Undergraduate Admissions Overview
Louisiana Tech University operates on a quarter calendar granting credit in semester hours. Qualified applicants may initiate their enrollment at the beginning of any quarter. Requests for information and application forms for undergraduate admission and readmission should be directed to:
Louisiana Tech University Office of Admissions
P.O. Box 3178
Ruston, Louisiana 71272-0001
Or visit admissions.latech.edu
Application packets are routinely sent to students who have scores on the American College Test (ACT) or Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) sent to the University. Applications are also available at most high schools and online - admissions.latech.edu/apply. Applicants must submit ACT or SAT scores or both. Although scores are self-reported on the application, official notice of receipt of scores must be received directly from the testing agency, on an official transcript from the high school, or an official score report from testing agency. Scholarship applicants must take the ACT or SAT at least by December of their senior year of high school.
High school and college transcripts must be official documents bearing the stamp or seal of the issuing institution or submitted electronically through the Louisiana Student Transcript System. All high school transcripts should show a graduation date, grade point average, and class rank. Freshmen applicants may submit a 6- or 7-semester transcript for admission and scholarship decision. A final transcript must be received prior to enrollment. Arrangements for admission, housing, and need-based financial aid are made separately through the Admissions Office, Housing Office, and Financial Aid Office, respectively. Filing an application for admission does not entitle an applicant to University housing or financial aid; nor is the filing of a housing application, the assignment to a room, or the award of financial aid a commitment of admission to the University.
Applicants enrolled at the main campus must submit a medical history form prior to enrollment. A nonrefundable application fee of $20 must accompany the application for admission. International students should submit a $30 application fee. All persons previously banned for disciplinary reasons or misconduct or criminal activities cannot register without the specific approval of the Vice President for Student Affairs.
Immunization Policy
Louisiana Law (R.S. 17:170/R.S. 17:170.1/Schools of Higher Learning) requires all students entering Louisiana Tech University to be immunized for the following: Measles, Mumps, Rubella (2 doses) for those born on or after January 1, 1957; Tetanus-Diphtheria (within the past 10 years); and against Meningococcal disease (Meningitis booster needed at 16 years of age). The following guidelines presented are for the purpose of implementing the requirements of Louisiana R.S. 17:170.1, and of meeting the established recommendations for control of vaccine-preventable diseases as recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP); the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices to the United States Public Health Service (ACIP); and the American College Health Association (ACHA). Students not meeting these requirements will be prevented from registering for subsequent quarters.
The TB questionnaire is also mandatory. Anyone who answers yes to any of the questions will be required to receive and show proof of a negative TB skin test or chest x-ray prior to registration.
Admission Requirements and Procedures
All students are encouraged to apply for admission. Louisiana Tech University may admit students not meeting all stated requirements. In such cases, the admission decision will be affected by the student’s potential for degree completion and the need to enhance the University’s demographically diverse student population. Some factors to be considered may include age, experience, ethnic background, and creative talent. In some cases, students not meeting all stated requirements may be invited to participate in the Bridge to Bulldogs program (see Bridge to Bulldogs).
All high school grade point averages are calculated under uniform policies on an unweighted 4.00 scale.
Freshman Admission
Applicants for freshman admission and all applicants who have earned fewer than 24 semester hours of college credit must show proof of graduation from an accredited high school or have successfully completed the General Education Development Test (GED: only applies to students age 25 and older). Students who meet the following requirements may be admitted:
In-State Student Admission Criteria
- Completion of 19 units Regents’ Core (Core 4 Curriculum)
- Core 4 GPA of 2.5* or greater
- ACT composite score of 23, or new SAT 1130 (ERW + M), or old SAT 1050 (pre-2016 test date)** or greater
Require no remedial course. Minimum ACT Math score of 19, or new SAT Math score of 510, or old SAT Math score of 460 (pre-2016 test date). Minimum ACT English score of 18, or new SAT Evidence-Based Reading and Writing (ERW) score of 500, or old SAT Critical Reading score of 450 (pre-2016 test date).
*Applicants with less than a 2.0 GPA will not be admitted.
**Applicants with less than a 15 ACT, or SAT 830 (ERW + M), or SAT 720 (pre-2016 test date) composite score will not be admitted.
