Aug 31, 2024  
University Catalog 2021-2022 
University Catalog 2021-2022 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

Courses are numbered as follows: freshmen, 100-level; sophomores, 200-level; juniors, 300-level; seniors, 400-level; graduate students, 500- & 600-level. Certain 400-level courses may be taken by graduate students for graduate credit; in such cases, graduate students complete additional research assignments to bring the courses up to graduate level rigor. The letter G in parentheses, (G), appears at the end of those 400-level undergraduate course descriptions which are approved for graduate level work. When taught for graduate credit, those courses are taught by Graduate Faculty. Only students admitted to the Graduate School may enroll in 500- & 600-level courses.

No credit is allowed in any curriculum for any course with a catalog number beginning with zero (0) (e.g. ENGL 099 ).

The numerical listing after each course title gives the following information: the first number represents lab hours per week; the second digit represents the number of 75-minute lecture periods per week; the third digit represents the semester credit hours earned for successful completion of the course. A few courses will have a fourth digit in parentheses. This means the course may be repeated for credit and the fourth digit designates the total amount of semester hour credit that may be earned including repetition of the course. Typically, these courses are research-, performance-, or project-oriented and found in the 300-, 400-levels (undergraduate student) or 500-, 600-levels (graduate student).

Some courses require the student to complete a prerequisite course or to secure special permission from faculty prior to enrolling in the course. These prerequisites are listed immediately after the numerical semester credit hour designations. Each student is responsible for complying with prerequisite course work requirements and special instructions.


  1. Courses designated with an asterisk * mean this course will be accepted for General Education Requirement (GER) transfer credit. A course MAY or MAY NOT be accepted as equivalent to or substitute for a course in a specific discipline or major. Please check the Board of Regents web site at and the school you are transferring to for additional information.
  2. Courses with the designation (IER) meet the Board of Regents International Education Requirement.
  3. Students with a Freshman or Sophomore classification are not eligible to register for 400-level (Senior) courses without the written approval of the Academic Dean (or the Dean’s designated representative) of the college responsible for that specific subject and course)
  4. Course offerings for each term are made available prior to Early Registration via the BOSS website (“Available Course Sections”) and in .pdf format on the Registrars website (Quarterly Schedule of Classes-The Racing Form). Quarterly offerings are subject to change to accommodate the needs of students.

Louisiana Common Course Numbering (LCCN).

Louisiana uses a statewide common course numbersing system “…to facilitate program planning and the transfer of students and course credits between and among institutions.” Faculty representatives from all of the public colleges and universities worked to articulate common course content to be covered for each course included on the Board of Regents Master Course Articulation Matrix. Beginning with General Education Requirements (GER), this initiative will continue with an eye toward expansion throughout the entire Matrix.

Each course is identified by a 4-Alpha character “rubric” (i.e. prefix or department abbreviation) and a four-digit number. Each 4-Alpha rubric begins with “C” to signify that it is a state “Common” number, followed by a standard discipline abbreviation so that when they are included in campus catalogs and web sites, its meaning will be clear. For example, “CMAT” is the standardized LCCN abbreviation for Mathematics courses included in the Statewide Course Catalog. Another example would be “CENL” for English courses.

The 4-Alpha character rubric is followed by four digits, each with their own positional meaning. The first digit of the course number denoteds the academic level of the course (1 = freshman/1st year; 2 = sophomore/2nd year). The second and third digits establish course sequencing and/or distinguish the course from others of the same level, credit value, and rubric. The fourth digit denotes the credit value of the course in semester hours. For example, CMAT 1213 College Algebra (Common, Mathematics, Freshman/1st year, articulated standard sequence 21, 3 semester hours, College Algebra); CENL 1013 English Composition I (Common, English, Freshman/1st year, articulated standard sequence 01, 3 semester hours, English Composition I.

All rubric/number course identifiers correspond to course descriptiors listed in the Statewide Course Catalog, published by the Louisiana Board of Regents with direct faculty input.The Statewide Course Catalog will comprise the academic courses for which there is statewide agreement among discipline faculty representatives as to the minimum course content to be covered so that a student completing the course will be ready for the next course for which it is a prerequisite in a sequence or curriculum. Louisiana Tech University courses that are part of the Statewide Common Course Catalog can be readily identified by the [LCCN: AAAA####] at the end of the course description.

