Jan 16, 2025  
Racing Form 

General Information

General Information

The University reserves the right to withdraw any class for which there is insufficient registration; restrict the registration in any class; reschedule any class; change instructors and section classes; and provide additional instructors for any class that is overcrowded. Published quarterly by the Louisiana Tech University Office of the University Registrar, Ste. 207 Keeny Hall, Keeny Circle #3155, Ruston, Louisiana  71272. LOUISIANA TECH UNIVERSITY PRACTICES A POLICY OF EQUAL OPPORTUNITY


The Academic Calendar is available online @ URL https://www.latech.edu/current-students/academic-calendar/ 


Part I: Admission Requirements

Part II: Academic Information

Part III: Registration

Part IV: Tuition/Fee Payment

Part V: Drop/Add, Resignation

Part VI: General Information

Housing Regulations

Table:  Key to Building Abbreviations

Table:  Key to Section Numbers

Louisiana Tech Honor Code


  • Undergraduate students NOT enrolled at Louisiana Tech for the current term and who have filed applications with the Undergraduate Admissions Office, HALE 101, by the deadline listed in the ACADEMIC CALENDAR will be eligible to register for classes during General Registration.
  • New undergraduate students must have all transcripts on file in the Office of Undergraduate Admissions by the deadline in the ACADEMIC CALENDAR.
  • New international students who applied and submitted all necessary transcripts and documents by the deadline will be eligible to register for classes following International Student Orientation.
  • Graduate students admitted for the upcoming term, must have applications and all transcripts on file in the Graduate School Office by the deadline listed in the ACADEMIC CALENDAR. They can register for classes during General Registration.


Placement in entry-level college courses is based on Enhanced ACT/SAT test scores. New freshmen are required to meet the placement guidelines found at the following links:  http://admissions.latech.edu/  or http://catalog.latech.edu/ . If scores are not on file in the Office of Undergraduate Admissions, the placement score will be considered to be zero in all areas at the time of admission consideration. Information for registering to take the ACT exam can be obtained through Testing Services, Wyly Tower, Room 318. Please contact the Office of Undergraduate Admissions for additional information (318) 257-3036.


      International student applications must be complete and in the Louisiana Tech International Student Office two months prior to the student’s first quarter. Those students arriving after that time will be processed for the next quarter.

      International Student Orientation is held prior to General Registration each quarter, and each new international student is required to attend. See the Director of International Students, Tolliver Hall 229. Bring your Passport and I-20.


  • Undergraduate students are classified as freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors. For the purpose of determining eligibility for upperclassman privileges and other reasons, officially enrolled students are classified as follows:
    • Preparatory – student concurrently enrolled in high school and college
    • Freshman - has earned fewer than 30 semester hours
    • Sophomore - has earned a minimum of 30 semester hours
    • Junior - has earned a minimum of 60 semester hours
    • Senior - has earned a minimum of 90 semester hours
  • Post-Baccalaureate - holds a bachelor’s degree or higher but is enrolled in undergraduate classes and has not been admitted to the Graduate School
  • Graduate - holds a bachelor’s degree or higher and has been admitted (unconditionally or conditionally) to the Graduate School


      To be classified as a full-time undergraduate or full-time post-baccalaureate student, you must be registered for at least 8 semester hours, excluding credit examinations and classes for audit.

      To be classified as a full-time graduate student, you must be registered for at least 6 graduate semester hours, excluding classes for audit.


      Information concerning TUITION, FEES, ROOM and BOARD, and general regulations regarding expenses are contained on the Expense Sheet available online at https://www.latech.edu/administration/finance/comptroller/tuition-fees/  or from the Comptroller’s Office (KEEH 103), or the University Registrar’s Office (KEEH 207).


      Every student is required to have a valid Louisiana Tech Identification Card. These cards are used by campus departments for student identification and admission to activities and events. New students must have an ID card made during registration to avoid a $10.00 late fee. A continuing student’s card will be validated each quarter by computer. The cost for replacing a lost or damaged card is $10.00. ID cards are obtained through the TECH Express Office (Student Ctr, Rm. 155).


Louisiana Tech administers Credit Examinations in several subjects offered on campus. Credit Exam sections are identified by the section number “E01.” The procedure for obtaining credit by examination is as follows:

  1. When the student registers for credit by exam, the advisor will enter an “E01” section of the class on the advising form. The advising form must then be signed by the department/unit head offering the exam. No exam can be taken for credit unless a student has properly registered for the exam and paid the appropriate tuition/fee.
  2. Exams will be given and grades reported to the students during the period prior to the 3rd day of class (final day for “no-grade” drop/adds) .
  3. Successful completion of a credit exam will be recorded on the permanent academic record as “Credit Exam” with a grade of “S” (Satisfactory). Grades of “S” are not used to compute GPA. The grade of “NC” (No Credit) is loaded if the student does not take or does not pass the credit examination. The “NC” denotes no credit earned and is not used in the GPA calculation.
  4. If a student does not take a credit examination for which he/she registered or fails to pass the exam, he/she cannot drop the exam and receive a tuition/fee refund after the examination has been administered.


An undergraduate student may change majors by submitting the appropriate request located online at https://www.latech.edu/current-students/registrar-office/academic-major-changes/ for approval from their Advisor, current Academic Dean, and the Academic Dean of the desired major.  Graduate Students seeking to change their admitted graduate program must apply to the Graduate School for admission to the new graduate program.  Changes made any time after the ninth class day of the quarter will be effective the following quarter unless otherwise specified by the gaining Academic Dean.  


      Restricted classes are those classes that have enrollment limited to a particular group of students, as determined by the responsible department/unit. Class restrictions are noted in the catalog course description and in each class offering displayed in BOSS “Available Course Sections” for the quarter. Restrictions listed may include one or more of the following:

  1. Student’s Classification – Student must have earned a specific classification (e.g., Senior standing). All Freshmen and Sophomores attempting to register for a 400- (Senior) level course will require the written approval of the academic Dean (or the Dean’s designated representative) of the college responsible for that subject and course.
  2. Student’s College/Degree/Major - Student must be enrolled in a given college and/or have a certain major (e.g., Chemical Engineering majors).
  3. Student’s Grade Point Average - Student must have a minimum overall grade point average (e.g., limited to students with at least a 3.0 GPA or an Honors section).
  4. Instructor or Department Head Signature Required - Student must have the specified signature to register for the class.
  5. Course Prerequisites – Student must have successfully completed a defined course or set of courses with acceptable or minimum grades.