Out-of-State Student and Home-Schooled Admission Criteria
Must meet one of the following three criteria:
- The in-state requirements listed above
- ACT composite score of 23, or new SAT 1130 (ERW + M), or old SAT 1050 (pre-2016 test date) or greater, and a 2.5 grade point average on at least 17 units of the required HS Core 4 Curriculum
- ACT composite score of 26, or new SAT 1240 (ERW + M), or old SAT 1170 (pre-2016 test date) or greater.
Require no remedial course (see In-State Admission Criteria above for definition of no remedial course needed).
Information concerning the CORE 4 curriculum can be found at http://www.louisianabelieves.com/courses/graduation-requirements
Freshmen applicants who intend to enroll in the Fall should apply by July 1 to be considered for priority enrollment and have ACT or SAT scores and high school transcripts on file. All freshmen are strongly encouraged to participate in the orientation program. Orientation includes testing for placement, the opportunity to meet with a faculty advisor, and completion of registration for the Fall. Announcements of dates and other information are sent to admitted students.
Transfer Admission
Students desiring to transfer to Louisiana Tech University with fewer than 24 non-remedial semester hours of college-level credit from a regionally accredited institution must have a minimum overall grade point average of 2.25 (on a 4.0 scale), must meet the same requirements as an entering freshman, must be eligible to re-enter the institution from which he/she is transferring, and have no need for remedial coursework. Students who have completed 24 or more non-remedial semester hours of college-level credit from a regionally accredited institution must have a minimum overall grade point average of 2.25 (on a 4.0 scale on all transfer work), and must have completed a college-level English and a college-level mathematics course designed to fulfill general education requirements, and must be eligible to re-enter the institution from which he/she is transferring. Students transferring must submit an application and a complete, official transcript from each college attended, whether credit was earned or transferable. Transcripts must be mailed directly from the college/university to Louisiana Tech. Students who fail to acknowledge attendance at any college or university in which they have been registered are subject to having their admission canceled or, if enrolled, to being dismissed from Louisiana Tech. Evaluations concerning probation, suspension, grades, grade point average, hours pursued, and hours earned are based on Louisiana Tech’s standards regardless of prior determinations at the other institutions attended.
No student is admitted if under scholastic or disciplinary suspension from another college or university. A suspended student will not be considered for admission until the time interval of suspension has elapsed; where such interval is not clearly defined, it is equal to a period comparable to rules in place at Louisiana Tech. An undergraduate student suspended from a System university may not enroll in another university within the System, but may enroll in a community college. To ensure minimal or no loss of credits upon return to the university, it is recommended that the student consult with his/her university advisor regarding the choice of courses to be taken at the community college. Credits earned under these conditions may be accepted for a degree at the suspending institution provided grades of “C” or higher are earned in each of the courses to be transferred.
Provisional status may be granted prior to scheduled registration dates on an individual basis. Provisional status is based on incomplete or unofficial transcripts, and, if the required transcripts are not received by the end of the first quarter, the student will not be permitted to attend subsequent quarters. When the required transcripts are submitted and if the student is determined to have been ineligible, no credit will be awarded for the initial quarter. No credit earned while under suspension from another institution is accepted toward a degree at Louisiana Tech. Official Louisiana Tech academic transcripts are not provided to any student with incomplete admissions records.
Accreditation status of transfer institutions is verified using the American Council on Education publication Accredited Institutions of Postsecondary Education, and through use of the U.S. Department of Education Database of Accredited Postsecondary Institutions and Programs. Transfer course work is posted from official transcripts received directly from institutions accredited by the following associations:
- Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE)
- Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU)
- North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, The Higher Learning Commission (NCA-HLC)
- New England Association of Schools and Colleges, Inc., Commission on Institutions of Higher Education (NEASC-CIHE)
- Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC)
- Western Association of Schools and Colleges, Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (WASC-ACCJC)
- Western Association of Schools and Colleges, Senior Colleges and Universities Commission (WASC-SCUC)
While all transfer course work is posted, the applicability of specific courses for the chosen curriculum is determined by the academic department head in conjunction with the college dean.
Louisiana Tech computes the GPA on all courses attempted, including repeated courses, courses with incomplete grades, and those with any other grades, except grades of W, WA, WB, WC, WD and No Credit, under this system:
Grade |
Number of Quality Points: |
A |
4 quality points |
B |
3 quality points |
C |
2 quality points |
D |
1 quality point |
F |
0 quality points |
The symbols “+” and “-” are disregarded. |
A maximum of 60 semester hours from a junior college or community college may be applied toward a bachelor’s degree at Louisiana Tech. Normally, only courses taught at the freshman/sophomore level at Louisiana Tech are accepted from a junior/community college toward a degree at Louisiana Tech.