The Master Course Articulation Matrix, and the Louisiana Statewide Common Course Catalogue can be found on the Louisiana Board of Regents website (


Other Courses

  • CVEN 562: Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite Consent of Instructor Advanced design of reinforced concrete structures in accordance with the ACI 318-14 Code.


  • EDCI 515: Secondary Agricultural Science Methods

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Strategies and resources for teaching secondary agricultural science subjects in grades 6-12.


  • GAME 475: 2D Game Design Visualization

    3(9) Semester Credit Hours . 6-1-3(9) Prerequisite ART 367  or Permission of Instructor Theory and practice in the creation of 2D art for games.  Students create 2D art, animation, and learn the fundamentals of game design.  (G)


  • GAME 476: 3D Game Design Visualization

    3(9) Semester Credit Hours . 6-1-3(9) Prerequisite GAME 475  or Permission of Instructor Theory and practice in the creation of 3D art for games.  Students create 3D art, animation, and learn the fundamentals of game design.  (G)


  • GAME 477: Game Design

    3(9) Semester Credit Hours . 6-1-3(9) Prerequisite GAME 475  or Permission of Instructor Understanding and applying the core principles of designing and developing interactive games within a team environment.  (G)



  • ACCT 201: Principles of Financial Accounting

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Basic understanding of accounting and financial reporting concepts and the significance of financial accounting information in decision-making. LCCN:CACC2113
  • ACCT 202: Principles of Managerial Accounting

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite ACCT 201  or 206. Basic understanding of managerial accounting concepts and the significance of accounting information for managerial decision-making. LCCN:CACC2213
  • ACCT 303: Intermediate Accounting

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite ACCT 202 . The theory and application of accounting procedures to financial reporting.
  • ACCT 304: Intermediate Accounting

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite ACCT 303 . The theory and application of accounting procedures to financial reporting.
  • ACCT 305: Intermediate Accounting

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite ACCT 304 . The theory and application of accounting procedures to financial reporting.
  • ACCT 307: Income Tax

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite ACCT 303   A study of Federal income tax laws and state income tax laws and their effect on individual income. LCCN:CACC3213
  • ACCT 308: Managerial Cost Accounting

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite ACCT 202  and QA 233  A study of cost systems; accounting peculiar to manufacturing enterprises; making cost statements; and solving cost problems. LCCN:CACC3113
  • ACCT 401: Internship in Accounting I

    3(6) Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-3(6) Prerequisite Junior Standing and consent of the Instructor On site, supervised, structured work experiences in the field of Accounting. (Pass/Fail)


  • ACCT 402: Internship in Accounting II

    3(6) Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-3(6) Prerequisite Junior Standing and Consent of the Instructor On site, supervised, structured work experiences in the field of Accounting. (Pass/Fail)


  • ACCT 406: Advanced Income Tax

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite ACCT 307 . A continuation of ACCT 307: Income Tax  with further study into tax problems of fiduciaries, partnerships, and corporations; solutions of problems. LCCN: CACC 3223
  • ACCT 412: Municipal and Government Accounting

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite ACCT 303 . Accounting procedures of the Federal, municipal, and state governments. Attention is given to the preparation of budgets, financial statements, and to budgetary control.
  • ACCT 413: Auditing

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite ACCT 304 . The study of basic auditing concerns, objectives and methodology. LCCN:CACC3313
  • ACCT 414: Advanced Accounting

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite ACCT 305 . Study of business combinations and consolidated financial statements; partnerships; international operations, fiduciary accounting; and governmental and not-for-profit entities.
  • ACCT 433: Accounting Systems

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 A study of accounting systems and systems installations.
  • ACCT 439: Accounting Analytics

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite ACCT 304 ACCT 307 ACCT 308 , ACCT 413 , CIS 310 , and QA 233   A capstone course focused on data analytics, data management and other information technologies from the perspective of accounting professionals as strategic business partners.


