with the designation (IER) meet the Board of Regents International Education Requirement.
  3. Students with a Freshman or Sophomore classification are not eligible to register for 400-level (Senior) courses without the written approval of the Academic Dean (or the Dean’s designated representative) of the college responsible for that specific subject and course)
  4. Course offerings for each term are made available prior to Early Registration via the BOSS website (“Available Course Sections”) and in .pdf format on the Registrars website (Quarterly Schedule of Classes-The Racing Form). Quarterly offerings are subject to change to accommodate the needs of students.

Louisiana Common Course Numbering (LCCN).

Louisiana uses a statewide common course numbersing system “…to facilitate program planning and the transfer of students and course credits between and among institutions.” Faculty representatives from all of the public colleges and universities worked to articulate common course content to be covered for each course included on the Board of Regents Master Course Articulation Matrix. Beginning with General Education Requirements (GER), this initiative will continue with an eye toward expansion throughout the entire Matrix.

Each course is identified by a 4-Alpha character “rubric” (i.e. prefix or department abbreviation) and a four-digit number. Each 4-Alpha rubric begins with “C” to signify that it is a state “Common” number, followed by a standard discipline abbreviation so that when they are included in campus catalogs and web sites, its meaning will be clear. For example, “CMAT” is the standardized LCCN abbreviation for Mathematics courses included in the Statewide Course Catalog. Another example would be “CENL” for English courses.

The 4-Alpha character rubric is followed by four digits, each with their own positional meaning. The first digit of the course number denoteds the academic level of the course (1 = freshman/1st year; 2 = sophomore/2nd year). The second and third digits establish course sequencing and/or distinguish the course from others of the same level, credit value, and rubric. The fourth digit denotes the credit value of the course in semester hours. For example, CMAT 1213 College Algebra (Common, Mathematics, Freshman/1st year, articulated standard sequence 21, 3 semester hours, College Algebra); CENL 1013 English Composition I (Common, English, Freshman/1st year, articulated standard sequence 01, 3 semester hours, English Composition I.

All rubric/number course identifiers correspond to course descriptiors listed in the Statewide Course Catalog, published by the Louisiana Board of Regents with direct faculty input.The Statewide Course Catalog will comprise the academic courses for which there is statewide agreement among discipline faculty representatives as to the minimum course content to be covered so that a student completing the course will be ready for the next course for which it is a prerequisite in a sequence or curriculum. Louisiana Tech University courses that are part of the Statewide Common Course Catalog can be readily identified by the [LCCN: AAAA####] at the end of the course description.

The Master Course Articulation Matrix, and the Louisiana Statewide Common Course Catalogue can be found on the Louisiana Board of Regents website (


Biological Sciences

  • BISC 101: Fundamentals of Biology I

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Not open to Biology majors.  Introduction to biological concepts of cell structure and physiology, genetics, evolution, and ecology. LCCN:CBIO1013
  • BISC 102: Fundamentals of Biology II

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite BISC 101 . Not open to Biology majors.  Continuation of biological topics including origin of life, survey of the kingdoms, plant and animal structure. LCCN:CBIO1023
  • BISC 130: Biological Principles

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Designed for students majoring in science. Introduction to biomolecules, cells, metabolism, genetics, evolution, and ecology. LCCN:CBIO1033 or LCCN:CBIO1034
  • BISC 131: Biological Principles Laboratory

    1 Semester Credit Hours . 3-0-1 Student-oriented experiments and demonstrations emphasizing biomolecules, cells, metabolism, genetics, evolution, and ecology. LCCN:CBIO1031 or LCCN:CBIO1034
  • BISC 132: Biological Diversity

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite BISC 130 . An introduction to the classification, anatomy, and physiology of prokaryotes and eukaryotes. LCCN:CBIO1043 or LCCN:CBIO1044
  • BISC 133: Biological Diversity Laboratory

