Oct 23, 2024  
University Catalog 2024-2025 
University Catalog 2024-2025

Computational Analysis and Modeling (PhD)

CIP Code = 119999

The College of Engineering and Science is the major participant in the interdisciplinary PhD in Computational Analysis and Modeling (CAM). See below for a more detailed program description.

Program Administration

The Program Coordinator and the steering committee, with the approval of the Dean of Graduate School, will establish the policies and procedures applicable to this program, evaluate applications, administer examinations, and oversee all aspects of the student’s work.

Admission Requirements

  1. A master’s degree in one of the physical or biological sciences, engineering, computer science, or mathematics is recommended but not required. Exceptional students with a bachelor’s degree in an appropriate area will be considered.
  2. An official Graduate Record Examination (GRE) score is required. This requirement may be waived in the case of exceptional students.
  3. Letters of recommendation may be required by the coordinator of the program.

Core Requirements, Courses, and Dissertation

Typically, 72 hours of graduate work will be required for the degree. The Core consists of 15 graduate hours of mathematics, 9 graduate hours of computer science, and 9 graduate hours of a third area chosen from chemistry, physics, biology, forestry, finance, statistics, or an engineering discipline. The remaining courses will be determined by discussion between the student and the advisor, with the approval of the interim committee.

The topic for the dissertation may be selected from the disciplines listed for the third area, but may also include mathematics or computer science.


Major Advisor and Doctoral Advisory Committee

An academic advisor is assigned by the Program Coodinator to each student upon admission, who provides guidance on required or recommended courses in the first term of enrollment.  During the first term, student is required to select (by matual consent) a research advisor (Major Advisor) who will also assume the role of hte academic advisor from that point.  The student and the Major Advisor will constitute a Doctoral Advisory Committee, chaired by the Major Advisor, that includes at least four more members of the graduate faculty as indicated below:

  1. The major professor (dissertation advisor)
  2. At least one from mathematics and statistics
  3. At least one from computer science,
  4. At least one from the student’s Area of Specialization.

Examination Structure, Candidacy, and Time Limitation

Qualifying Examination

The qualifying examination will consist of written examinations in mathematics (CAM 685 ) and in computer science (CAM 686 ) and an appropriate exam in the area of application. The qualifying exam in the area of application may consist of the master’s degree in that area. A student who does not successfully pass the qualifying examination is entitled to only one repeat examination attempt.

Comprehensive Examination

Within 1 year of passing the qualifying exam, a student is normally expected to pass a comprehensive examination (CAM 687 ) in his/her area of specialization. The comprehensive exam will include a lecture followed by a question/answer period on the student’s proposed dissertation topic that exhibits a clear demonstration of an understanding of the principles and methods involved in his/her proposed area of specialization.


After the student has successfully passed the comprehensive examination, the student will be admitted to candidacy.

Dissertation Defense Examination

The student’s Doctoral Committee administers the dissertation defense exam. It will, in most cases, consist of an open public defense of the results of the dissertation. This final exam must be successfully completed in accordance with the deadlines published by the Graduate School. Those serving on the doctoral committee must recommend, with at most one dissent, that the student has satisfactorily passed the dissertation defense exam.


  • Matriculation – Doctoral Advisory Committee must be appointed and an initial plan of study submitted by the end of a student’s first quarter of study.
  • Dissertation Research Proposal - A proposal outlining the research to be undertaken for the dissertation must be submitted by the end of the fourth quarter of enrollment, not including summers.
  • Qualifying Exam – To be taken in the first Fall Quarter following 3 quarters in the program, consisting of written examinations in mathematics and computer science, and appropriate examination in the third discipline (may consist of master’s degree).
  • Comprehensive Exam - (In the area of specialization, the area in which the dissertation is written) Within 1 year of passing the qualifying exam.
  • Admitted to Candidacy - Upon passing the comprehensive exam, the student is admitted to candidacy for the doctoral degree.
  • Time Limitation – Doctoral students who have earned master’s degrees in the area of their doctoral studies will be expected to complete the requirements for the degree in 7 years from initial enrollment; all others will have 8 years.