  • ACCT 485: International Accounting

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite ACCT 202  AND SENIOR STANDING OR CONSENT OF INSTRUCTOR Financial, managerial, auditing, taxation, and regulatory accounting issues and practices for multinational companies domiciled inside and outside the United States.
  • ACCT 494: Foundations in Accounting

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-3 Self-paced course in accounting sufficient to enable student to be successful with core MBA classes. Cannot be taken for credit towards an undergraduate degree. (Pass/Fail).
  • ACCT 505: Accounting Analysis for Decision-Making

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite ACCT 201  and ACCT 202  or ACCT 494   A study of accounting data and their uses with the goal of aiding management in the use of such data for decision making.
  • ACCT 507: Contemporary Accounting Theory

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite ACCT 305 . An intensive study of recent developments, research and literature in accounting theory promulgated by the various professional accounting associations and related financial organizations.
  • ACCT 508: Advanced Managerial Accounting

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite ACCT 308 . A study of the role of accounting in supporting the management of organizations.
  • ACCT 509: Advanced Income Tax

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite ACCT 307 . Further study into tax problems of fiduciaries, partnerships and corporations. Credit is not given for ACCT 509 if credit is given for  ACCT 406 .
  • ACCT 512: Municipal and Government Accounting

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite ACCT 303 . Accounting procedures of the Federal, municipal, and state governments. Credit is not given for ACCT 512 if credit is given for ACCT 412 .
  • ACCT 513: Advanced Auditing

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite ACCT 413 . Intensive study of professional conduct, auditing standards, auditor’s liability, reports, statistical sampling, and internal auditing.
  • ACCT 514: Advanced Accounting

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite ACCT 305 . Business combinations and consolidated financial statements; partnerships; international operations; and fiduciaries. Credit is not given for ACCT 514 if credit is given for ACCT 414 .
  • ACCT 517: EDP Accounting

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite ACCT 413 . A study of the accounting procedures and systems in a computer-intensive environment, including the proper utilization of computers in auditing the firm.
  • ACCT 519: International Accounting

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite ACCT 305 . A study of the financial and managerial accounting issues and practices related to the globalization of business.
  • ACCT 521: Cases, Research & Problems in Tax

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite ACCT 307 . Research cases covering various phases of income taxes; study of some source materials and research methods for ascertaining current rulings and trends in laws and regulations.
  • ACCT 539: Accounting Analytics

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-2-3 Prerequisite ACCT 413 , ACCT 308 , ACCT 307 , ACCT 304 , CIS 310 , QA 233   A capstone course focused on data analytics, data management and other information technologies from the perspective of accounting professionals as strategic business partners.  Credit will not be given for ACCT 539 if credit is given for ACCT 439 .


  • ACCT 542: Ethics & Professional Development

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite ACCT 413 . Accounting judgment and decision analysis requiring the integration of knowledge from accounting and accounting related courses; cases address multifaceted accounting issues including professional, ethical, cultural, and other contemporary concerns.
  • ACCT 550: Directed Study in Accounting

    1-3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-1 to 3 Prerequisite Consent of instructor or approval of department head required. Special problem or specific area of accounting.
  • ACCT 550A: Directed Study in Accounting

    1 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-1 Prerequisite Consent of Instructor or approval of department head. Special problem or specific area of accounting.
  • ACCT 550B: Directed Study in Accounting

    2 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-2 Prerequisite Consent of Instructor or approval of department head.

      Special problem or specific area of accounting.

  • ACCT 550C: Directed Study in Accounting

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-3 Prerequisite Consent of Instructor or approval of department head. Special problem or specific area of accounting.
  • ACCT 601: Seminar in Teaching Effectiveness and Academic Preparation

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite Requires Doctoral standing. Course focuses on the primary concerns of accounting academics. The course provides training directed toward improving classroom teaching skills. Expectations for accounting faculty are examined in regard to teaching, research, and service. Discipline-based scholarship, contributions to practice, and pedagogical scholarship are introduced.
  • ACCT 602: Introduction to Accounting Research

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Introduction to philosophy of science, basic research design, common reslurces available to accounting researchers, and the basic types of archival, analytical, and behavioral accounting research.
  • ACCT 603: Advanced Seminar in Research

