Mar 28, 2025  
University Catalog 2025-2026 
University Catalog 2025-2026

Councils, Committees, Commissions

The President and the appropriate Vice President are ‘ex-officio’ members of all councils and committees.

ADMINISTRATIVE AND PLANNING COUNCIL. Purpose: Serves as the comprehensive review, assessment, and planning Council for Louisiana Tech University. The Council is chaired by the President, and the membership includes administrators representing all areas of the University. Members: President (Chair), Provost, Executive Vice Presidents, Vice Presidents, Chief Information Technology Officer, Chief Innovation Officer, Assoc. Vice Presidents, Asst. Vice Presidents, Library Executive Director, Academic Deans, Student Advancement Deans, General Counsel, Chief of Staff (ex-officio), Ex Asst to the President (ex-officio), Senate President, SGA President, BSU President

ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW BOARD. Purpose: Hears only appeals from recommendations of the Behavioral Standards Committee, and is vested with appellate jurisdiction only. Members: Vice President for Student Advancement (Chair), Provost, and Dean of the College in which the student is registered.

ACTIVE LEARNING COMMITTEE. Purpose: Enhance communications among faculty about campus instructional technology capabilities and about experimentation with instructional techniques and to schedule development programs to meet identified needs of the faculty. Members:  Representatives from Office of Institutional Effectiveness, Research and Planning, Information Technology, and each academic college

AESTHETICS COMMITTEE. Purpose: To review proposed campus projects and make recommendations to the President as to the aesthetic merit of the proposed project and its conformity to standards of tradition and appearance of the campus. Members: Chief of Staff (Chair), Ex VP External Affairs, VP Student Advancement, Assoc VP Administration and Facilities, VP University Advancement and School of Design representative

AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA) COUNCIL. Purpose: Established to review issues relative to compliance with the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act, to forward recommendations to the appropriate administrative level, and to serve as a grievance review board for appeals. Members: Coordinator, Special Programs (Chair); Assistant Dean, Student Development; Director, Testing and Disability Services; Coordinator, Testing and Disability Services; Director, Counseling and Career Services; and representatives from Academic Affairs, Admissions, Graduate School, Human Resources, Residential Life, SGA, Campus Engineering, Behavioral Sciences, Center for Biomedical Engineering and Rehabilitative Services.

ATHLETICS COUNCIL. Purpose: Reviews intercollegiate athletic programs and activities and makes recommendations to the President for his consideration. Athletics Council members are appointed by the President. Members: Members appointed by the President

BEHAVIORAL STANDARDS COMMITTEE. Purpose: Serves as the disciplinary agent of the University in cases referred to it by the Vice President for Student Advancement or his representative. The Committee has appellate jurisdiction by a student from an adverse decision of the Vice President for Student Advancement which directly affects the complainant in his individual capacity. Members: The Committee members shall be selected from a roster composed from the following: twelve faculty members appointed by the Provost; twelve staff members appointed by the Vice President for Student Advancement, six SGA upperclassmen and six underclassmen appointed by the President of the University, and four chairpersons appointed by the Vice President for Student Advancement. Four rotating committees, composed of faculty, staff, students and a chairperson, meet to hear discipline cases involving students.

BIOSAFETY AND RADIONUCLIDES INSTITUTIONAL REVIEW COMMITTEE. Purpose: Ensures that all hazards associated with teaching and research are identified, monitored, and controlled. Members: Environmental Safety Director (Chair), representatives from Engineering and Science, Division of Research, and Applied and Natural Sciences

COMMENCEMENT COMMITTEE. Purpose: Reviews activities associated with the graduation ceremony and make appropriate recommendations to the President. Members: Representatives from the President’s Office, Provost’s Office, Registrar’s Office, Head Marshal, Ex. VP External Affairs, and Athletics

COUNCIL OF ACADEMIC DEANS. Purpose: Coordinates academic programs and policies for the University. The Council considers actions taken by the Instructional Policies Committee and the Graduate Council. Recommendations of the Council of Academic Deans are forwarded to the President for consideration and final approval. Members: Provost (Chair), Dean of each academic college, Dean of the Graduate School, Executive Director of Library Services, Associate Vice President (IE, IR, Planning), Assistant Vice President (Academic Advancement & Partnerships), and University Registrar.

