University Catalog 2025-2026
Geographic Information Science (BS)
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CIP Code = 450799
The Geographic Information Science (GISC) program in the School of Agricultural Sciences & Forestry consists of a 120 semester credit hours with 40 hours of directed electives. Students are prepared for rewarding and high-paying careers in the field of spatial data technologies that more specifically engage environmental issues and issues that pertain to the natural sciences. Careful selection of directed electives provides the opportunity to earn a minor in forestry, wildlife habitat management, environmental science, or other fields. Specific requirements for minors are identified in the departmental sections of this Catalog.
The GISc curriculum is designed for students interested in understanding, analyzing, and applying the spatial relationship among human and physical features (e.g., social and economic impact of natural disasters). Students of GISc learn how to use computer software programs that identify the interactions that transpire between humans and the physical environment based on location. They also learn how to analyze those interactions, and to use that information to assist with public and private sector management, administration and planning.
Career opportunities for graduates with GISc training specifically mention a degree in GISc as a favored condition of employment. There is an enormous and growing need for graduates with GISc training. Ample job opportunities exist both in Louisiana and across the country and such opportunities are growing and diversifying as GISc technologies prove their value in even more areas. Excellent opportunities exist for GIS analysts, cartographers, database and system administrators, photogrammetrists, image analysts, GIS coordinators, and programmers. Employment can be found in U.S. Government agencies such as the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), U.S. Forest Service (USFS), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), in city and state government for planning environment, resources, and transportation, and in the private sector for a diverse set of disciplines including agriculture, archeology, architecture, business, communications, computer science, defense, ecology, economics, education, engineering, forestry, health and human services, natural resources, and many others.
Geographic Information Science Curriculum (BS)
Students are required to maintain a minimum grade of “C” on all individual professional courses and a minimum grade point average of 2.0 on all courses taken.
Natural Sciences (GER)***
- Select one Life Science course from the following disciplines: Animal Science, Biology, Biochemistry, Botany, Environmental Science, Plant Science, or Zoology. NOTE: some of these subject matter disciplines may not be offered at Louisiana Tech University. 3 Semester Credit Hours
- Select one Physical Science course from the following disciplines: Chemistry, Geology, Physics, Astronomy, or Meteorology. NOTE: some of these subject matter disciplines may not be offered at Louisiana Tech University. 3 Semester Credit Hours
Social/Behavioral Sciences (GER)
Select one Social/Behavioral Sciences course from the following two disciplines. NOTE: some of these subject matter disciplines may not be offered at Louisiana Tech University. 3 Semester Credit Hours
- Social Sciences - Anthropology, Criminal Justice, Economics, Geography, International Studies, Interdisciplinary Studies, or Political Science
- Behavioral Sciences - Psychology or Sociology
Major Courses
- Computer Literacy 3 Semester Credit Hours
- Directed Electives * 5 Semester Credit Hours
Humanities (GER)
- Select one Humanities (GER) course from the following disciplines: Literature, Foreign Languages, History, Classical Studies, Communications, Philosophy, Religious Studies, or Interdisciplinary. NOTE: some of these subject matter disciplines may not be offered at Louisiana Tech University. 3 Semester Credit Hours
Natural Sciences (GER)***
- Select one Life Science course from the following disciplines: Animal Science, Biology, Biochemistry, Botany, Environmental Science, Plant Science, or Zoology. NOTE: some of these subject matter disciplines may not be offered at Louisiana Tech University. 3 Semester Credit Hours
- Select one Physical Science course from the following disciplines: Chemistry, Geology, Physics, Astronomy, or Meteorology. NOTE: some of these subject matter disciplines may not be offered at Louisiana Tech University. 3 Semester Credit Hours
This will complete the Natural Sciences (GER) requirement.
Social/Behavioral Sciences (GER)
Select one Social/Behavioral Sciences course from the following two disciplines. NOTE: some of these subject matter disciplines may not be offered at Louisiana Tech University. 3 Semester Credit Hours
- Social Sciences - Anthropology, Criminal Justice, Economics, Geography, International Studies, Interdisciplinary Studies, or Political Science
- Behavioral Sciences - Psychology or Sociology
Humanities (GER)
- Select one Humanities (GER) course from the following disciplines: Literature, Foreign Languages, History, Classical Studies, Communications, Philosophy, Religious Studies, or Interdisciplinary. NOTE: some of these subject matter disciplines may not be offered at Louisiana Tech University. 3 Semester Credit Hours
Total Semester Hours 120
* Directed Electives (40 Semester Credit Hours) chosen by student, in consultation with advisor, from the following specific content areas. A minimum of 15 hours must be at the 300-level or above:
- Agricultural Science
- Biology
- Business
- Civil Engineering
- Computer Information Systems
- Computer Science
- Environmental Science
- Forestry/Wildlife
- Geology
- Geography
- Professional Land Surveying
- Professional Aviation
- Social Science
** Computer Science Elective must go beyond the basics of computer technology and may include programming or database topics.
*** Natural Sciences - must complete both physical science and life science - 6 hours (in same discipline) of one and 3 hours from the other (life sciences – biology, environmental science, plant science, & animal science at Tech or botany/zoology/biochem from other universities; physical sciences - chemistry, geology, & physics at Tech & astronomy/meteorology from other universities)
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