Feb 13, 2025  
University Catalog 2017-2018 
University Catalog 2017-2018 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Affairs

Return to: General University Overview    

Student Affairs Overview

The Division of Student Affairs is organized for the purpose of assisting students in determining self-direction and personal goals and to encourage development of skills for the satisfactory attainment of those goals. For this purpose the services of the division are many and varied with emphasis on the individual student.

Thus, any prospective Louisiana Tech student should become familiar with the following services of the Division of Student Affairs:

  • Admissions
  • Bookstore
  • Co-curricular Programs
  • Counseling Services and Career Center
  • Enrollment Management
  • Financial Aid
  • Food Services
  • Housing/Residential Life
  • International Student Office
  • Student Conduct and Academic Integrity
  • Multicultural Affairs
  • Recreation/Intramurals
  • Student Activities and Student Organizations
  • Student Health Center
  • Testing and Disability Services
  • University Police

NOTICE: The regulations contained in this Catalog are based upon present and foreseen conditions, and the University reserves the right to modify any statement in accordance with unforeseen conditions.

Off-Campus Housing Application Requirements

The University of Louisiana System has adopted resolutions that affect the housing policy at Louisiana Tech University and all other colleges and universities under its jurisdiction. In compliance with the University of Louisiana System, Louisiana Tech has the following on-campus residency requirement:

All unmarried full-time undergraduate students, regardless of age or whether or not emancipated, except those living with parents, are required to live in on-campus residence halls or apartments as long as space is available, and purchase a meal plan.

The resolutions further define the on-campus residency requirement to include a framework within which the colleges and universities may grant exemptions to the general regulation according to the unique academic character, academic traditions, objectives, and special qualities of each institution, keeping in mind the total objectives of higher education in Louisiana. The philosophy of higher education in Louisiana includes, in addition to the basic and primary educational pursuits, additional enrichment afforded by student life facilities and programs, all of which form an integral part of the total educational experience of the student.

In order to be consistent in granting exemptions from the on-campus residency requirement, all unmarried full-time undergraduate students, regardless of age or whether or not emancipated, except those living with parents, are required to make application if they wish to be considered for an exemption.

Applications for exemption to the on-campus residence requirement must be made in writing to the Student Life Office no later than 14 days prior to the beginning of the quarter. The student is notified by the Student Life Office of the decision rendered by the committee. Forms are available in the Student Affairs Office, Keeny Hall Room 305 or they can be downloaded from http://www.latech.edu/students/.

Any student who has applied for and been denied an exemption to the on-campus residence requirement shall have the right to appeal such decision to proper officials in accordance with the provisions and administrative procedures for appeal authorized and established pursuant to the authority of Act 59 of 1969 (L.R.S. 17:3101) and the rules of procedure of the State Board supplemental thereto. Such appeals will be made to the Student Life Office and shall apply only to students who have submitted applications before the listed deadline.

Single, full-time undergraduate students who are living with their parents should contact the Student Life Office for information about the commuting process. Completed, notarized forms (available at http://www.latech.edu/students/) must be submitted to the Student Life Office prior to 14 days before the beginning of the quarter.

If the residence halls are full, exemptions to the requirement of on-campus residence hall living may be made according to the following priority:

  1. First, undergraduate students who wish to live with a close relative, defined as grandparents, married brother, or married sister.
  2. Second, undergraduate students who wish to live in social fraternity houses.
  3. Third, seniors.
  4. Fourth, juniors.
  5. Fifth, sophomores.
  6. Sixth, freshmen.

Within each of the foregoing classifications, the following additional rules of priority shall be applied:

  1. First, students who have resided in off-campus housing the longest period of time.
  2. Second, date application was received.

In addition, an exemption may be applied for in a hardship case or by an older student.