      If a class is restricted and you meet the conditions of the restriction, BOSS will allow you to register for the class. However, if you do not meet the conditions of the restriction but believe you have a special case, see the department/unit head of the area teaching the class. If the department/unit head approves a waiver for you to enroll in the restricted class, he/she will indicate approval on the Advising Form under the heading “Special Permission Signatures.”
     For all authorizations and permit signatures, the student must bring the Advising Form or Drop/Add Form, properly signed, to the Registrar’s Office (Keeny Hall 207) to have the permit loaded for a “signature required” class.


     Students who are disabled and need assistance to follow the registration procedure outlined may obtain information on available registration assistance by contacting the Office of Testing and Disability Services, Wyly Tower Room 318, phone 257-4221.


      Louisiana Tech University and Grambling State University, in order to facilitate free exchange of students, operate an Interinstitutional Cooperative Program (ICP). This program makes it possible for undergraduate and graduate students to enroll for classes at both schools concurrently. Faculty exchange between the two institutions is also a part of the program. Louisiana Tech Barksdale classes, extension classes, and credit examinations are not included in the ICP program.
      Application for classes to be taken on the cooperating campuses must be made at the institution where admission requirements have been met and degree programs are being pursued. Credits gained as a “visiting” student may apply toward a degree at the home or matriculation school. The student’s department/unit head and advisor must approve the class or classes selected and the course load. A copy of the student’s transcript bearing the official seal will be furnished to the home institution at reporting time by the other institution.
      An ICP student will be charged “full tuition & fees” at the home institution, regardless of course load. This stipulation will not require additional fees from the other institution.
      A Louisiana Tech student wishing to take a class at Grambling should see the ICP Coordinator, Ms. Christol Sterling, in the Louisiana Tech Registrar’s Office (KEEH 207) to pick up forms and to receive instructions.
      The ICP student’s Advising Form is processed by the home school, but it is the responsibility of the student to take action at the host school to withdraw from an individual class or resign from all classes for which he/she registered, whichever is appropriate, observing the deadlines for such action published in the class schedule of the host school. Availability of all classes CANNOT be guaranteed for the visiting student. Credit earned at GSU in the ICP program will be posted on the Tech transcript as transfer credit.


      The Department of Military Science Instruction at Grambling State University emphasizes leadership and management. Army ROTC is divided into two phases: Basic Course and Advanced Course. The Basic Course is usually taken in the freshman and sophomore years, and the Advanced Course is taken in the junior and senior years. Enrollment in the Basic Course of Army ROTC occurs without a military obligation. Any student may enroll in all or part of the Basic Course. Veterans, National Guardsmen, and or Reservists in good standing, and with 30 or more semester hours are eligible to contract into the Advanced Course and participate as an SMP cadet in the National Guard and or Reserve. By contracting as a sophomore, they become non-deployable until they graduate, attain their commission as an officer, and attend and complete their Officer Basic Course. Those students that have completed 4 years of high school Junior ROTC, and are considered a sophomore by their university, can also contract into the Advanced Course. Other highly qualified Basic Course graduates and upperclassmen with four semesters or six quarters remaining in their program of study may be selected to participate in the Advanced Course and earn a commission as an Army Officer.
      Students are required to complete the prescribed courses successfully in their academic disciplines. Upon earning a baccalaureate or master’s degree, the student is commissioned as an officer in the U.S. Army. Army ROTC also offers scholarships and stipends to contracted cadets. Army scholarships for two and three years are awarded to outstanding students.
      For more information on the program, available scholarships, and current stipend amounts, contact the Grambling State University Army ROTC office at 318-274-3324 or 2490, email: arotc@gram.edu, or online at URL http://www.gram.edu/military/ .


      A student may register for “Audit” rather than credit by notifying the Registrar of their intent to audit the class. A change from credit to audit or vice versa cannot be made after the last day to add a class (third class day). Tuition and fees for an audited class is the same as a class taken for credit. NOTE: Physical activity classes cannot be audited without the written permission of the Head, Department of Kinesiology, MEMG 205A. Classes taken for an “AU” grade do not count toward full-time undergraduate or graduate enrollment status.


      Students view final grades on the Internet using their Student BOSS account at the end of each quarter after all grades are posted and GPA calculations are completed.  Please see the ACADEMIC CALENDAR for dates of availability.


  • Log on to the Louisiana Tech home page at URL www.latech.edu  
  • Click on “Current Students” and then “BOSS”
  • Click on “Student BOSS Login”
  • Enter Student ID (CWID) and BOSS PIN number
  • Under “Student Records” select “Grades” and submit term.
  • If menu option “Grades” is not available, click on “Unoffficial Transcript”


     For ordering information, visit the How To Order Transcripts @ URL https://www.latech.edu/current-students/registrar-office/transcripts/ . Louisiana Tech University has appointed Credentials Inc. as the designated agent for processing and sending official transcripts (electronic and paper versions) on behalf of Louisiana Tech University.  The electronic transcript that is produced using this service contains the identical information as the printed transcript and can be certified as unaltered by uploading the file to the company’s website that is provided during the delivery process.  Credentials Inc. has been granted the authority to deliver all transcript requests on behalf of Louisiana Tech University and respond to any inquiries regarding the transactions. Orders can be placed online 24/7. If you are uncomfortable placing an order over the Internet, you can call Credentials Inc. at 847-716-3005 to place your transcript request verbally.



     If you are enrolled in the current quarter, you will register and complete tuition/fee payment (or schedule confirmation) for the next quarter classes on assigned days during the term.. Your exact registration eligibility dates and times are listed in the ACADEMIC CALENDAR and the priorities are listed on the Registration Priorities page chart and on the cover of this publication. Priority for registration is based on a continuing student’s classification, with Veterans, seniors with more than 110 semester hours, honors program, and graduate students receiving first priority.
     You will complete tuition/fee payment (or schedule confirmation) by the date of the first purge (see ACADEMIC CALENDAR for dates).