For students transferring from one public Louisiana college or university to another public Louisiana college or university, there is a Master Course Articulation Matrix that indicates transfer equivalencies. These transfer matrices may be accessed through the Louisiana Board of Regents’ web site at http://www.regents.la.gov/page/master-course-articulation-matrix. Please be advised that the matrices are not all-inclusive. There are additional courses that are articulated between specific campuses. The Louisiana Tech Admissions Office can assist you with individual transfer credit evaluations. Further, Louisiana Tech courses that are on the Master Course Articulation Matrix are indicated as such in the course description section of this Catalog. Statewide articulated courses are generally courses that are accepted for general education transfer credit. A particular course MAY or MAY NOT be accepted as equivalent to or substitute for a course in a specific discipline or major.
Readmission Students
Applicants for readmission to Louisiana Tech must complete an application for admission.
Readmission students who have attended another college/university since they were last enrolled at Louisiana Tech must submit an official transcript from each college/university. Transcripts must be mailed directly from the college/university to Louisiana Tech. If the required transcripts are not received by the end of the first readmitted quarter, the student will not be permitted to attend subsequent quarters. If the required transcripts are submitted and the student is determined to have been ineligible for readmission, no credit will be awarded for that quarter. Official Louisiana Tech academic transcripts will not be provided to any student with incomplete readmission records.
Bridge to Bulldogs
Bridge to Bulldogs is an innovative alternative entry program to Louisiana Tech University. This initiative is an invitation-only, residential summer program that allows students the chance to make a seamless transition into college life at LA Tech. Bridge to Bulldogs students participate in math instruction that is designed to help them achieve the required math performance for admission as a regular student. At the end of the summer program, Bridge to Bulldogs students who meet the requirements are guaranteed automatic entry into Louisiana Tech.
While completing the summer coursework, students will experience student life LA Tech through living in the apartments at LA Tech, receiving academic and social support from various offices, and partaking in the diverse range of student experiences. Bridge to Bulldogs includes dedicated academic advising, student support services and a student life component - all of which are designed to help students succeed in meeting Bridge requirements. While participating in the program, Bridge to Bulldogs students will take a class schedule designed specifically to ensure a smooth transition into LA Tech for the upcoming Fall Quarter. Bridge to Bulldogs staff, in conjunction with the Bulldog Achievement Resource Center, are committed to providing students with the educational tools and services they need to succeed.
Bridge to Bulldogs is an invitation-only program for eligible first-time freshmen. Students who apply to LA Tech as first-time freshmen for the Fall Quarter, immediately following graduation, and do not meet University admissions standards may be invited to join Bridge to Bulldogs. Invitations will be sent to eligible students beginning in mid-spring. Invited students must confirm their acceptance to the program by July 1. This program has a limited capacity and students will enter on a first-come, first served basis.
Bridge students enroll through Louisiana Tech University and participate in a five-week program. To be admitted to LA Tech for the Fall Quarter, Bridge students are required to successfully complete the remedial Math instruction and an optional General Education Requirement (GER) course. Students who satisfy Bridge requirements will be admitted to LA Tech for the subsequent Fall Quarter without being required to resubmit a LA Tech admission application. Students who do not satisfy the Bridge academic requirements may be selected to continue the Bridge program by special circumstances or invited to apply for admission to LA Tech at a later date.
International Admission
Applicants from non-English speaking countries:
Students with a 2.0 GPA must have a 79 iBT TOEFL, 6.5 IELTS, Duolingo English Test of 105, SAT of 1130 (Math: 510, ERW: 500), or ACT of 19 (Math: 510, English 18). Students with a 2.5 GPA must have a 71 TOEFL iBT, 6.0 IELTS, Duolingo English Test of 95, SAT of 830 (Math: 510, ERW: 500), or ACT of 15 (Math: 19, English: 18). College prep curriculum requirements include 3 years of college preparatory mathematics. SAT or ACT are highly recommended.
