University Catalog 2022-2023 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
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The chemistry curriculum offers a broad background in chemistry and results in a degree which is approved by the American Chemical Society. Students who complete the curriculum without substitutions are eligible for Certification to the ACS. A grade of “C” or better is required for all Chemistry courses. Students entering this program generally plan to pursue a career as an industrial chemist or to attend graduate school with a specialty in one of the major areas of chemistry (analytical, inorganic, organic, or physical).
Students who are interested in pre-medicine, pre-dentistry or biochemistry may make the following substitutions and still be ACS certified:
PHYS 209 , PHYS 210 for PHYS 201 , PHYS 202 ; STAT 200 for MATH 243 ; BISC 131 , BISC 132 , BISC 133 , BISC 260 , and BISC 310 for MATH 244 , MATH 245 , and six semester hours of technical elective; BISC 315 or BISC 422 for CHEM 481 ; CHEM 352 , CHEM 353 , CHEM 354 , and one semester hour of science elective for three semester hours of elective and ENGL 363 .
ProgramsBachelor Degree Programs Minor
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