     Beginning freshman, transfer, visiting, and former Louisiana Tech students who submitted an application to the Admissions Office by a set deadline (see ACADEMIC CALENDAR), have been fully admitted/readmitted, advised, and cleared of any holds, will be eligible to register during this period. All new or returning students must obtain a BOSS PIN to complete registration and tuition/fee payment. Do this through the Registrar’s Office (KEEH 207) using the BOSS PIN Request Form found at URL https://www.latech.edu/current-students/registrar-office/registration-2/.
     You will complete tuition/fee payment (or schedule confirmation) by the date of the second purge (see ACADEMIC CALENDAR for dates).


The following registrations are considered LATE and will be assessed the late registration penalty of $50:

  • Any student who initiates registration and fee payment during the first days after the start of the term. NO registrations will be processed after the third day of the term without the written approval of the appropriate Academic Dean or the Provost.

  • Any student who completed Early Registration (and failed to pay fees by the first purge) or completed General Registration (and failed to pay fees by the second purge), resulting in PURGED (cancelled) schedules, and then continues to pursue enrollment.



  • OBTAIN ADVISING FORM.  Use the sample Advising Form found online @ URL https://www.latech.edu/current-students/registrar-office/registration/. You can also obtain a copy from your advisor/department.
  • OBTAIN CAMPUS WIDE ID (CWID) & BOSS PIN NUMBER.  If you are a new or returning student, you will need to obtain your BOSS PIN number from the Registrar’s Office (KEEH 207) – bring a picture I.D – or logon to URL https://www.latech.edu/current-students/registrar-office/registration/ to use the BOSS PIN Request Form.
  • CHECK & CLEAR ALL HOLDS.  Log on to  BOSS.LaTech.edu; click on “Student BOSS Login”; enter Student ID (CWID) and BOSS PIN number.  Then under the “Student Records” menu selection, click on “HOLDS”.  All registration holds and official transcript holds will display on this screen, to include the offices you will need to contact to clear the holds  before you can login to register online.
  • COMPLETE YOUR ACADEMIC ADVISING.  See your academic advisor, and complete your Advising Form. If you don’t know who your advisor is, check your BOSS account to see if an advisor has been assigned.  If not, use the DIRECTORY in this publication, contact the Department responsible for your major, and ask for assistance with an advisor assignment and appointment..
  • ENSURE THE ACADEMIC ADVISOR OR A DEPARTMENT OR DEAN’S REPRESENTATIVE UPDATES YOUR REGISTRATION ACCESS CODE.  Without an updated Registration Access Code, you will be unable to load your schedule on BOSS and we will be unable to load it for you at the Registrar’s Office.  NOTE:  If any of your classes require a special permission signature, or a seat added, or a prerequisite waived, you will need to get a DROP/ADD slip, correctly annotated, signed, and then take it to the Registrar’s Office (Keeny Hall 207) for the permit to be loaded, or have the Department coordinate it with the Registrar’s Office. Once the permit is loaded, it is the student’s responsibility to add the course on BOSS.
  • LOAD YOUR SCHEDULE ON STUDENT BOSS. You will load your schedule on BOSS from any computer with internet access using your BOSS account.  Permits must be loaded in the University Registrar’s Office (KEEH 207).
    • GET PREPARED:  Use “Available Course Sections” on BOSS to find your subjects and sections, and WRITE DOWN THE CALL NUMBER(S). Pay attention to the prerequisites…if you don’t meet them, you won’t be able to register for the course without a permit. Also, write down several alternate selections (sections and courses) as this will save time if you have problems or time conflicts.
    • LOAD: Beginning on your designated registration day/time: Log on to BOSS.LaTech.edu; click on “Student BOSS Login”; enter Student ID (CWID) and BOSS PIN number. Go to the “Registration” menu and select the “Drop and Add Classes” menu option. Follow the screen instructions, load a set of call numbers in each cell, and then click on “Submit”. Remember, if you need permit(s), these must be loaded in the Registrar’s Office (KEEH 207) before you can register for the permitted class(es). If you have Registration Holds, you will have to clear those before you can access the Drop and Add Classes menu option to load your schedule.
  • COMPLETE THE FEE PAYMENT/REGISTRATION CONFIRMATION PROCESS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.  After you’ve loaded your schedule, check menu option “Account Summary/Payment” immediately and be sure to complete tuition/fee payment (or confirm registration) using the instructions found in PART IV below.
  • GET YOUR TECH STUDENT ID - NEW AND RETURNING STUDENTS. Go to the TECH Express Office located in the Student Center (enter from the Centennial Plaza side) and obtain your TECH ID. You must have a registered and paid schedule to obtain an ID. If you are a returning TECH student, you will need to have your ID reactivated.
  • GET YOUR TECH USERID & PASSWORD - NEW AND RETURNING STUDENTS. Be sure to go by the University Computing Center (Basement, Wyly Tower) and activate your TECH USERID and Password for your TECH e-mail account.  All official e-mail correspondence from the University is sent to student and faculty TECH e-mail accounts only. You’ll also need this information for your Moodle accounts for your courses.