    1 Semester Credit Hours . 3-0-1 Prerequisite BISC 131   Corequisite BISC 131   Investigations of the classification, anatomy, and physiology of prokaryotes and eukaryotes. LCCN:CBIO1041 or LCCN:CBIO1044
  • BISC 200: Principles of Genetics

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Not open to Biology majors. Fundamental laws of heredity as applied to plants, animals, and humans. LCCN:CBIO2513
  • BISC 201: Scientific Principles

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Not open to Biology majors.  A general course embracing the principals of the biological and physical sciences, incorporating teacher demonstration and laboratory activities.
  • BISC 211: Introduction To Environmental Science

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Basic laws, principles, and issues related to the causes, effects, and controls of environmental problems including human-environment interactions. Credit will not be given for BISC 211 if credit is given for ENSC 211 . LCCN:CEVS1103
  • BISC 212: Conservation and Management of Natural Resources

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 An introduction to the management of renewable natural resources including the use, conservation, and sustainability of these resources. Credit will not be given for BISC 212 if credit is given for ENSC 212 .
  • BISC 213: Environmental Sustainability

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 An exploration of solutions for society to maintain natural resources, provide social equity, and allow the continued existence of all aspects of biodiversity.
  • BISC 214: Survey of Microbiology

    4 Semester Credit Hours . 4-3-4 Not open to Biology majors.  Fundamental concepts of microbiology, emphasizing techniques and laboratory procedures used in medically related studies. LCCN:CBIO2104
  • BISC 216: Plant Biology

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite BISC 130 , BISC 131 . Introduction to biology of plants including growth, morphology, physiology, genetics, diversity, and propagation. LCCN:CBIO2313 or LCCN:CBIO2314
  • BISC 217: Plant Biology Laboratory

    1 Semester Credit Hours . 3-0-1 Prerequisite BISC 216 . Corequisite BISC 216 . Exploration and application of plant biology concepts and processes.

      LCCN:CBIO2311 or LCCN:CBIO2314

  • BISC 224: Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite Consult with your Advisor. Not open to Biology majors.  The structure and functions of the organ systems of the human body, including anatomy of the vocal and hearing systems.
  • BISC 225: Human Anatomy and Physiology I

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite Consult with your Advisor. Introduction to human anatomy and physiology including structure and function of cells, tissues, organs and the integumentary, skeletal, muscular, and nervous systems. LCCN:CBIO2213 or LCCN:CBIO2214
  • BISC 226: Human Anatomy and Physiology Lab I

    1 Semester Credit Hours . 3-0-1 Prerequisite BISC 225  or Concurrent Enrollment. Specially designed exercises permitting students to observe the physiology of mammals. LCCN:CBIO2211 or LCCN:CBIO2214
  • BISC 227: Human Anatomy and Physiology II

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite BISC 225  or equivalent. A continuation of BISC 225 . Including structure and function of circulatory, respiratory, digestive, excretory, endocrine and reproductive systems. LCCN:CBIO2223 or LCCN:CBIO2224
  • BISC 228: Human Anatomy and Physiology Lab II

    1 Semester Credit Hours . 3-0-1 Prerequisite BISC 227  or concurrent enrollment. Additional laboratory exercises to illustrate the anatomy and physiology of animals. LCCN:CBIO2221 or LCCN:CBIO2224
  • BISC 240: Student Research

    1 (2) Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-1 to 2(2) Prerequisite PERMISSION OF INSTRUCTOR Student participation in faculty-directed laboratory or field-based research activities.
  • BISC 246: Instrumentation

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 4-2-3 Prerequisite 8 semester hours of biological or chemical sciences. Emphasizes laboratory safety and the operational theory, use, and maintenance of instruments appropriate to biological, environmental, and medical investigations. Credit will not be given for BISC 246 if credit is given for ENSC 246.
  • BISC 255: Biological Topics

    1-4 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-1 to 4(16) Selected topics in Biological Science.  Can be repeated for credit with change of topic.