    3 (6) Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 (6) Prerequisite Doctoral Standing or special permission from instructor. The seminar will cover research methods and current trends in research. Critical evaluation of research is required.
  • ACCT 604: Preparing Publishable Research

    1-3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-1 to 3 Prerequisite Doctoral Standing. Integration of literature, methods, and statistics in accounting. Students work independently with faculty to develop research papers for publication. Oral presentation of research required.
  • ACCT 604A: Preparing Publishable Research

    1 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-1(3) Prerequisite Doctoral Standing. Integration of literature, methods, and statistics in accounting. Students work independently with faculty to develop research papers for publication. Oral presentation of research required.
  • ACCT 604B: Preparing Publishable Research

    2 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-2(3) Prerequisite Doctoral Standing. Integration of literature, methods, and statistics in accounting. Students work independently with faculty to develop research papers for publication. Oral presentation of research required.
  • ACCT 604C: Preparing Publishable Research

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-3(3) Prerequisite Doctoral Standing. Integration of literature, methods, and statistics in accounting. Students work independently with faculty to develop research papers for publication. Oral presentation of research required.
  • ACCT 605: Managerial Accounting Research

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite Doctoral Standing with MPA or equivalent. A study of the theories, methodologies and academic research in managerial accounting, emphasizing the identification and development of managerial accounting dissertation topics.
  • ACCT 607: Contemporary Accounting Theory

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite ACCT 305 . Requires Doctoral Standing. An intensive study of recent developments, research and literature in accounting theory promulgated by the various professional accounting associations and related financial organizations. Credit will not be given for ACCT 607 if credit is given for ACCT 507 .
  • ACCT 608: Advanced Managerial Accounting

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite ACCT 308 . Requires Doctoral Standing. A study of the role of accounting in supporting the management of organizations. Credit will not be given for ACCT 608 if credits is given for ACCT 508 .
  • ACCT 610: Theory of Accounting Research

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite Doctoral Standing with MPA or Equivalent. Accounting research design and methodology from a theoretical perspective and identification of potential behavioral accounting dissertation topics.
  • ACCT 613: Advanced Auditing

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite ACCT 413 . Requires Doctoral Standing. Intensive study of professional conduct, auditing standards, auditor’s liability, reports, statistical sampling, and internal auditing. Credit will not be given for ACCT 613 if credit is given for ACCT 513 .
  • ACCT 615: Financial Accounting Research

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite Doctoral Standing with MPA or Equivalent. A study of capital market research, auditing research, and other financial accounting related topics and identification of financial accounting, auditing, and systems dissertation topics.
  • ACCT 617: EDP Accounting

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite ACCT 413 . Requires Doctoral Standing. 3. A study of the accounting procedures and systems in a computer-intensiveenvironment, including the proper utilization of computers in auditing the firm. Credit will not be given for ACCT 617 if credit is given for ACCT 517 .
  • ACCT 619: International Accounting

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite ACCT 305 . Requires Doctoral Standing. A study of the financial and managerial accounting issues and practices related to the globalization of business. Credit will not be given for ACCT 619 if credit is given for ACCT 519 .
  • ACCT 620: Accounting Research Applications

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite Doctoral standing with MPA or equivalent. Consideration of basic and applied accounting research with an emphasis on research design and the further development of dissertation topics.
  • ACCT 621: Cases and Problems in Income Taxes

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite ACCT 307 . Requires Doctoral Standing. Research cases covering various phases of income taxes; study of some source materials and research methods for ascertaining current rulings and trends in laws and regulations. Credit will not be given for ACCT 621 if credit is given for ACCT 521 .
  • ACCT 642: Seminar in Professional Development

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite ACCT 413 . Requires Doctoral Standing. Accounting judgment and decision analysis requiring the integration of knowledge from accounting and accounting related courses; cases address mutlifaceted accounting issues including professional, ethical, cultural, and other contemporary concerns. Credit will not be given for ACCT 642 if credit is given for ACCT 542 .
  • ACCT 650: Directed Study in Accounting

    1-3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-3 Prerequisite Consent of Instructor and Approval of Department Head Required. Special problem or specific area of accounting. (Pass/Fail)
  • ACCT 685: Comprehensive Exam in Accounting

    0 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-0 Prerequisite Doctoral Standing Required. Requires Consent of Graduate Director. Required for all business administration doctoral students seeking to take the comprehensive exam in accounting. Successful completion is a prerequisite to the oral comprehensive exam for those seeking a primary field or examined minor in accounting. Requires consent of graduate director.