Definitions of Housing Terminology

The following words and phrases, in the absence of clearer indications, have the following interpretations:

  • “Living with parent” means any place of abode owned, rented, or leased and occupied by the parent.
  • “Living with close relatives” means any place of abode owned, rented or leased and occupied by the grandparent, married brother, or married sister.
  • “Living in social fraternity houses” means living in any house owned, rented, or leased by a University-recognized social fraternity.
  • “Senior” means an undergraduate student who has earned a minimum of 90 semester hours.
  • “Junior” means an undergraduate student who has earned a minimum of 60 semester hours.
  • “Sophomore” means an undergraduate student who has earned a minimum of 30 semester hours.
  • “Freshman” means an undergraduate student who has not yet earned 30 semester hours.
  • “Student who has resided in off-campus housing for the longest period of time” means a student who has lived off-campus for the most quarters, other than with a parent.
  • “Date application was received” means recording the date the applications for exemption are received in the Student Life Office.
  • “Hardship case” means a person who will suffer significant hardship because of valid financial, medical, or other sound reasons. (Special diets are available in on-campus dining facilities.)
  • “Older student” means a person where a determination of fact that such individual is, by virtue of age and experience, incompatible with the residence hall age group.

Students found violating the policy as stated in the above paragraphs are required to move into the residence hall system and pay full room rent and associated fees for the quarter in which the violation occurred. A student is referred to the Behavioral Standards Committee if he/she refuses to move into the residence hall and pay the rent.


Applications for residence hall/apartment reservations are accepted beginning October 15 of each year for the following summer, fall, winter, and spring quarters. Reservation contracts are not confirmed until the following have been submitted to the University’s Residential Life Office:

  • completed residence hall application, and
  • a $150 non-refundable application/reservation fee (check, money order, or credit card only).

All residence hall students are required to pay for room and meals. Fall assignments are mailed the beginning of July, and winter, spring, and summer assignments are e-mailed one week before the quarter begins. For additional information call (318) 257-4917, or log on to www.latech.edu/students/residential-life.

Residence Hall Accommodations

Specific room assignments for new Louisiana Tech students are made according to the date the completed residence hall room contracts for the student and his/her roommate requests, if any, are received. Roommate requests must be mutual and submitted before the deadline. Returning students presently living in the residence halls are re-assigned to their same rooms fall quarter through spring quarter unless a room change is requested. A limited number of halls are open each summer quarter. All buildings close at the end of each quarter, except apartments.


At an announced time during each spring quarter, all current residents pay a $100 reservation fee to secure a room for the summer and/or fall quarters. Residents may complete their reservations in person at the Residential Life Office located in the Bulldog Achievement Resource Center (BARC) on the 2nd floor of Wyly Tower. Resident may or may not have the option to reserve their current room. Students may reserve spaces on campus based on a calendar of specific dates that will be sent to the student by letter and be email. Failure to pay the reservation fee within the announced time frame may result in the loss of the resident’s room.

Terms under which Residence Hall Rooms are Contracted

The University reserves all rights in connection with room assignments or termination of their occupancy. Occupants of residence hall rooms/apartments are held liable for damage to the University property within the room, building, and all other University property they use or to which they have access. Louisiana Tech is not responsible for loss of property in the residence halls/apartments due to theft, floods, interruptions of utilities, or other causes. The University does not refund rent for loss of or interruptions in utilities. A personal property insurance policy is recommended.

The Residential Life Office reserves the right to cancel the student’s reservation if the student fails to check into his/her assigned room by 5p.m. the day before late registration begins.

The current student who does not return to the residence hall/apartment the following quarter must advise the Residential Life Office of his/her plans and check out of the residence hall/apartment by the close of the current quarter. Academically suspended students must check out of the residence halls/apartments by Friday of the first week of the quarter.

The student who leaves the residence halls/apartments under authorization of the University and in compliance with University rules and regulations, and remains in school will forfeit the unexpended portion of room payment (rent) for the quarter.

“Official check-out” and “conclusion of the use of the room” are defined as having moved all personal belongings out of the room, completing check-out paperwork with a resident assistant or hall director, and processing a check-out slip through the Residential Life Office.

A student is considered living in the residence hall room/apartment until he/she has officially checked out of the residence hall system, concluded the use of the room, and completed the processing of the check-out.

A student continues payment for room rent and meals until all official check-out procedures are completed. The student may continue to use the food service, if so desired. To do so, the student must notify the cashier in the Comptroller’s Office of this decision. If the student does not wish to continue using the food service, the unexpended portion of payment for the pay period involved is forfeited.