  • BISC 260: Microbiology

    4 Semester Credit Hours . 4-3-4 Prerequisite CHEM 100 , CHEM 101 ; BISC 130 , BISC 131 . Designed for students majoring in science. Course will cover topics in clinical, applied, environmental, and eukaryotic microbiology. LCCN:CBIO2124
  • BISC 261: Microbiology

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite CHEM 100 CHEM 101  and BISC 130   Course intended for science majors, topics include clinical, applied, environmental, and eukaryotic microbiology.


  • BISC 262: Microbiology Laboratory

    1 Semester Credit Hours . 3-0-1 Prerequisite BISC 131   Corequisite BISC 261   Laboratory course intended for science majors, complements the microbiolgoy lecture course BISC 261.


  • BISC 310: Genetics

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 4.25-2-3 Prerequisite BISC 132 , BISC 133 . Principles of inheritance in plants and animals at the biochemical, cellular, organismal, and population levels. LCCN: CBIO 3523
  • BISC 313: Ecology

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 4.25-2-3 Prerequisite BISC 132 , BISC 133 . 4.25-2-3. An overview of the interactions of plants, animals, and non-living factors as they influence individuals, populations, communities, and ecosystems. Credit will not be given for BISC 211  if credit is given for ENSC 211 . LCCN:CBIO4124
  • BISC 314: Entomology

    4 Semester Credit Hours . 4.25-3-4 Prerequisite BISC 132  and BISC 133 . An introduction to the study of insects and close relatives including their taxonomy, evolutionary relationships, anatomy, physiology, ecological significance, and medical and veterinary importance.


  • BISC 315: Cell Biology

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite BISC 132 , BISC 133 . Detailed study of the structural and functional organization of the cell and the interactions of the organelles with respect to metabolism and heredity. LCCN:CBIO4143
  • BISC 320: Animal Physiology

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite BISC 132 , BISC 133 . A general and comparative approach to the principles and concepts of physiology which apply to animal systems. LCCN:CBIO3633
  • BISC 341: Hematology

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 4.25-2-3 Prerequisite 8 semester credits of Biological Sciences. 8 semester credits of BISC. Quantitative and qualitative methods of determining the condition of cellular blood and a study of histology, morphology and physiology.
  • BISC 343: Medical Microbiology and Immunology

    4 Semester Credit Hours . 4-3-4 Prerequisite BISC 214 , BISC 260 . Lecture and laboratory exposure to principles of pathogenic bacteriology, immunology, Virology, mycology, and parasitology with a diagnostic emphasis.
  • BISC 344: Clinical Chemistry and Toxicology

    4 Semester Credit Hours . 4-3-3 Prerequisite CHEM 104 . Study of the pathological and biochemical significance of analytes and toxic substances found in human body fluids, including methods of analysis and quality assurance.
  • BISC 355: Biological Topics

    1-4 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-1 to 4(16) Selected topics in Biological Science.  Can be repeated for credit with change of topic.


  • BISC 359: Special Topics in Pre-Medical Illustration

    1 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-1 (3) Prerequisite BISC 130  and ART 225   An interactive discussion of current topics in medical illustration.  May be repeated with change of course content for a maximum of 3 credit hours.


  • BISC 360A: Biological Problems

    1 Semester Credit Hours . 0-1-1(6) Prerequisite Junior standing and written permission of instructor An introduction to the principles of research.
  • BISC 360B: Biological Problems

    2 Semester Credit Hours . 0-2-2(6) Prerequisite Junior standing and written permission of instructor An introduction to the principles of research.
  • BISC 360C: Biological Problems

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3(6) Prerequisite Junior standing and written permission of instructor An introduction to the principles of research.
  • BISC 361: Laboratory Assisting

    1-3 (3) Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-1 to 3(3) Prerequisite Junior Standing & Written Permission of Instructor. Experience in biological science laboratory assisting in student instruction and practice.
  • BISC 361A: Laboratory Assisting