ENROLLMENT MANAGEMENT COUNCIL. Purpose: Monitors, evaluates, and makes recommendations on matters related to recruiting and retention of undergraduate students. Members: (Chair), Associate Deans for Undergraduate Studies, Student Success Specialists from College of Business and Engineering and Science, Associate Registrar/NCAA Academic Compliance, Associate Registrar/Records & Registration, Computing Center representative, Comptroller’s Office representative (Bursar), Dean of Student Life/Auxiliary Services, Director of Financial Aid, Director of Undergraduate Admissions, Director of International Student and Scholar Services, and a student representative.

The RETENTION COMMITTEE is a subcommittee of ENROLLMENT MANAGEMENT COUNCIL and consists of all of the Enrollment Management Council members plus the following additional members: College of Education representative, Director of the Career Center, Department of Mathematics representative, General Studies representative, and representatives from the various departments in the Bulldog Achievement Resource Center.

EMERGENCY RESPONSE TEAM. Purpose: Provides important information in the event of an emergency or natural disaster that occurs within Louisiana Tech University or the general area and impacts normal university operations. The team works to anticipate emergencies and helps to initiate the appropriate response. Members: President, Provost, Ex VP External Affairs, VP Student Advancement, VP Finance, Assoc VP Administration and Facilities, Dean Student Life, AEP Director, Police Chief, Asst. Police Chief, Housing Director, Counseling Services Director, Environmental Safety Director, Physical Plant Director, Ex Asst to the President

EQUIPMENT DONATIONS COMMITTEE. Purpose: Reviews all proposed equipment donations to any part of the University (including the Foundation). Members: VP Student Advancement, Assoc VP Research, Dean Liberal Arts, Property Director

FEE COMMITTEE. Purpose: Serves to review proposals regarding University fees and to make recommendations regarding fees to the President and the University of Louisiana System, as appropriate. Members: Provost; Vice President for Student Advancement; Vice President for University Advancement; Vice President for Research and Development; Assistant Vice President for Finance; Assistant Vice President for Administration & Facilities; University Senate representative; and SGA President.

GRADUATE COUNCIL. Purpose: Reviews and recommends proposals for graduate courses and curricula, and may initiate or consider recommendations concerning instructional policies of the Graduate School. Members: Assoc VP for Research/Dean Graduate School (Chair), Graduate School rep, Assoc VP Institutional Research, Assoc Deans from each college, Library representative

GRIEVANCE COMMITTEE. Purpose: Provides for an independent body to consider the grievances of faculty and other unclassified personnel. This committee is composed of nine selected/elected members and a chairperson (non-voting) appointed by the President of Louisiana Tech University. The Executive Committee of the University Senate shall select six faculty members (one from each College and one from a designated College on a rotating three-year basis) to serve on the University Grievance Committee. The divisions of Louisiana Tech University (Academic Affairs, Research and Development, Finance and Administration, Student Affairs, and University Advancement) shall be represented by three elected representatives to the University Grievance Committee. Only unclassified staff personnel may be elected to represent the divisions. 

HEALTH SCIENCE ADVISORY COMMITTEE. Purpose: Addresses collective issues relating to health care education and serves in an advisory capacity to the Provost. Members: Dean of Applied & Natural Sciences (Chair), Representatives of the Departments of Agricultural Sciences, Biological Sciences, Biomedical Engineering, Chemistry, Kinesiology, Health Informatics and Information Management; Directors of programs in Nursing, Nutrition and Dietetics, and Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology.