The student who resigns from the University receives a 75% refund of room rent prior to the 9th class day and no refund of room rent thereafter. No refunds are given to students who are dismissed from the University or the residence halls/apartments for academic or disciplinary reasons.

All penalties and charges incurred during a quarter must be paid at the cashier’s window in the Comptroller’s Office before the end of the quarter that the charge(s) was incurred, or charges will be held against the student’s record and the student cannot register.

International Students and Faculty

The Office of International Student & Scholar Services (ISSS) works in conjunction with the University to meet all requirements stipulated by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), as a university authorized to host international students and faculty.

The office provides services to international students and visiting researchers by offering orientation programs to assist in the adjustment to a new environment, maintaining current USCIS files, providing personal and educational guidance, assisting students in obtaining social security numbers and special work authorization, and by serving as an informational resource for meeting all immigration requirements.

The Office of ISSS sponsors a number of cross-cultural events and programs intended to enhance the educational experience of all University students and faculty, as well as the American host community. For more information call (318) 257-4321, or log on to http://iso.latech.edu/.

Student Health Center

The Student Health Center, located in South Hall, has registered nurses on duty between 7:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Services are offered free or with minimal charge to all students. Services include, but are not limited to:

  • physical assessment of ears, eyes, nose, throat and upper respiratory;
  • first-aid treatment for minor injuries;
  • removal of stitches and staples;
  • blood pressure checks; and
  • the administering of allergy and immunization shots.

Limited lab work as well as crutches and heating pads are available. Referrals to medical doctors are made through a voucher system when indicated. Student medical histories are maintained by the Center.

Medical expenses for services incurred outside the Health Center are the responsibility of the student. See “Accident and Health Insurance” as described on this page.

In the event of an outbreak of measles, mumps, rubella, or meningitis, students who have not provided documentation of immunity will be excluded from attendance of campus activities, including classes, until the appropriate disease incubation period has expired. For more information call (318) 257-4866, or log on to www.latech.edu/students/health-services.

Student Accident and Health Insurance

Accident insurance is provided through the Student Government Association (SGA) by a self-assessment fee paid at the time of fee payment. Details are provided in a flyer distributed by the SGA.

Counseling Services

Counseling Services is located in 310 Keeny Hall. Licensed professional counselors, counseling psychology doctoral interns, and the consultation of a licensed psychologist are available to enrolled students who are experiencing personal/emotional, academic, or career concerns.

  • Personal/Emotional Counseling. Issues might include those related to adjustment to college, relationships, sexuality, anxiety, stress, anger, eating disorders, depression, and suicidal thinking. Student needs that are within the scope of the counselors’ training are met for these issues through individual and group counseling.
  • Academic Support. Students are invited to work with a counselor and/or attend a workshop to determine areas of strength and weakness in their academic strategies. The counselor and student work together to determine goals for addressing such factors as time management, examination preparation, anxiety reduction, concentration and memory improvement, and motivation.
  • Career Decision Making. Quarterly workshops, a career development class, and individual career counseling are offered by professional career counselors to assist students in developing career decision-making skills, in assessing ability, personality, interest and values and in acquiring information about careers. A Career Resource Lab houses current publications as well as a state-of-the-art computerized career information system.
  • Alcohol and Other Drug Education. Educational, intervention, and treatment programs assist students in understanding use/abuse of alcohol and other drugs, as well as their impact on student development.

    Counselors also train the Peer Leadership Council, an elite group of students who provide educational programming and facilitate discussions on issues vital to student development.

    Counseling Services is accredited by the International Association of Counseling Services, Inc. and services are delivered free and under a strict code of confidentiality. For more information about any programs offered through Counseling Services, call (318) 257-2488, or log on to www.latech.edu/students/counseling/.

Career Center

The Career Center provides numerous resources and services to students and alumni of Louisiana Tech. Students are encouraged to participate in on-campus interviews and attend seminars that assist in the development of job search skills. Seminars are offered quarterly on the following topics:

  • orientation on Career Center services,
  • writing an effective resume,
  • the successful interview,
  • professional image (including LinkedIn and the use of social media),
  • evaluating and negotiating job offers,
  • federal job search,
  • job search in difficult economic times,
  • business dining, and
  • conducting a long distance job search.