     By registering for courses at Louisiana Tech University, you hereby acknowledge that you are entering into a contractual arrangement with Louisiana Tech, whereby you agree to comply with all laws, rules, and regulations applicable to your registration, payment of fees, enrollment, and attendance.  Included in the rules and regulations that comprise the terms and conditions of this contract are those contained in the Louisiana Tech University Catalog and Quarterly Racing Form in effect during the years of your enrollment.
     In addition to reading, agreeing with, and accepting all of the terms and conditions set forth in the Louisiana Tech University Catalog and Quarterly Racing Form, you must specifically acknowledge the following:

  1. All fees and other University expenses are due at the beginning of the quarter.
  2. It is the student’s responsibility to cancel their registration by dropping all courses before classes begin if proper financial arrangements have not been made.
  3. The University reserves the right to withhold future services (registration, transcript request, etc.) to persons who have any outstanding obligations with the University.
  4. In the event that financial aid is reduced or cancelled, or in the event the student has not met the specified requirements for receiving such aid, the student will become responsible for the full balance of outstanding charges.
  5. If payment is in the form of a check and the check is returned for any reason, a $15.00 service charge will be charged to the account.
  6. Students leaving Louisiana Tech prior to the 60% of the period of enrollment, officially or unofficially, are obligated to return the federal aid received for that quarter proportionate to the student’s attendance.Failure to return that portion of federal aid received upon demand may result in the amount owed being transferred to the Louisiana Attorney General’s office for collection.Upon transmittal for collection, the student is responsible for collection fees up to the amount of thirty-three and one-third per cent (33 1/3%) of the unpaid debt.
  7. Any debt owed to the university as a result of the student’s failure to make required payments or failure to comply with the terms of the applicable program as governed by the Louisiana Tech University Catalog and Quarterly Racing Form will result in a violation of the terms and conditions of this contract.Failure to respond to demands for payment made by Louisiana Tech may result in such debts being transferred to the Louisiana Attorney General’s office for collection.Upon transmittal for collection, the student is responsible for collection fees in the amount of thirty-three and one-third percent (33 1/3%) of the unpaid debt.

If you should have any questions regarding this Financial Responsibility Policy, please e-mail cashier@latech.edu or call (318)257-4325.

      Students must pay the full amount due as shown on the “Class Schedule and Fee Charges” form received in the Cashier’s Office or on the on-line “Account Summary” accessed through Student BOSS.  Students who have zero or credit balances (minus sign or “CR” indicates a credit balance) because their fees are paid by TOPS, scholarships, federal financial aid, fee waivers, or other credits are required to confirm their registration (apply the aid to the expenses). Students may pay or confirm their registrations using the following options:

  1. ONLINE.  Credit card and e-check payments or registration confirmation (zero or credit balance, indicated by a minus sign or “CR”) on-line using BOSS. Go to  boss.latech.edu; click on “Student BOSS Login”; enter Student ID (CWID) and BOSS PIN number and then select “Account Summary”.  You may pay, confirm registration, and/or view your account through “Account Summary.”
  2. IN-PERSON.  Cash, check, and credit card payments or registration confirmation (zero or credit balance, indicated by a minus sign or “CR”) in person in the Cashiers Office (Keeny Hall 103).
  3. BY MAIL.  Check and credit card payments or registration confirmation (zero or credit balance, indicated by a minus sign or “CR”) by mail to Louisiana Tech University, ATTN: CASHIERS, Office of the Comptroller, P. O. Box 7924, Ruston, LA  71272.  Credit card payments must include credit card number and expiration date.
  4. BY TELEPHONE.  Credit card payments or registration confirmation (zero or credit balance, indicated by a minus sign or “CR”) by calling (318) 257-4325 and asking for the Cashiers.
  5. BY FAX.  Registration confirmation (zero or credit balance, indicated by a minus sign or “CR”) by faxing (318) 257-2234.

NOTE: A State Service Charge for credit card payments has been provided for by Act 148 of the Louisiana Legislature. The University considers that the credit card payment option is an important benefit to our students. A 2% State Service Charge is assessed on credit card payments. The State Service Charge has been designed to cover costs and the University earns no profit from this fee.

All Payments and Registration Confirmations Must be Received Prior to Purge Deadlines

      All payments and registration confirmations must be received prior to the published purge deadlines. Failure to complete payment or confirmation by these deadlines will result in the purge (cancellation) of your classes. Payment deadlines are published each quarter in the printed “Racing Form” and on the web in BOSS.


If your register: Tuition/Fees are due:
Prior to first purge by first purge (see ACADEMIC CALENDAR for dates)
Between first purge and second purge by second purge
           During add/drop period (first three days of the full term)  Tuition/fees are due the day you register. A $50.00 late penalty applies.


  • Payment-in-Full:  All students are required to pay the full amount due the University at the time of payment.  The full amount due is shown on the on-line “Account Summary” accessed through BOSS.
  • Registration Confirmation:  All students who have zero or credit balances because their fees are paid by scholarships, federal financial aid, fee waivers, or other credits are required to confirm their registration to complete the registration process.  If a student’s ending balance on the on-line “Account Summary” accessed through BOSS is zero or a credit balance (minus sign or “CR” indicates a credit balance), then the student is eligible to confirm registration.  If the ending balance indicates an amount due to the University, the student will be required to complete payment in full.

If additional charges are incurred after a student has paid the full amount due or confirmed registration, these charges must be paid before the payment deadline to avoid the purge (cancellation) of classes. Additional charges are incurred when a student adds courses and adds or changes a dorm selection, meal plan, or Tech Express plan.  The student’s schedule will not be purged if minor charges totaling $250 or less are incurred after the payment in full of the original balance due or registration confirmation.


All students are required to pay in full (see definition above) or confirm registration by the purge deadlines. Failure to complete payment or confirmation by the published deadlines will result in the purging (cancellation) of the student’s class schedule.  Once a schedule has been purged, the student will be required to register again, selecting from the classes available at that time. 

  • After the second purge date a $50 late payment penalty will apply.
  • Students are responsible for making timely payments for all tuition, fees, and charges due the University.
  • Instructions for Tuition/Fee Payment.  If you have registered on-line using BOSS or in person in the Registrar’s Office you are eligible for web payment.  Web payment may be used for credit card and e-check payments and registration confirmations (zero or credit balances).