    1 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-1(3) Prerequisite Junior standing & written permission of instructor Experience in biological science laboratory assisting in student instruction and practice.
  • BISC 361B: Laboratory Assisting

    2 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-2(3) Prerequisite Junior standing & written permission of instructor Experience in biological science laboratory assisting in student instruction and practice.
  • BISC 378: Field Experience at LUMCON

    0 (Pass/Fail) Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-3(3) Prerequisite Permission of Instructor and ANS Students Only

      Participation in a research project at the Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium.  Serves as a prerequisite for BISC 379.  (pass/fail)


  • BISC 379: Analysis of LUMCON Research

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 6-1-3 Prerequisite BISC 378   Compilation, analysis, and presentation of research data collected at LUMCON while enrolled in BISC 378.


  • BISC 380: Biology Colloquium

    1 Semester Credit Hours . 0-1-1 (2) Prerequisite BISC 132  BISC 133  and Junior standing Seminars by visiting and local experts on research and information in biomedical science, environmental science, ecology, cell biology, physiology and other fields.  May be repeated for a total of 2 hours credit.


  • BISC 402: Immunology

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite BISC 260 . A study of antigens and antibodies including the chemical basis of antigen-antibody specificity, mechanisms of hypersensitivity, immunological modulators, and immunological diseases. LCCN:CBIO4523
  • BISC 406: Introduction to Endocrinology

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite BISC 132   Overview of the human endocrine system including the various classes of hormones, their synthesis, functions, and mechanisms of action and regulation.


  • BISC 407: Histology

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 8.5-1-3 Prerequisite BISC 320 , BISC 321 , or equivalent. Microscopic study of animal tissues with emphasis on functional and structural interrelationships. LCCN:CBIO3613
  • BISC 408: Bacterial Genetics

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 3-2-3 Prerequisite BISC 260 , BISC 310 . Topics include nucleic acid effectors in prokaryotes, mutations, phage genetics, and molecular methods of studying gene structure/function.
  • BISC 409: Virology

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 3-2-3 Prerequisite CHEM 250  Viruses and their relationship to disease in plants, animals, and bacteria. LCCN:CBIO4553
  • BISC 410: Advanced Genetics

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 4.25-2-3 Prerequisite BISC 310  or consent of the instructor Principles and methods for analyzing biochemical and chromosomal polymorphisms, metabolic pathways, pedigrees, and population differentiation with emphasis on humans.
  • BISC 411: Developmental Biology

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite BISC 132 , BISC 133   A study of gametogenesis, fertilization, and the embryological development of organisms using descriptive and experimental approaches. LCCN:CBIO4503
  • BISC 418: Molecular Biotechnology

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite BISC 310   Survey of applied molecular biotechnology tools and techniques.
  • BISC 422: Molecular Biology

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite BISC 310 . Emphasis on eukaryotic DNA, RNA structures, mechanism of replication, transcription, translation, regulation, and control of gene expression. LCCN:CBIO4533
  • BISC 426: Evolution

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite BISC 130 , BISC 131 , BISC 101 , BISC 102 , or equivalent. A study of the concepts, problems, and methods involved in the formulation of modern evolutionary theory. LCCN:CBIO3643
  • BISC 427: Herpetology

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 4-2-3 Prerequisite BISC 132  and BISC 133   An introduction to the diversity and biology of amphibians and reptiles with emphasis on species in the region.
  • BISC 429: Stem Cell Biology

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite BISC 132  and BISC 315   A study of stem cell biology, including types of stem cells, biological properties, and clinical applications.
  • BISC 431: Medical Genetics

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite BISC 310 , BISC 315 , BISC 422   This course outlines how studies of inheritance, maping disease genes, diagnosis and treatment of genetic diseases, and genetic counseling are applied to medical practice.