INSTITUTIONAL REVIEW BOARD - HUMAN USE COMMITTEE. Purpose: Ensures that the University follows the regulations for the protection of human research subjects as set forth by the Department of Health and Human Services. All research projects involving human subjects, both sponsored and non-sponsored projects, must be reviewed and approved by the Institutional Review Board for Use of Human Research Subjects before the research project is initiated as well as periodically during the conduct of the research project. Members: Faculty member (Chair), Chief Innovation Officer, ANS Faculty Member, Lab Animal Facility Director

INSTITUTIONAL ANIMAL CARE AND USE COMMITTEE. Purpose: Oversees the welfare of any animals used in experimental research, their care and facilities, as directed by the U. S. Department of Agriculture and the National Institutes of Health. Members: Ex VP for Research, Environmental Safety Officer, Lab Animal Facility Director, Faculty member from COES and ANS

INSTRUCTIONAL POLICIES COMMITTEE. Purpose: Considers problems of college life in the areas of courses, curricula, and instruction in undergraduate studies. Also, serves as an instrument of control to avoid course duplication and proliferation. Members: Chairperson elected each September. Two representatives from each academic college, one representative from the library and TECH-Barksdale, a student representative from the SGA, and the University Registrar.

INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY COMMITTEE. Purpose: Oversight of intellectual property, policies, and procedures for the University. Members: Technology Transfer Director, General Counsel, Dean ANS, ANS faculty member, student representative

PARKING AND TRAFFIC COMMITTEE. Purpose: Responsible for the establishment and annual review of the parking and traffic regulations as set forth in the University “Vehicle Regulations Manual.” This committee is also charged with reviewing appeals, proposals, and recommendations submitted by members of the University community pertaining to parking and traffic concerns. Members: Vice President for Student Advancement or his designee (Chair), Chief of University Police, representative from Division of Student Advancement, representative from the Physical Plant, one representative from each of the five academic colleges, two members of the Student Government Association appointed by the SGA President, and one student Housing Representative and a University Senate representative.

PREMEDICAL/PREDENTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE. Purpose: Advises Premedical and Predental students, conducts personal interviews of applicants to medical and dental school and prepares recommendations for these applicants. Members: Marilyn Cox, Sven Eklund, Rebecca Giorno-McConnel, Bryant Hollins, Michelle Jimmerson, Steven Jones, D’eane Sheehan, Jeffry Shultz, and Joel Stake.

RESEARCH COUNCIL. Purpose: Coordinates the research activities of the University, strengthens interdisciplinary and inter-institutional research, serves as a vehicle for discussion of problems involving the administration of research projects and grants, recommends to the University administration policies concerning research and other sponsored programs, and fosters, stimulates, and advances the research effort of the University. Members: Ex VP Research (Chair), Assoc VP Research, 1 – 2 representatives from each academic college

SPACE UTILIZATION COMMITTEE. Purpose: Ensures that all campus space is usable by all members of the campus community who can justify its use in total consideration of the nature of the space. Members: Academic Affairs, Office of the Provost, Vice President for Student Advancement, Vice President for Finance, and Associate Vice President for Administration and Facilities.

STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS COMMITTEE. Purpose: Serves as the governing committee for all matters involving student organizations. Members: Director of Student Development (Chair), Faculty/Staff member appointed by the Vice President for Student Advancement, University Senate Representative, Interfraternity Council President, Panhellenic President, SGA President, Chief of University Police, IFC Advisor, Panhellenic Advisor, Dean of Inclusion & Student Success, and Union Board President.

STUDENT SELF-ASSESSED FEES OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE. Purpose: Monitors and evaluates the need for student self-assessed fees. Members: One student representing the SGA, one student representing the Union Board, one student representing KLPI, one student representing Multicultural Affairs, one graduate student representing Housing Operations, two faculty members appointed by the President, one staff person representing the Assistant Vice President for Finance, one staff person representing the Assistant Vice President for Administration & Facilities, two staff persons representing the Vice President for Student Advancement, two ex-officio members, and Chief Business Affairs officer and Chief Student Affairs officer.

STUDENT TECHNOLOGY FEE BOARD. Purpose: Serves as the final recommending body for expenditures from the Student Technology Fee. Members: President, Ex Asst to the President (ex-officio), Provost, CIO, VP Finance, VP Student Advancement (ex-officio), faculty member, SGA President, SGA VP, SGA class representatives

THREAT ASSESSMENT TEAM. Purpose: Serves as a central network and clearinghouse for identification and early intervention of students exhibiting indications of extreme distress or those engaging in harmful or disruptive behaviors. Members: VP Student Advancement (Chair), Provost, Dean Student Life, Counseling Center Director, Title IX Coordinator, Chief of Police, Asst Chief of Police, faculty member

UNDERGRADUATE ASSOCIATE DEANS COMMITTEE. Purpose:  Helps integrate University policy across colleges, improve communication, and facilitate interdisciplinary cooperation. Members: undergraduate associate deans from each academic college.  Chair is elected by members.