  1. If you registered prior to the first purge and did not pay in full or confirm registration, your schedule has been purged (cancelled) and you will be required to complete registration again before the second purge.
  2. If you registered between the first and second purge, and did not pay in full or confirm registration by the second purge, your schedule has been purged (cancelled) and you will be required to complete the late registration process before the end of the third day of classes and complete tuition/fee payment immediately.
  3. If you registered during the Late Registration period or you previously registered and your classes were purged (cancelled) for failure to complete payment or confirm your registration, you will be assessed a $50 late payment penalty.  Deadline for late payment is 5:00 pm of the third day of classes for the term.  Failure to complete payment in full or confirm your registration at that time may result in the final purge (cancellation) of your class schedule.
  4. There is no penalty assessed for “no grade” schedule changes made during the Drop/Add period (first three days of the term)


  1. Go to BOSS.LaTech.edu; click on “Student BOSS Login”; enter Student ID (CWID) and BOSS PIN number: Select menu option “Account Summary” and then select the term (quarter).
  2. Review your Account Summary Information.If it is correct and you are ready to pay by credit card or e-check, click on the “Pay by Credit Card” or “Pay by e-check” button.If it is not correct, exit the Account Summary screen and contact the appropriate department (below) to make the necessary changes. To inquire about your financial aid or scholarships, contact the Financial Aid Office.To inquire about Admissions awarded scholarships, contact the Admissions Office. To change your dorm selection, contact the Housing Office.To change your meal plan or Tech Express plan, contact the Tech Express Office.After the changes have been made, you can then re-access your Account Summary and complete payment.
  3. After you select the appropriate payment button, enter the required information to complete payment.
  4. After your payment transaction is complete, print the receipt for your records.


  • A State Service Charge for credit card payments has been provided for by Act 148 of the Louisiana Legislature. The University considers that the credit card payment option is an important benefit to our students. A 2% State Service Charge is assessed on credit card payments. The State Service Charge has been designed to cover costs and the University earns no profit from this fee.
  • You may make partial payments.  However, payment of the full amount due is required by the payment deadline.  FAILURE TO COMPLETE PAYMENT OF THE FULL AMOUNT DUE WILL RESULT IN THE PURGE (CANCELLATION) OF YOUR CLASSES. The receipt will indicate whether your transaction pays or does not pay the full amount due.
  • If you incur additional charges after you have paid the full amount due, you may pay the additional charges by web payment or by the other payment options.  Your schedule will not be purged (cancelled) if you have incurred minor charges totaling $250 or less after you have paid the original balance or confirmed your registration.


Registration Confirmation may be used by students with zero or credit ending balances (minus sign or “CR” indicates a credit balance). To determine if you are eligible for registration confirmation, refer to the “Ending Balance” as shown on the on-line “Account Summary” screen in BOSS.

  1. Go to BOSS.LaTech.edu; click on “Student BOSS Login”; enter Student ID (CWID) and BOSS PIN number: Select menu option “Account Summary” and then select the term (quarter).
  2. Review your Account Summary Information. If you are eligible to confirm registration, a  “CONFIRM REGISTRATION” BUTTON WILL APPEAR ON THE SCREEN. If you are not eligible, you must pay the balance due by following the payment instructions in the previous section. If you are eligible to confirm registration, but you wish to make a payment because you are anticipating a change in your tuition, fees, or credits, click on the appropriate payment button and follow the payment instructions in the previous section. To inquire about your financial aid or scholarships, contact the Financial Aid Office. To inquire about Admissions awarded scholarships, contact the Admissions Office. To change your dorm selection, contact the Housing Office. To change your meal plan or Tech Express plan, contact the Tech Express Office. After the changes have been made, you can then re-access your Account Summary and complete payment.
  3. After you select the “Confirm Registration” button, you will be notified that your registration has been confirmed.  A receipt will appear on the screen. Print the receipt for your records.


  • All students who have zero or credit balances (indicated by a minus sign or “CR”) because their fees are paid by TOPS, scholarships, federal financial aid, fee waivers, or other credits are required to confirm their registration.
  • If you incur additional charges after you have paid the full amount due, you may pay the additional charges by web payment or by the other payment options.  Your schedule will not be purged (cancelled) if you have incurred minor charges totaling $250 or less after you have paid the original balance or confirmed your registration.


If you have registered online using Student BOSS or in person in the Registrar’s Office and elect not to pay online, you may pay in person, by mail, or by telephone.

To Pay or Confirm in Person:
      Bring the printed copy of your on-line “Account Summary” to the Cashiers Office, Keeny Hall Room 103.  You may pay by cash, check, orcredit card, or confirm your registration (if you have a zero or credit balance, indicated by a minus sign or “CR”). You will receive a receipt for your records.
      If your tuition, fees, charges, or credits are not correct, contact the appropriate department before proceeding to the Cashiers Office. To inquire about your financial aid or scholarships, contact the Financial Aid Office. To inquire about Admissions awarded scholarships, contact the Admissions Office. To change your dorm selection, contact the Housing Office.  To change your meal plan or Tech Express plan, contact the Tech Express Office.

  1. After you have completed registration, proceed immediately to the Cashiers window (Keeny Hall 103) for your expense slip.
  2. If you have federal financial aid or scholarships that do not appear on your expense slip and you owe a balance, take your expense slip to the Financial Aid Office (Keeny Hall 240) for adjustment. If you have Louisiana Vocational Rehabilitation benefits, the cashiers will be able to assist you with the needed adjustment to your expense slip.
  3. If your expense slip does not reflect your correct status for Housing, take your expense slip to the Division of Student Affairs (Keeny Hall 305) for the needed adjustments.
  4. If you are purchasing a meal plan for the first time or you need to change your existing meal plan, the cashiers will be able to make the adjustment to your expense slip.
  5. If you have Louisiana National Guard benefits, the cashiers will be able to assist you with the needed adjustment to your expense slip.
  6. If you had to take your expense slip to another office for adjustment, you must return to the Cashiers window to pay your fees and receive a copy of your paid expense slip.  If your expense slip shows a zero or credit balance (indicated by a minus sign or “CR”), you must still confirm your registration in order to complete the registration process.
  7. If changes were made to your meal plan or Tech Express plan, or if you need an ID, you must take your paid expense slip to the Tech Express Office in the Student Center.

To Pay or Confirm by Mail:
   Mail your payment to Louisiana Tech University, Attn: CASHIERS, Office of the Comptroller, P. O. Box 7924, Ruston, LA  71272.  You may pay by check or credit card or confirm your registration (if you have a zero or credit balance, indicated by a minus sign or “CR”). Credit card payments must include credit card number and expiration date.  Include a copy of your on-line “Account Summary.” All mailed payments and confirmations must be received by the purge date.