  • BISC 432: Freshwater Ecology

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 4-2-3 Prerequisite BISC 132  and BISC 133   An overview of the physical and chemical environments in streams, rivers, lakes, and reservoirs and how those environments affect the organisms living in freshwater habitats.


  • BISC 433: Global Change Ecology

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite BISC 211  or ENSC 211  or BISC 212  or ENSC 212  or BISC 313  or ENSC 313  or FOR 301   An exploration of the effects of global change (e.g., climate change, habitat fragmentation, invasive species, pollution, extinction) on species, ccommunities, and ecosystems.
  • BISC 445: Immunohematology

    2 Semester Credit Hours . 3-1-2 Prerequisite BISC 341  or consent of instructor. Principles of donor screening, immunological testing for compatibility, tests for infectious agents and record keeping associated with transfusion medicine.
  • BISC 450: Biological Topics

    1-4 (12) Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-1 to 4(12) An opportunity to observe and discuss topics of current interest in the biological and/or medical sciences.
  • BISC 450A: Biological Topics

    1 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-1(12) An opportunity to observe and discuss topics of current interest in the biological and/or medical sciences. Offered on demand.
  • BISC 450B: Biological Topics

    2 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-2(12) An opportunity to observe and discuss topics of current interest in the biological and/or medical sciences. Offered on demand.
  • BISC 450C: Biological Topics

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-3(12) An opportunity to observe and discuss topics of current interest in the biological and/or medical sciences. Offered on demand.
  • BISC 450D: Biological Topics

    4 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-4(12) An opportunity to observe and discuss topics of current interest in the biological and/or medical sciences. Offered on demand.
  • BISC 455: Molecular Techniques

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 6-1-3 Prerequisite BISC 260  and BISC 310   A laboratory-based course in which students will learn both well-established molecular biology techniques as well as more modern methods.
  • BISC 457: Genetic Engineering

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 6-1-3 Prerequisite BISC 310   This laboratory course provides students with hands-on experience in basic genetic engineering and cell culture techniques.


  • BISC 463: Cancer Biology

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 An in depth analysis which emphasizes the cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in the transformation of normal cells to neoplastic disease.
  • BISC 464: Principles of Pathology

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 An overview of pathological processes and cellular responses to achieve an understanding of the disease state at the molecular, cellular, tissue, and organ levels.
  • BISC 466: Medical Anthropology

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Introduction to medical anthropology, including non-western perspectives on disease causation and curing, paleopathology, ethnomedicine, ethnopsychiatry, shamanism, alternative medicine and biocultural approaches to health problems.
  • BISC 468: Biostatistics

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 3-2-3 This applied statistical course explores the graphical and numerical methods used in designing, analyzing, interpreting, and presenting biological experiments and observations.


  • BISC 470: Bioethics

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Introduction to ethical issues that surround biological discoveries and advances in medicine.
  • BISC 478: Practica/Internship/Coop

    1-3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-1 to 3(3) May be repeated once. (Pass/Fail). On site, supervised, structured work experiences. Application and supervision fee required.
  • BISC 478A: Practica/Internship/Coop

    1 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-1(3) May be repeated once. (Pass/Fail). On site, supervised, structured work experiences. Application and supervision fee required.
  • BISC 478B: Practica/Internship/Coop

    2 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-2(3) May be repeated once. (Pass/Fail). On site, supervised, structured work experiences. Application and supervision fee required.
  • BISC 478C: Practica/Internship/Coop

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-3(3) May be repeated once. (Pass/Fail). On site, supervised, structured work experiences. Application and supervision fee required.
  • BISC 480: Undergraduate Seminar

    1 Semester Credit Hours . 0-1-1 Prerequisite Senior standing. Required of all senior BISC majors. Supervised study, reports, and discussion of current biological literature. Credit will not be given for BISC 480 if credit is given for ENSC 400 . LCCN:CBIO4561
  • BISC 490: Microscopy Techniques

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 An introduction to the theory and practice of microscopy and histological techniques.
  • BISC 491: PCR - Methods and Applications

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 7-1-3 Prerequisite BISC 310 . The design, implementation, documentation and modification of the Polymerase Chain Reaction techique in an experiment-based environment.