Agricultural Business

  • AGBU 220: Principles of Agricultural Economics

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Economic theory with application to production, marketing, and financing in agribusiness. Institutions such as cooperatives, farm credit systems, foreign agricultural trade, and government will be emphasized.
  • AGBU 225: Special Problems in Agribusiness

    1-3 (4) Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-1 to 3(4) May be repeated for credit. Assignments in aread of agricultural economics, rural development, natural resources, and agribusiness management.
  • AGBU 225A: Spec Problems in Agri Business

    1 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-1(4) May be repeated for credit. Assignments in aread of agricultural economics, rural development, natural resources, and agribusiness management.
  • AGBU 225B: Spec Problems in Agri Business

    2 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-2(4) May be repeated for credit. Assignments in aread of agricultural economics, rural development, natural resources, and agribusiness management.
  • AGBU 225C: Spec Problems in Agri Business

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-3(4) Prerequisite Consent of Instructor May be repeated for credit. Assignments in aread of agricultural economics, rural development, natural resources, and agribusiness management.
  • AGBU 230: Principles and Practices of Agricultural Marketing

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Methods and channels of agricultural marketing; marketing principles; governmental action concerned with the marketing process; analysis and evaluation of marketing problems.
  • AGBU 310: Agricultural Policy

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 The impact of agricultural policy on the farm firm and agribusiness industry. Emphasis is placed on policy issues affecting producers and consumers of agricultural products.
  • AGBU 402: Farm and Agribusiness Management

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite AGBU 220  OR ECON 202  Economic principles, budgeting, organization, and management techniques as applied to a farm, ranch or agricultural business. (G)
  • AGBU 425: Spec Problems in Agri Business

    1-3 (4) Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-1 to 3(4) May be repeated for credit. Assignments in areas of agricultural economics, rural development, natural resources, and agribusiness management.
  • AGBU 425A: Spec Problems in Agri Business

    1 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-1(4) May be repeated for credit. Assignments in areas of agricultural economics, rural development, natural resources, and agribusiness management.
  • AGBU 425B: Spec Problems in Agri Business

    2 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-2(4) May be repeated for credit. Assignments in areas of agricultural economics, rural development, natural resources, and agribusiness management.
  • AGBU 425C: Spec Problems in Agri Business

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-3(4) May be repeated for credit. Assignments in areas of agricultural economics, rural development, natural resources, and agribusiness management.
  • AGBU 450: Natural Resource Economics

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Tools for economic decision-making applied to the use and allocation of natural resources associated with agriculture. Costs and benefits of various approaches to natural resource management.
  • AGBU 460: Agricultural Finance

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Analysis of financial investments in the agricultural firm, credit sources, debt repayment, capital allocation, and the use of short, intermediate, and long-term credit. (G)

Agricultural Education

  • AGED 450: Advanced Agricultural Shop Methods and Safety

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 3-2-3 Prerequisite AGSC 209  and AGSC 211 . Methods and techniques for instruction in agricultural shop safety and power tool use in the high school shop laboratory.
  • AGED 460: Fundamentals of Agricultural Education

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 History, traditions, and guidelines of agricultural education. Consideration of federal, state, and local laws and regulations concerning agricultural education and Louisiana’s public high schools.

Agricultural Science

  • AGSC 209: Small Engines

    1 Semester Credit Hours . 3-0-1 Principles of operation, construction, application, maintenance, and overhaul procedures of small internal combustion engines.
  • AGSC 211: General Shop

    2 Semester Credit Hours . 6-0-2 Care and use of tools, gas and electric welding, cold metal work, and woodwork.
  • AGSC 301: Ethics in Agriculture and Natural Resources

    1 Semester Credit Hours . 0-1-1 Examination and discussion of ethical issues related to agriculture and natural resources.
  • AGSC 320: Statistical Methods