    Additional resources include TechLink, a career services management system to connect students with employers and to job listings, an extensive career library/lab, which contains informational videos, employer literature, reference materials, professional journals, career education and planning information, and information relating to federal employment opportunities.

    Each year the Center sponsors Fall Career Days, Spring Career Day, Graduate & Professional School Fair, and Teacher Recruitment Day. Individual appointments are available to students and alumni with concerns about any phase of career planning and development.

    Career Decision Making. Quarterly workshops, a career development class, and individual career counseling are offered by professional career counselors to assist students in developing career decision-making skills, in assessing ability, personality, interest and values and in acquiring information about careers. A Career Resource Lab houses current publications as well as a state-of-the-art computerized career information system.

    The Career Center is located in Keeny Hall 337. For additional information, call (318) 257-4336. Learn more about the Career Center at www.latech.edu/career_center/ - a site for students, alumni, and employers.

Co-Curricular Programs

The Office of Co-Curricular Programs, located in 206 Wyly Tower, works jointly with Academic Affairs and Student Affairs to plan and implement programs concurrent with the academic experience. Included are freshman year experiences and service learning. For more information, call (318) 257-4730.

Vehicle Registration

Louisiana Tech requires all faculty, staff, students, and employees who are in any way connected with the University to register their vehicle regardless of ownership and to secure and properly display a parking permit. All vehicles must be registered by the third day of classes for any quarter. Also, vehicles that are purchased or acquired during the quarter must be registered before parking on campus. See vehicle regulations for family or significant other visitor parking rules. Students may register more than one vehicle.

Vehicles may be registered and decals obtained in the Campus Traffic Office located in South Hall.

Each registrant must present a valid driver’s license or other picture ID and vehicle registration certificate or bill of sale. All faculty, staff, and students are bound by parking and traffic regulations regardless of whether they register a vehicle. The brochure Louisiana Tech Vehicle Regulations may be obtained in the Traffic Office.

Student Conduct

Louisiana Tech University students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that will not bring discredit but honor to themselves and the institution. Minimal standards of conduct are set forth in the Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Behavior brochure. Each student is required to become acquainted with the contents of this brochure, which can be obtained in the Office of Student Life or on the web at www.latech.edu/students/student_conduct/

University Police Department

The Louisiana Tech Police Department enhances the University’s mission by contributing the following:

  • Campus safety. It enforces city, state and federal statutes through vehicular patrol, foot patrol, criminal investigations, narcotic investigations, and police cart patrol. The department enhances the welfare of students by providing assistance as needed (such as escorts, traffic control, officers to increase safety at athletic and special events, and assistance in emergency situations).
  • Educational Seminars. It conducts public education seminars in drug education, theft prevention, and D.W.I. awareness.
  • Behavioral standards. It enforces behavioral standards for students as provided for in the Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Behavior brochure through referral to the appropriate university official(s).
  • Always accessible. The department has a 24hour information and communications center.

Under Louisiana law, R.S. 17:1805, Louisiana Tech police officers have law enforcement authority including the power of arrest and are commissioned by the Department of Public Safety. All Louisiana Tech police officers are graduates of a P.O.S.T. certified basic police academy. Additionally, officers attend advanced training and update training as needed.

The Louisiana Tech Police Department is located in South Hall on the corner of Tech Drive and Hergot Avenue. Any on-campus emergency, request for on-campus police assistance, or the reporting of on-campus criminal activity should be made to the Louisiana Tech Police Department at 257-4018.

Patrol officers are radio-dispatched upon call to assist the public 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Requests for police assistance may also be initiated with one button dialing on any of 22 emergency phones located on the campus.

Criminal activity is investigated by the Patrol and Investigative Divisions of the department, and offenders are subject to criminal prosecution and University action. Criminal activity may also be reported under the Louisiana Tech Crime Stoppers program at 318-257-4018. Louisiana Tech Crime Stoppers is a regular feature in the student newspaper. Additional procedures for responding to campus emergencies are outlined in the University Safety Manual.

The Louisiana Tech Police Department is a department in the Division of Student Affairs directed by the Chief of University Police who reports to the Dean of Student Life. Additional information on the University Police Department may be found in the Student Handbook or at www.latech.edu/students/university-police.