  • BISC 492: Protein Analysis

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 3-2-3 Introduction to laboratory methods used in the analysis of proteins, including extraction, determination of concentration, chromatography, and electrophoresis.
  • BISC 493: Animal Behavior

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 In-depth treatment and discussion of the proximate and ultimate causes of animal behavior.
  • BISC 502: Research Methods in Bio Sciences

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite Graduate status An introduction for graduate students to basic methods used in research in the biological sciences.
  • BISC 506: Graduate Endocrinology

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 The structure, function, and feedback regulation of the human endocrine system, including hormone production, secretion, and mechanism of action.


  • BISC 508: Graduate Bacterial Genetics

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 3-2-3 Regulation of gene expression, DNA transfer, mutations, and molecular tools in genome analysis.
  • BISC 509: Biological Sciences Seminar

    1 (2) Semester Credit Hours . 0-1-1 (2) Survey of literature on current topics in either Bacteriology, Microbiology, or Zoology, where appropriate.
  • BISC 511: Graduate Developmental Biology

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Study of the reproductive and developmental events in organisms emphasizing both observational and experimental methods.
  • BISC 512: Advanced Immunology

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 A study of the innate and adaptive immune systems; including humoral and T-cell immunity, specificity of T-cell and B-cell cell receptors, allergy and hypersensitivity.
  • BISC 513: Ecological Topics

    3 (6) Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 (6) Prerequisite BISC 313  or 413 An advanced study of selected ecological topics. Offered on demand.
  • BISC 514: Graduate Advanced Genetics

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 4.25-2-3 Principles and methods for analyzing biochemical and chromosomal polymorphisms, metabolic pathways, pedigrees, and population differentiation, with emphasis on humans.
  • BISC 516: Contemporary Topics

    1-4 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-4 An opportunity to examine and discuss a variety of timely topics pertaining to the biological sciences. May be repeated with a change in subject matter.
  • BISC 516A: Contemporary Topics

    1 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-1 An opportunity to examine and discuss a variety of timely topics pertaining to the biological sciences. May be repeated with a change in subject matter.
  • BISC 516B: Contemporary Topics

    2 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-2 An opportunity to examine and discuss a variety of timely topics pertaining to the biological sciences. May be repeated with a change in subject matter.
  • BISC 516C: Contemporary Topics

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-3 An opportunity to examine and discuss a variety of timely topics pertaining to the biological sciences. May be repeated with a change in subject matter.
  • BISC 516D: Contemporary Topics

    4 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-4 An opportunity to examine and discuss a variety of timely topics pertaining to the biological sciences. May be repeated with a change in subject matter.
  • BISC 517: Applied Bio Sciences Research

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 6-1-3 Prerequisite BISC 502  Laboratory or field studies for non-thesis Master of Science students in the biological sciences. Provides graduate training in applied research skills.
  • BISC 518: Graduate Molecular Biotechnology

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Molecular biotechnology techniques and their applications in medical, agricultural, and industrial research.


  • BISC 520: Graduate Evolution

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Overview of modern evolutionary biology, including concepts, issues, and methods.
  • BISC 521: Principles of Cell and Molecular Biology

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Principles of cell and molecular biology, including molecular structure and function, cellular processes, bioenergetics, and regulation of metabolism.
  • BISC 522: Graduate Molecular Biology

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Emphasis on protein structure and function, DNA and RNA, replicattion, transcription, translation, and control of gene expression. Molecular techniquesincluding transformation, plasmids, PCR, and blotting.
  • BISC 526: Graduate Histology

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 8.5-1-3 Microscopic study of animal tissues with an emphasis on structural and functional relationships

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