To Pay or Confirm by Telephone:
   Call (318) 257-4325 and ask for the Cashiers.  You may pay by credit card or confirm your registration (if you have a zero or credit balance, indicated by a minus sign or “CR”).

To Confirm by Fax:
   Fax a copy of your on-line “Account Summary” to (318) 257-2234 to confirm your registration (if you have zero or credit balance, indicated by a minus sign or “CR”).


  • Payment of the full amount due is required by the payment deadline. Failure to complete payment of the full amount due will result in the purge (cancellation) of your classes.
  • All students who have zero or credit balances (indicated by a minus sign or “CR”) because their fees are paid by TOPS, scholarships, federal financial aid, fee waivers, or other credits are required to confirm their registration.
  • If you incur additional charges after you have paid the full amount due, you may pay the additional charges by web payment or by the other payment options.  Your schedule will not be purged (cancelled) if you have incurred minor charges totaling $250 or less after you have paid the original balance or confirmed your registration.

      With the exception of permits or authorizations that must be processed using a properly signed Drop/Add form in the Registrar’s Office (Keeny Hall 207), all regular Drop/Add actions can be accomplished on BOSS from the first day of their eligibility to register until the third day of the term which is the last day for students to add classes, change sections, process “no grade” drops, or late register for classes on BOSS.
      BOSS Web Registration (menu option “Drop/Add Classes”) remains “live” for eligible students through the end of the Late Registration period. It will be turned off at 5:00 pm on the third day of the term.
      Students attempting to drop all of their classes (resign) must do so through the Registrar’s Office – this cannot be accomplished on BOSS.


  • All students should consider the effect of a drop on their full-time student status and the impact on financial aid eligibility and insurability prior to processing the drop.
  • Withdrawal (drop) from a developmental class (MATH 099 or ENGL 099) will NOT be permitted unless there are extenuating circumstances. Mrs. Melanie Peel, BARC Developmental Program Coordinator, WYLY 205 must approve all developmental course schedule changes.
  • You must obtain Dr. Charles Patterson’s signature in addition to your advisor’s signature, to drop MATH 100B/C or MATH 103B/C. Dr. Patterson is located in GTMH 332.
  • Louisiana Tech-certified NCAA Student-Athletes will NOT drop courses without the written approval of their academic advisor and the written approval of the Assistant Athletics Director for Academics (Ms. Amber Burdge, TAC 102).
  • Students receiving Veteran’s Administration (VA) benefits must report schedule changes to their School Certifying Official (SCO).  Contact information can be found @ URL: https://www.latech.edu/current-students/registrar-office/veteran-info/contact-us/


(On-Campus and Off-Campus Course Offerings - Excluding Barksdale)

Refund %
First Friday after first day of classes*
Second Friday after first day of classes*
Third Friday after first day of classes*
Third Friday after first day of classes*


*This includes Summer 12-week and 1st 6-week terms.  Summer 2nd 6-week term will be set on Thursday instead of Friday relative to the start of the 2nd 6-week term.  See Academic Calendar for specific dates.


Refund % Date
100% End of drop/add period
NO REFUND AFTER End of drop/add period





     Registration Fees are defined as including all tuition, university fees, and self-assessments. No refund is given for student insurance. Students who resign from the University through the 9th class day may receive a 75% refund of room rent and the unused portion of meals. After the 9th class day, no refunds are given on room and meals. Processing of resignation refunds will begin 20 days after the start of classes for the quarter.



      The Louisiana Tech University Financial Aid Office is required to administer a return of federal student aid funds policy that complies with the Higher Education Reauthorization Act of 1998. Federal financial aid includes the Federal Pell Grant, Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG), Stafford loans, Grad PLUS loans, and Parent PLUS loans. The policy that follows complies with the federal requirements.

      Title IV funds are awarded to a student under the assumption that the student will attend school for the entire period for which the assistance is awarded. When a student withdraws, the student may no longer be eligible for the full amount of Title IV funds that the student was originally scheduled to receive. The Financial Aid Office recalculates federal aid eligibility for students who fail to attend, drop out, resign (officially or unofficially), or are dismissed prior to completing greater than 60% of the enrollment period. The enrollment period is computed from the “classes begin” date to the “last day of classes” date. Recalculation is based on the percent of aid earned using the following formula:

     Number of days completed
     ———————————————-               =                percent earned
     Total days in the Enrollment Period

     The date used in the calculation is defined as the date of last attendance. The University must return any unearned aid that was applied to institutional charges. The student then owes the University the amounts returned to the federal aid programs. The student may also be required to return/repay some portion of the federal aid received as a refund by the student. For example, if a student was enrolled for 30% of the quarter, then the student is entitled to only 30% of the aid received; thus 70% of the aid must be returned.
     Students who stop attending after greater than 60% of the enrollment period has passed do not owe immediate paybacks at all! Please be aware that students must have attended at least one class after the 60% point of the enrollment period. If the last date of attendance occurs after the completion of more than 60% of the enrollment period, the student is considered to have earned 100% of the Title IV aid received. The dates are published at the following URL location
     Additional rules govern Pell Grant eligibility. Pell recipients must attend each class at least once to qualify for the full Pell award. Pell awards will be corrected for non-attendance.
     While this Return of Title IV Funds policy applies solely to students who receive federal financial aid, it must be understood that the Louisiana Tech University refund policy is also applied to all students whether or not they receive federal financial assistance. The student may owe a refund to the University on the basis of their refund rules. Details of the University refund policy are located in the “Racing Form” and quarterly “Expense Sheet”.


     Students receiving Pell Grants who drop classes during Drop/Add may have their Pell Grant reduced. Your attendance will be reviewed on the 9th class day. If you have not attended classes for which you registered, your Pell Grant amount will be reduced and your student account charged.