Student Activities and Organizations

Louisiana Tech University provides a variety of organizations to meet the needs of its student population. With more than 150 different clubs and organizations to join, one can be assured of finding something of interest. Service, governing, professional, and religious/special interest groups exist both on- and off-campus to provide students with opportunities for growth and development outside the classroom.

The Student Government Association (SGA) offers students the possibility of getting involved in politics and government. From a professional perspective, Louisiana Tech offers a number of organizations in the areas of engineering, business, science, education, and liberal arts.

Tech’s diversity can be seen through organizations on campus. Special interest clubs meet the needs of our students in a variety of ways. Through involvement in the Union Board, the campus entertainment organization, or KLPI, the campus radio station, students can gain valuable experiences that will train them for the future. Religious organizations are another vital part of the university life for so many of our students.

Involvement in extracurricular organizations and clubs is essential to the overall education of Louisiana Tech students. One can benefit by getting involved and taking part in the various areas of student organizations on campus.

For more information, contact the Office of Student Activities. A complete listing of all organizations and activities can be obtained in order to assist students in the process of getting involved in all that Louisiana Tech has to offer can be obtained by calling (318) 257-3479.

Testing and Disability Services

The Department of Testing and Disability Services (Wyly Tower Room 318) coordinates campus-wide efforts to provide information and services to Louisiana Tech students and others. Inquiries concerning services for students with disabilities should be directed to the coordinator of Disability Services. Services are available to students who provide appropriate documentation to the Office of Disability Services. Any student with a documented disability (e.g., physical, learning, psychiatric, vision, hearing, etc.) and seeking classroom accommodations should contact the instructor(s) and Disability Services at the beginning of each quarter. (318) 257-4221. www.latech.edu/ods. Inquiries concerning testing should be directed to the Testing Coordinator. The Testing Center offers; ACT Compass, CLEP, Proctored, Major Field Tests, Miller Analogies, and the Pre-Admission RN for the NLN. The Testing Center also serves as a test manager for some online exams. For more information regarding the ACT, LSAT and PRAXIS, please contact Counseling and Career Services at (318) 257-2488. The Testing Center does not administer assessments to identify learning disabilities.

It is the policy of the University that issues concerning accommodations of students and applicants for student status in regard to participation in academic and other programs, activities and services of the University should be expeditiously resolved between the person requesting the accommodation and the University office representing the department, program, or service. The University’s Office of Testing and Disability Services (TDS) serves as the main point of contact on issues related to ADA compliance for all persons involved in providing class instruction at the University. The TDS will work with students and departments to provide effective and satisfactory accommodations.

Unresolved requests for accommodations or complaints regarding alleged violations of requirements should be presented via the grievance form to the Office of Testing and Disability Services or the ADA Coordinator within 30 days after the individual becomes aware of the unresolved issue. The form is found at http://www.latech.edu/students/ods/pdfs/complaint_form.pdf. The written request should provide the name and address of the individual filing the complaint and a brief description of the alleged violation and requested resolution. Students may also raise accessibility concerns verbally.

Multicultural Affairs

The Office of Multicultural Affairs (OMA) assists the University in its goals of promoting diversity by recruiting and retaining minority students.  OMA is committed to creative leadership and strong advocacy that fosters and enriched campus diversity with a goal of promoting cultural understanding, inclusion and positive relationships that supports student success.  OMA provides services to aid in the educational, social, cultural and developmental success of all students.

The office sponsors multicultural activities and events, fosters leadership opportunities, suppports student activities and multicultural student organizatoins, and provides workshops and advising that support and promote degree completion.  For more information call (318) 257-2077 or log onto http://www.latech.edu/students/multicultural-affairs/.

Referrals will be made as follows:

Academic/curricula - Vice President for Academic Affairs (Dr. Terry McConathy, tmm@latech.edu)
Facility access - Assistant Vice President for Administration and Facilities (Mr. Sam Wallace, Wallace@latech.edu)
Housing/Student sponsored events - Vice President for Student Affairs (Dr. James King, king@latech.edu)
Other Matters - 504 Coordinator/ADA Committee (Mrs. Annie Jantz, ajantz@latech.edu)