Applicants from English speaking countries or English speaking high school curriculum, such as IB, international schools, etc.:
Students with a 2.0 GPA must have either SAT of 1130 (Math: 510, ERW: 500), or ACT of 19 (Math: 510, English 18). Students with a 2.5 GPA must have either SAT of 830 (Math: 510, ERW: 500), or ACT of 15 (Math: 19, English: 18).
Applicants from foreign countries must meet the guidelines set forth in Louisiana Tech’s International Admission publication. Contact the Office of International Students and Scholars for a copy.
Visiting and Special Admission
Admission under these criteria is limited to a specific program for one quarter. The student is not regularly admitted to the University, not eligible for financial aid, nor approved to pursue a curriculum. No transcripts are required; however, proof of satisfactory completion of course prerequisites is required. Transfer credit will be awarded. If at a future date the student wishes to transfer to Louisiana Tech, the regular admissions procedures and requirements must be followed.
Inter-Institutional Cooperative Program
Louisiana Tech University and Grambling State University facilitate a cooperative program, the Inter-institutional Cooperative Program (ICP), which enables free student exchange between the two institutions. This makes it possible for students to enroll for courses at both universities. Faculty exchange between the two institutions is also a part of the program.
Application for courses to be taken on the cooperating campuses must be made at the institution where admissions requirements have been met and degree programs are being pursued. Credits gained as an ICP student may apply toward a degree at the home or matriculation university. The student’s divisional dean or authorized representative must approve the course or courses selected and the course load. A copy of the student’s report card bearing the official seal will be furnished to the home institution at reporting time by the visited institution. Credit from the ICP classes is reported on the home school’s transcript as transfer work. To be eligible to participate in the ICP program, a student must pay full-time tuition at the home institution. ICP students receive services from the Division of Student Affairs at the home institution, the institution where admissions requirements have been met and degree programs are being pursued.
(Louisiana Tech Barksdale, extension classes, and credit exams are not included in the ICP program.)
Early and Concurrent Admission
High school students may be considered for early admission to the University if the following requirements are met:
- an overall academic average of 3.0 (B) or better on all work pursued during 3 years (6 semesters) of high school;
- a minimum ACT composite score of 25, or new SAT of 1200 (ERW+M), or an old SAT of 1130 (CR+M) submitted prior to June 1;
- recommendation by the high school principal.
The student may be enrolled full- or part-time. Upon earning a minimum of 24 semester hours at the University, the student is issued a diploma by the high school last attended.
High school students may be eligible for concurrent admission to the University if the following requirements are met:
- an overall academic average of 3.0 (B) or better on all subjects taken during the previous 2 years;
- a preferred ACT composite score of 24, or new SAT of 1160 (ERW+M), or old SAT of 1090 (CR+M) submitted to the University;
- recommendation by the high school principal.
The student may enroll in one University course per quarter. Upon admission to the University as a freshman, the credits earned in this program may be used to satisfy degree requirements.
Forms for these programs can be obtained through the Admissions Office.
Summer Enrichment Program for High School Students
The Summer Enrichment at Tech (SET) program is designed to enable capable high school juniors to invest the summer between their junior and senior years in University studies. For nearly 40 years, SET has been an outstanding success. Special effort is made to choose courses that will not conflict with twelfth-grade high school courses.
Grades and credits are recorded by the Registrar but will be validated to the student’s transcript only after application for validation of the credits.
For more information on SET write to:
Summer Enrichment at Tech
P.O. Box 3178
Louisiana Tech University
Ruston, Louisiana 71272-0001
Summer Scholars Program
Students with exceptional academic records may participate in Louisiana Tech’s Summer Scholars Program, which allows students who will be entering freshmen in the Fall to get an early start by enrolling in the Summer Quarter. Special scholarships are available for qualifying students. Contact the Office of Undergraduate Admissions for more information.
Summer Orientation
An orientation and registration program for all new freshmen is held each Summer preceding Fall registration. The Summer sessions, conducted by the Office of Undergraduate Admissions, are open to all beginning freshmen who have graduated in the spring of that calendar year and who have received official notice of acceptance to Louisiana Tech University.
The purpose of the orientation and registration program is to enable the entering student to become familiar with the University, its academic programs, major courses of study, and to explore educational and vocational interests and goals. Each student will select courses for the Fall Quarter and complete registration, except for payment of fees.