     The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (as amended) is a federal law that provides guidelines for educational institutions regarding protection and release of student education record information. FERPA provides Louisiana Tech students with the following rights with respect to their education records:

  1. The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 45 days of the day Louisiana Tech University receives a written request for access.
         Students are required to submit a signed request identifying the education records they wish to inspect to the Registrar. The Registrar will make arrangements for access and notify the student of the time and place where the student may review his/her education records.
  2. The right to request Louisiana Tech University to amend that part of the student’s education records that the student believes is inaccurate or misleading.
          Students may ask Louisiana Tech University to amend a record that they believe is inaccurate or misleading. The student will provide the Registrar with a written statement clearly identifying the part of the record he/she wants changed and why it is inaccurate or misleading. Procedures to be used for review and appeal are on file in the Registrar’s Office.
  3. The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent.
          One exception, which permits disclosures without consent, is disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility.
  4. The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by Louisiana Tech to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The address of the office that administers FERPA is Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, 600 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20202-4605.

      Directory Information is that personally identifiable student information not generally considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if disclosed. Prior consent of the student is not required for disclosure of directory information, unless the student has specifically requested, in writing, that Louisiana Tech University not disclose this information. The Office of Student Affairs manages these privacy requests. Student Affairs publishes a quarterly list of privacy requests that is distributed to each college.
     The following elements are considered to be Directory Information at Louisiana Tech University: name, date and place of birth; local address; permanent address; telephone listing; classification; major field of study; dates of attendance at Tech; degrees, honors, and awards received; most recently attended educational institution; current class schedule; photos; e-mail address; participation in Tech activities and sports; weight and height of members of Tech athletic teams.
     NOTE: Social Security Numbers, Campus Wide ID numbers (CWID), and student PIN numbers are NOT Directory Information.


      Individuals requesting accommodations under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and/or the Americans with Disabilities Act, as amended, must register with the Office of Testing and Disability Services, WYLT 318, phone 257-4221, and provide the required medical documentation. Students should meet with course instructors as early in the quarter as possible to determine and schedule appropriate testing and classroom accommodations required.


      Students are authorized to park vehicles that have been properly registered in either white or unpainted zones within the appropriate zone where parking spaces are indicated. These regulations are enforced during registration. For a complete listing of traffic regulations, please come to the Traffic Office in South Hall. A parking permit is required 24 hours a day on all University property.
      Students may register their vehicles by mail by sending the following to P.O. Box 3003, Ruston, LA 71272: check for appropriate amount, photocopy of state vehicle registration, and photocopy of driver’s license. Apply in time to receive your permit by the third day of classes. Vehicle permits may be purchased nightly between 4:30 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. at the University Police information window (South Hall) by check only, except during the first 2 weeks of the quarter.
All students, regardless of whether they register a vehicle, are bound by University traffic regulations. A copy of the vehicle regulation pamphlet is available in the Traffic Office located in South Hall. See the vehicle regulations pamphlet for family visitation rules. ICP and AFROTC cross-town students must obtain a Louisiana Tech parking permit.
      Any Louisiana Tech student or employee receiving more than TEN parking tickets per quarter may be banned from using parking facilities on campus. Any vehicle found on campus after the ban will be towed from campus at the owner’s expense.


To use campus parking, students must register their vehicles prior to 8:00 a.m. on the THIRD day of class at the Traffic Office (South Hall).

  • University Police:  Phone:  257-4018  (24 hrs daily)
  • Traffic Office:  Phone:  257-2921  (Mon-Thurs:  8:00 –4:30; Fri:  8:00-2:30)


REGULAR SCHEDULE for Fall, Winter, and Spring Quarters:

  • Sunday                                       1:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.
  • Monday through Thursday         7:30 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.
  • Friday                                         7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
  • Saturday                                   10:00 a.m. to 6 p.m.

REGULAR SCHEDULE for Summer Quarter:

  • Sunday                                       5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
  • Monday through Thursday         7:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
  • Friday                                         7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
  • Saturday                                    CLOSED


  • Monday through Friday              Open regular campus business hours
  • Saturday and Sunday                CLOSED


  • Posted at the library entrance.  Specially declared University holidays will be observed as announced.

NOTE: An effort will always be made to have the library open the afternoon and/or evening before classes resume following a holiday.


Regular Schedule (hours subject to change):

  • Monday through Thursday         7:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
  • Friday                                         7:00 a.m. to   7:00 p.m.
  • Saturday                                    1:00 p.m. to   5:00 p.m.
  • Sunday                                      1:00 p.m. to   8:00 P.M.

Quarter Break Schedule: (hours subject to change):

  • Monday through Friday            12 noon to 6:30 p.m.
  • Saturday and Sunday               CLOSED


NOTE: No tobacco use, gum chewing, or black-soled shoes allowed in facility. For racquetball court reservations, call 257-4671.


     The Board of Supervisors for the University of Louisiana System has adopted resolutions affecting the housing policy at Louisiana Tech University and all of the other colleges and universities under its jurisdiction. In compliance with the Board of Supervisors resolutions, Louisiana Tech has adopted the following on-campus residency requirement: all unmarried full-time undergraduate students, regardless of age or emancipation, except those living with parents and commuting from their parents’ permanent home on a daily basis, are required to live in on-campus residence halls as long as space is available. Students may ask for an exemption from this policy by applying at the Office of Student Life (Keeny Hall 333) at least 14 days prior to the general registration.


Section #




Credit by Examination (Ruston)



Honors Classes for English Credit (Ruston)



Honors Classes for History Credit (Ruston)



Honors Classes (Ruston)



BPCC/LDCC Cross Enrollment Classes (Ruston)



Day Classes (Ruston)



1st 6-Week Session (Summer Qtr. Only) (Ruston)



1st 3-Week Session (Summer Qtr. Only) (Ruston)



<Not used>



Evening Classes (Ruston)



2nd 6-Week Session (Summer Qtr. Only) (Ruston)



2nd 3-Week Session (Summer Qtr. Only) (Ruston)



<Not used>



Louisiana Tech@S-B/C Ctr Classes (Shreveport)



<reserved for study abroad courses e,g, MICEFA>



TECH Costa Rica



TECH London



Compressed Video (CV) Classes (Ruston)


183, 283, 383, etc.