UNIVERSITY ASSESSMENT COMMITTEE. Purpose: To review unit reports and develop a summary report and feedback for the ADMINISTRATIVE PLANNING COUNCIL. Members: 2 representatives from each college; 2 representatives each from the Office of the Provost, VP Student Advancement, VP Finance, and AVP Administration.

UNIVERSITY BRANDING AND LICENSING COMMITTEE. Purpose: To support and advise the Department of University Communications in matters related to the licensing, merchandising, and reproduction of official Louisiana Tech visual marks (i.e. logos, institutional and athletics team names/references, photographic and video images, etc.). Members: Ex VP External Affairs (Chair), University Communications representatives, Barnes and Noble representatives, CLC representative

UNIVERSITY CATALOG COMMITTEE. Purpose: Charged with the responsibility to review the catalog to insure accuracy of approved policies and procedures prior to printing. Members: Registrar (Chair), VP Student Advancement, Director Admissions, Dean Student Life, representative from each academic college, student representative

UNIVERSITY HONOR COUNCIL. Purpose: Provides due process in cases involving violations of the Louisiana Tech University Honor Code. Members: Three faculty members appointed by the Provost; one staff member appointed by the Vice President for Student Advancement; five students with three being upper-class undergraduates appointed by the SGA President, and 2 graduate students appointed by the Dean of the Graduate School; and one faculty chairperson appointed by the Provost.

UNIVERSITY LIBRARY ADVISORY COMMITTEE. Purpose: The purpose of the committee is to advise and assist the library on issues and policies related to strategic planning, organization, and resource allocation. The Committee serves as a liaison group between the faculty and the Library. Members: Library Director (Chair), Assoc VP Research, representative from each academic college, library members appointed by the Chair

UNIVERSITY REACCREDITATION LEADERSHIP TEAM. Purpose: Assessment and self-study leadership panel for reaccreditation with the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC). Members: President (Chair), Provost, SACSCOC Accreditation Liaison, Director, Institutional Effectiveness

UNIVERSITY SAFETY COMMITTEE. Purpose: Reviews and recommends the adoption of University safety standards. The Committee works through safety representatives to inform departments of new procedures and to assist in the implementation of safety regulations. Members: Environmental Safety Officer (Chair), Director of Nuclear Center, Director of Physical Plant, Director of Human Resources, Department Head of Chemistry, Director of the School of Biological Sciences, Director of University Housing, Chief of University Police, Director of the Division of Nursing, and AVP Administration.

UNIVERSITY SENATE. Purpose: Promotes the general welfare of the University; discusses and expresses views on matters of general concern to the faculty; effectively communicates between the faculty and the administration; initiates policy proposals; makes recommendations on policy proposals submitted to it by the administrative officials of the University; and requests, through appropriate channels, from the administrative officials of the University, information which might influence policies and recommendations of the Senate. Members: The membership includes elected representatives from the Faculty who are employed full time and professional personnel engaged in Specialized Academic Services. Members shall serve for a term of three years.

UNIVERSITY SEXUAL HARASSMENT COMMITTEE. Purpose: Hears and considers testimony and other relevant evidence to make findings of fact, to determine whether the University’s policy on sexual harassment has been violated, and if so to recommend appropriate relief and disciplinary action(s). Members: Title IX Coordinator (Chair), VP Student Advancement, Chief of Police, HR Director, Assoc VP/Deputy Athletics Director, General Counsel, Ex Asst to the President

UNIVERSITY TENURED FACULTY COMMITTEE. Purpose: Provides due process in cases involving action taken by the University which could result in the discharge, termination of contract, or demotion in rank of a tenured faculty member. Members:  Two Faculty members, University Senate President, SGA President