The objectives of the program are 1) to introduce the student to Louisiana Tech University and make the transition from high school a smooth and orderly process; (2) to provide the student with academic direction and more personal attention through faculty advising and counseling; (3) to acquaint the student with opportunities, responsibilities, and regulations of the University; (4) to register the student for classes with the exception of payment of tuition/fees (fees will be paid prior to the beginning of the Fall Quarter with the date announced at orientation); and (5) to acquaint parents with University standards for students and provide an overview of Louisiana Tech University.
Special orientation sessions for transfer students are also conducted during the summer.
Louisiana Tech offers scholarship awards through the Admissions Office, as well as through the academic colleges and departments. Incoming freshmen should, apply for admission by the priority deadline of January 15, to be considered for first-round scholarships. Second-round scholarships are awarded as funds are available. Transfer student scholarships will be awarded on a first come, first-served basis to admitted students with 24 or more semester hours and the appropriate grade point average. Apply for admission at admissions.latech.edu or contact the Admissions office at (318) 257-3036. For scholarship information based on an academic major or a talent-based performance area please contact the individual college or department.
Louisiana’s Residency Regulations
The residency status of an applicant or student is determined in accordance with the University of Louisiana System regulations and is based upon evidence provided in the application for admission and related documents. Residency status for undergraduate students is determined by an Admissions Officer after the completed application for admission has been submitted. Graduate students must apply through the Graduate School.
The regulations are based primarily on the location of the home and the place of employment. Residency status may not be acquired by an applicant or student while residing in Louisiana for the primary purpose of attending school.
Residency status is not determined for graduate students registered for 3 semester hours or less and undergraduate students registered for 6 semester hours or less.
All students classified incorrectly as residents are subject to reclassification and payment of all non-resident fees not paid. If incorrect classification results from false or concealed facts by the student, the student is also subject to disciplinary action.
It is the student’s responsibility to provide Louisiana Tech with such evidence as deemed necessary to establish the student’s residency status.
Any student classified as a nonresident may appeal his/her classification to Louisiana Tech University’s Appeals Committee. An appeal form may be obtained from and submitted to the Admissions Office, Hale Hall.
If an appeal is approved, it becomes effective during the quarter in which the appeal is approved. If the appeal is the result of a mid-quarter change in status (e.g. marriage), the appeal becomes effective for the following quarter.
The following conditions may be used in determining residency status:
- An applicant living with his/her parents is classified as a resident if the parents have established a bona fide residence in Louisiana. Ordinarily, a parent is considered to have established a residence in Louisiana if the parent actually resides and is employed full-time in the state. A parent who is unable to be employed or who is a house-spouse may be considered to have established a residence in Louisiana if there is convincing evidence that the parent continuously resides in Louisiana. If only one parent qualifies as a resident of Louisiana, the student shall be classified as a resident provided that the student resides with the parent who is a resident of Louisiana. An individual who resides in Louisiana and is employed full-time in another state may be classified as a resident. In such cases, appropriate documentary evidence must be presented.
- A student residing with his/her parents who enrolls as a nonresident is classified as a resident if his/her parents move to Louisiana and acquire residence as defined in these regulations.
- A student may be declared a resident if either parent is a graduate of Louisiana Tech. A student who graduates with an associate’s or higher degree may be classified as a resident for subsequent enrollment at Louisiana Tech. (Applicable only to U.S. citizens).
- A person may be classified as a resident of Louisiana at the end of 12 consecutive months of residence if he/she has been employed full time in Louisiana, and if during that period he/she has not been registered at Louisiana Tech University for more than 3 semester hours or its equivalent in any quarter (this number of semester hours could be 6 per semester at other educational institutions in Louisiana). A person who is unable to be employed and has not been registered in any educational institution for more than 6 semester hours, or its equivalent in any semester (3 semester hours at Louisiana Tech) may acquire residence in Louisiana.
- A student who is married to a Louisiana resident may acquire the residence status of his/her spouse.
- A person who resides in Louisiana for at least two years, exclusive of military service, and then moves to another state or foreign country retains the right to enroll as a resident (including dependents) for a period equal to the number of years residing in Louisiana. The right shall expire upon the person’s residing for a period of two years in another state or foreign country.
- A member of the Armed Forces currently stationed in Louisiana and his/her dependents shall be classified as Louisiana residents. Service personnel who were stationed in Louisiana immediately prior to their release from active duty may enroll as Louisiana residents (including dependents), during a period not to exceed six months after the date of release provided that their term of active duty shall have been not less than 12 consecutive months.