Designates CV “Receive” sites, by specific site (transmitted from Ruston)



WWW Classes (Ruston)


184, 284, 384, etc.

Designates multiple WWW sections (Ruston)



Designates WWW sections eligible for Act 426 fees



WWW Classes (Ruston)



HIIM Online Degree Program (WWW)



Extension Classes-taught in non-LaTech Classrooms (e.g. ASCB, CSRA/GD, etc.)



Compressed Video (CV) Classes (LaTech@S-B/C, ASCB, CSRA/GD)



WWW Classes (LaTech@S-B/C, ASCB, CSRA/GD)



Compressed Video (CV) Classes (BAFB)



TECH Barksdale Classes (BAFB)



TECH Barksdale WWW Internet Classes (BAFB)


098, 099

Professional Practice, Internship




















































Art & Arch Wkshp (Art Annex)


A.E. Phillips Laboratory School


Agricultural Indoor Arena


Adams Hall Classroom


Academic Success Center Bossier (BPCC STEM Bldg H; SACSCOC Instructional Site)


Barksdale AFB, Educ. Bldg. 102


Band Building


Bulldog Achievement Resource Center


Tech Farm Barns


Biomedical Engineering Annex


Biomedical Engineering Building


Bogard Hall


College of Business Building


CSRA (SACSCOC Instructional Site) Bossier City


Carson-Taylor Hall


Davison Hall


Engineering Annex


Early Childhood Education Center


Farm Machine Shop


Flight Operations Center – Ruston


Forestry Lab Building


Glenwood Reg. Med Ctr.–Monroe


George T. Madison Hall


Hale Hall


Howard Center for the Performing Arts


Clinical Lab Program Hospital


Institute for Micromanufacturing


Keeny Hall


Lambright Intramural Sports Center


Lomax Hall


LSU Medical Center – Monroe


Memorial Gymnasium


Minden Medical Center


Meat Processing Plant


Nethken Hall


North Louisiana Med Ctr. - Ruston


Professional Aviation Bldg. (now Davison Hall)


Prescott Memorial Library


Reese Hall


Robinson Hall


Ruston Regional Airport


St. Francis Medical Center – Downtown


South Hall (Campus Police)


Student Center


Thomas Assembly Center


Tech Pointe


Tolliver Hall


The Louisiana Tech University – Shreveport Center  (formerly Technology Transfer Center - Shreveport


Trenchless Technology Facility


F.J. Taylor Visual Arts Center


University Hall


Woodard Hall


Wyly Tower of Learning






Academic Calendars for future Quarters (in several formats) are available online @ URL https://www.latech.edu/current-students/academic-calendar/


The two-part Advising Forms are available for pickup in the office of the Academic Department where your major is located.  Basic & Career Studies students can pick up a form at the BARC.  Sample forms are available on the University website at URL:  https://www.latech.edu/current-students/registrar-office/registration/




     Academic integrity at Louisiana Tech University is based upon and encompasses the principles of honesty, fairness, respect, responsibility, and excellence. Through the active pursuit of academic integrity, the University strengthens the value of the education and degrees that students seek to earn. Conversely, misconduct tarnishes the reputation of Louisiana Tech University and discredits the accomplishments of current students as well as graduates. Consequently, the University expects that all members of its academic community will demonstrate honesty and integrity in all academic relationships. The purpose of the Honor Code is to articulate and support the interests of Louisiana Tech University in maintaining the highest standard of conduct in academic affairs. This policy has been developed to provide students and faculty with guidelines to determine what behaviors violate the Honor Code and procedures for dealing with behaviors alleged to be in violation of the Code.


Being a student of a higher standard, I pledge to embody the principles of academic integrity.


Acts that will be considered violations of the honor code are grouped in the categories that follow. It will be considered a violation of the Louisiana Tech University Honor Code to commit or to attempt to commit any offense as outlined below:

3.1 Cheating - Cheating is defined as the act of giving unauthorized assistance to or receiving unauthorized assistance from another individual for the purpose of completing academic requirements. This includes, but is not limited to, the completion of homework, tests, projects, or research assignments. Some examples of cheating are:

     3.1.1. During an examination, referring to information not specifically allowed by the instructor or receiving information from another student or another unauthorized source. Also included would be allowing another student to copy your paper.

     3.1.2. Representing another person’s work or any part thereof, be it published or unpublished, as one’s own, which is referred to as “plagiarism.”

     3.1.3. Copying another’s entire paper and claiming it as one’s own.

     3.1.4. Copying a part of a paper or another source and claiming it as one’s own.

     3.1.5. Copying information from a source word for word without using citations.

     3.1.6. Copying information from a source but changing the words around without providing citations.

     3.1.7. Obtaining, distributing, or referring to a copy of an examination which the instructor and/or department has not authorized to be made available for such purpose.

     3.1.8. Submitting work that has been previously or is being concurrently used in a different class by oneself or by another student. Special permission must be obtained from the instructor or professor if a student wishes to utilize or develop further any work prepared for another class.

     3.1.9. Misrepresentation of data for any purpose will represent a violation of the standards of the honor code.

3.2 Falsification - Falsification is defined as altering official University documents, forging signatures of University officials or any other individual, or any other attempt to misrepresent official institutional documents or records. This also includes the alteration of grades or any other records related to the academic performance of students, whether another student’s or your own. This shall also include submitting any false records in order to gain admission to the University. Violations include not only falsification of records but also oral and written misrepresentation of truth in any kind of communication with University officials. This violation is an automatic referral to the Behavioral Standards Committee.

3.3 Stealing/Unauthorized Access - This violation includes acquiring unauthorized access to property, information, or materials which belong to another person. These materials or property may belong to a faculty member, a staff member, the university or another student and can be acquired in any form, including electronic information. This violation is an automatic referral to the Behavioral Standards Committee. It will also be considered a violation of the Louisiana Tech University Honor Code to assist, attempt to assist, or conspire to assist another student in committing the offenses as outlined above.

The full text of the Honor Code may be found within the Student Handbook:  https://www.latech.edu/documents/2018/09/student-handbook.pdf/.