- A member of the Armed Forces who was a resident of Louisiana immediately prior to entering the Armed Forces retains the right for him/her or any of his/her dependents to be classified as a resident as long as he/she is in the Armed Forces and for a two-year period after leaving the Armed Forces.
- A resident of Louisiana does not lose the right to be classified as a resident during periods of employment in a foreign country.
- An alien who has been lawfully admitted to the U.S. for permanent residence as an immigrant (proof of such status in his/her possession of two valid forms: I-151-Alien Registration Receipt Card or passport stamp evidencing temporary Alien Registration Receipt Card) and he/she has established residence under any of the foregoing provisions shall be declared a resident of the state.
Non-U.S. Resident: A student who is a non-U.S. citizen may be entitled to resident classification if the student has been lawfully admitted to the United States for permanent residence (refugee, person who is married to a U.S. citizen, “temporary” or amnesty alien, etc.). This granting of residence status for fee purposes shall be in accordance with all applicable laws of the U.S. and relative requirements of the System’s Student Residence Regulations.
Students and their dependents (INS approval) present in the United Stated under terms of any one of the following visa classifications:
- E – Treaty trader or investor
- G – Representative of international organization
- H-1B – Temporary worker in a specialty occupation (H-1A and H-4 may also apply to qualify for exemption)
- I – Foreign information media representative
- K – Fiancee (residency approved with the proof of marriage to U.S. citizen)
- L – Intra-company transferee/foreign employer who demonstrate a Louisiana domicile for at least one full year (and meet System Regulations) prior to the first day of class of the beginning of the semester will be eligible for an exemption of the nonresident fees while holding such a visa.
Students holding the following visa classification:
- Visa Category A – Government officials will be immediately eligible for an exemption of the nonresident fees while holding such a visa.
Students holding the following visa classification:
- B – Visitor for business/pleasure
- C – In transit
- D – Crewman
- F – Academic student
- H – Temporary worker
- J – Exchange visitor
- M – Vocational/non-academic student
are not eligible to establish Louisiana domicile nor be exempted for nonresident fees unless otherwise permitted by law, by System policy or other regulations.
It is to be noted that the domicile of a dependent or an unmarried minor is regarded to be that of the parent with whom such a dependent or minor maintains his/her place of abode.
Bulldog Out-of-State Tuition & Fee Scholarship
Undergraduate students who are not residents of Louisiana may be awarded a Bulldog Scholarship, which covers all out-of-state tuition and fees, provided they meet the academic qualifications. Contact the Office of Admissions for more information.
Academic Renewal
Undergraduate students who have dropped out or have been suspended because of poor academic performance may request to start over with the status of an entering freshman at Louisiana Tech University under the provisions of academic renewal. The following conditions apply:
- At least three consecutive calendar years must elapse between the end of the quarter in which the student was last registered for credit at any college or university and being enrolled under academic renewal.
- The student must submit a written application for academic renewal to the Academic Renewal Subcommittee of the Enrollment Management Council. This application must be received by the subcommittee by the end of the official last class day of the first quarter of attendance at Louisiana Tech. It should also indicate any circumstances that have changed since the last enrollment, which would support a reasonable expectation of the candidate’s academic success. Submit the application to: Enrollment Management Council, Louisiana Tech University, P.O. Box 3178, Ruston, Louisiana 71272-0001.
- The Academic Renewal Subcommittee will review the application and determine the candidate’s eligibility for renewal prior to the end of the student’s first quarter of enrollment at Louisiana Tech.
- No prior academic credit carries forward as part of a degree program; however, the prior record remains a visible part of the student’s transcript.
- If granted, the date of academic renewal is entered upon the transcript along with a statement prohibiting use of previously earned credits and quality points to meet degree requirements, to compute the grade point average leading toward undergraduate certificates or degrees, or to determine graduation status.
- Upon being granted academic renewal, the student has status as an entering freshman with no credits attempted and no quality points earned.
- A student who demonstrates competency in a given area may be allowed advanced standing (without credit) or a waiver of requirements just as any entering freshman. Credit exams may be taken for courses in which grades of “C” or higher were earned.
- Academic renewal may be granted to a person only once, regardless of the institutions attended.
- Students are cautioned that many undergraduate professional curricula, graduate, and professional schools compute the undergraduate grade point average over all hours attempted when considering applications for admission.
- Transfer students who have previously been granted academic renewal will use the application procedure described above for consideration of transfer of renewal.
- Academic renewal does not pertain to accumulated financial aid history. Accumulated quarters and award limits include all quarters of enrollment.
Placement Requirements for English, Mathematics, and First Year Experience
Placement in entry-level college courses is based on the Enhanced ACT/SAT test scores. If no scores are on file in the Office of Admissions, the score will be considered to be 0 in all areas at the time of application for admission. Registration information for the ACT can be obtained through Counseling and Career Services, (318) 257-2488
New Freshmen
Subject |
Criteria |
Placement |
English |
English ACT less than or equal to 17, or New SAT (ERW) less than or equal to 499, or SAT Critical Reading (pre-2016 test date) less than or equal to 440 |
Placement in ENGL 099 or equivalent |
English ACT greater than or equal to 18, or New SAT (ERW) greater than or equal to 500, or SAT Critical Reading (pre-2016 test date) greater than or equal to 450. |
Placement in ENGL 101 |
English ACT greater than or equal to 30, or New SAT (ERW) greater than or equal to 670, or SAT Critical Reading greater than or equal to 680. |
Credit for ENGL 101 is granted if English ACT or New SAT (ERW)/Critical Reading score earned within the previous 5 years. |
Subject |
Criteria |
Placement |
Math |
- Math ACT: 0-18
- Math SAT: 0-500
- Math SAT (pre-2016 test date): 0-450
Placement in MATH 099 or equivalent. Beginning and intermediate algebra. Does not count toward fulfilling math requirement for any college major. |
- Math ACT: 19-21
- Math SAT: 510-530
- Math SAT (pre-2016 test date): 460-510
Placement in MATH 100B *& MATH 100C *. No credit exam is available for bypassing MATH 100B & MATH 100C . 5-credit format for college algebra. Includes review material from MATH 099 and allows additional instruction hours for college algebra material. |
- Math ACT: 19-21
- Math SAT: 510-530
- Math SAT (pre-2016 test date): 460-510
Placement in MATH 102 and ENGR 189B (to be replaced by MATH 103B and MATH 103C in 2017). 5-credit “co-requisite” delivery format for applied algebra. Less rigorous than college algebra. MATH 099 content is practiced just-in-time in the 2-credit ENGR 189B while students learn applied algebra in the 3-credit MATH 102. |
- Math ACT: 22-25*
- Math SAT: 540-600
- Math SAT (pre-2016 test date): 520-580
Placement in MATH 101 . 3-credit format for college algebra. Does not include review material from MATH 099. |
- Math ACT: 22-25
- Math SAT: 540-600
- Math SAT (pre-2016 test date): 520-580
Placement in MATH 102 . 3-credit hour format for applied algebra. Less rigorous than college algebra |
- Math ACT: 26+ **
- Math SAT: 610+
- Math SAT (pre-2016 test date): 590+
Placement in MATH 112 ***. Trigonometry. |
- Math ACT: 26+ **
- Math SAT: 610+
- Math SAT (pre-2016 test date): 590+
Placement in MATH 125 . Algebra with applications for business, management, and the social sciences. |
- Math ACT: 26+ **
- Math SAT: 610+
- Math SAT (pre-2016 test date): 590+
Placement in MATH 130 . Mathematics focusing on the usefulness and practicality of mathematics, no algebra content. |
- Math ACT: 26+ **
- Math SAT: 610+
- Math SAT (pre-2016 test date): 590+
Placement in MATH 240 ****. Precalculus. |
- Math ACT: 26+ **
- Math SAT: 610+
- Math SAT (pre-2016 test date): 590+
Placement in STAT 200 . Introductory, algebra-based statistics. |
NOTE: Permission to take a credit exam in a given course will be denied those students who have previously attempted the course and/or the credit exam. Refer to the Louisiana Tech Credit Exam section of this Catalog for additional information.
* Students with a Math ACT 24-25, Math SAT 580-600, or Math SAT (pre-2016 test date) 560-580 are eligible to sit for the Math Credit Exam (MATH 101-E01) administered at the beginning of each term in order to earn credit for MATH 101 . MATH 101 credit can substitute for MATH 102 . Studying for the credit exam is highly recommended. Please see http://www2.latech.edu/~charlesp/mathcreditexammain.htm for credit exam study materials provided free. Select the link, “Instructions for Accessing Math Review Materials”. Print the instruction sheet and follow the instructions.
** Students automatically receive credit for MATH 101 with this Math ACT/SAT score if Math ACT/SAT test date is within previous 5 years.
*** Eligible for Math Credit Exam (MATH 112-E01) to earn credit for MATH 112 . Studying for the credit exam is highly recommended. Please see http://www2.latech.edu/~charlesp/mathcreditexammain.htm for credit exam study materials provided free. Select the link, “Instructions for Accessing Math Review Materials”. Print the instruction sheet and follow the instructions
**** Eligible for Math Credit Exam (MATH 240-E01) to earn credit for MATH 240 . Studying for the credit exam is highly recommended. Please see http://www2.latech.edu/~charlesp/mathcreditexammain.htm for credit exam study materials provided free. Select the link, “Instructions for Accessing Math Review Materials”. Print the instruction sheet and follow the instructions.
Scores effective Fall 2021.
Transfer Students
Transfer students must satisfy the same placement requirements as beginning freshmen with the exception of University Seminar:
University Seminar - Transfer Student Placement
ACT/SAT Score |
Placement |
0-17 Reading ACT, 0-850 Verbal + Math SAT, and transferring in fewer than 18 credit hours |
Option to enroll in UNIV 101 (3 credits) |
18 or higher Reading ACT, 860 or higher Verbal + Math ACT, and transferring in fewer than 18 semester credit hours |
Option to enroll in UNIV 100 (1 credit) |
All students who transfer in 18 or more semester credit hours |
Option to enroll in UNIV 100 (1 credit) |
Developmental Education
A student whose ACT/SAT score does not place them in college level mathematics or English and who were admitted to the University with an Admissions Override, must register for and successfully complete their developmental courses within the first four quarters of enrollment at Louisiana Tech University. Developmental courses are those courses numbered 099 in English or mathematics. Louisiana Tech University no longer teaches 099 courses, therefore an equivalent course from a community college or other college/university must be transferred to Louisiana Tech to fulfill this requirement. Please contact the Office of Undergraduate Admissions for additional information.
No credit is allowed in any curriculum for any courses with a catalog number beginning with 0 (e.g., ENGL 099 ).
First Year Experience (FYE)
New to Louisiana Tech University programming is the First Year Experience (FYE). The mission of FYE is to support and advance efforts to improve academic and co-curricular resources into and through the first-year student’s higher education experience. FYE focuses on giving the first-year student the resources and support needed to successfully transition to college. Louisiana Tech University has a long history of providing services to first-year students; however, this year the Common Reading Program, the First-Year Convocation and the Tenets of Tech Medallion are being coordinated and implemented under the FYE umbrella. It is our goal to provide special events and activities to help students excel academically, find friends, adjust to college life, and balance academic and social schedules. View more information at the First Year Experience.
The Honors Program
Louisiana Tech’s Honors Program is designed to meet the needs of students of exceptional ability and motivation. Honors students may take special Honors classes, which are usually small and taught by some of the best and most innovative faculty. Smaller classes and challenging professors provide greater interaction between students and faculty and among the students themselves. They also make it possible for professors and students to explore topics in greater depth or at a higher level of sophistication than in regular classes. In addition to special classes, Honors students enjoy a number of privileges including priority registration, and access to social, academic, and cultural events designed specifically for them.
Honors students may also work toward formal recognition of superior achievement in two ways:
- Honors students who complete 21 hours of honors courses receive an Honors Scholar designation on their official academic transcript, an Honors Scholar certificate, and recognition for their achievement at graduation.
- Honors students may also receive Senior Honors Scholar designation by completing 9 semester hours of Honors classes at the 400-level, including a senior thesis.
Students entering Louisiana Tech as freshmen, who have a composite score of 27 on the ACT (or a comparable score on the SAT) and/or graduated in the top 5% of their high school graduating class are invited to apply to the Honors Program. Students who do not meet these requirements but who wish to join the Honors Program will be considered on an individual basis. Continuing or transfer students above the classification of freshman may apply with a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or better.
For more information, email honors@latech.edu or contact:
Director, The Honors Program
P.O. Box 10078
Louisiana Tech University
Ruston, Louisiana 71272-0001