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite Sophomore Standing or Above. Introduction to descriptive and inferential statistics, probability, sampling distributions, confidence intervals, hypotheses testing, ANOVA, correlation and regression, with an emphasis on biological data and application.
  • AGSC 411: Seminar

    1 Semester Credit Hours . 0-1-1 Prerequisite Senior Standing Reviews, reports, and discussion of current problems in agriculture and related fields.
  • AGSC 478: Cooperative Education Work Experience

    1-9 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-1 to 9 (9) May be repeated for credit. On-site supervised, structured work experiences. Application and supervision fee required. Cannot be taken for credit if student has credit for ENSC 478 .
  • AGSC 478A: Cooperative Education Work Experience

    1 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-1(9) May be repeated for credit. On-site supervised, structured work experiences. Application and supervision fee required. Cannot be taken for credit if student has credit for ENSC 478 .
  • AGSC 478B: Cooperative Education Work Experience

    2 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-2(9) May be repeated for credit. On-site supervised, structured work experiences. Application and supervision fee required. Cannot be taken for credit if student has credit for ENSC 478 .
  • AGSC 478C: Cooperative Education Work Experience

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-3(9) May be repeated for credit. On-site supervised, structured work experiences. Application and supervision fee required. Cannot be taken for credit if student has credit for ENSC 478 .
  • AGSC 478D: Cooperative Education Work Experience

    4 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-4(9) May be repeated for credit. On-site supervised, structured work experiences. Application and supervision fee required. Cannot be taken for credit if student has credit for ENSC 478 .
  • AGSC 478E: Cooperative Education Work Experience

    5 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-5(9) May be repeated for credit. On-site supervised, structured work experiences. Application and supervision fee required. Cannot be taken for credit if student has credit for ENSC 478 .
  • AGSC 478F: Cooperative Education Work Experience

    6 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-6(9) May be repeated for credit. On-site supervised, structured work experiences. Application and supervision fee required. Cannot be taken for credit if student has credit for ENSC 478 .
  • AGSC 478G: Cooperative Education Work Experience

    7 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-7(9) May be repeated for credit. On-site supervised, structured work experiences. Application and supervision fee required. Cannot be taken for credit if student has credit for ENSC 478 .
  • AGSC 478H: Cooperative Education Work Experience

    8 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-8(9) May be repeated for credit. On-site supervised, structured work experiences. Application and supervision fee required. Cannot be taken for credit if student has credit for ENSC 478 .
  • AGSC 478I: Cooperative Education Work Experience

    9 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-9(9) May be repeated for credit. On-site supervised, structured work experiences. Application and supervision fee required. Cannot be taken for credit if student has credit for ENSC 478 .
  • AGSC 516: Contemporary Topics

    1-6 (6) Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-1 to 6(6) Examination and discussion of a variety of timely topicspertaining to the agricultural sciences. May be repeated with a change in subject matter.
  • AGSC 516A: Contemporary Topics

    1 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-1(6) Examination and discussion of a variety of timely topicspertaining to the agricultural sciences. May be repeated with a change in subject matter.
  • AGSC 516B: Contemporary Topics

    2 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-2(6) Examination and discussion of a variety of timely topicspertaining to the agricultural sciences. May be repeated with a change in subject matter.
  • AGSC 516C: Contemporary Topics

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-3(6) Examination and discussion of a variety of timely topicspertaining to the agricultural sciences. May be repeated with a change in subject matter.
  • AGSC 516D: Contemporary Topics

    4 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-4(6) Examination and discussion of a variety of timely topicspertaining to the agricultural sciences. May be repeated with a change in subject matter.
  • AGSC 516E: Contemporary Topics

    5 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-5(6) Examination and discussion of a variety of timely topicspertaining to the agricultural sciences. May be repeated with a change in subject matter.
  • AGSC 516F: Contemporary Topics

    6 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-6(6) Examination and discussion of a variety of timely topicspertaining to the agricultural sciences. May be repeated with a change in subject matter.
  • ANSC 333: Animal Disaster Response

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 3-2-3 All hazards animal disaster training with focus on humans and animals managed cooperatively.  Appropriate for students pursuing careers in agriculture, animal welfare, and veterinary medicine.


Air Force Aerospace Studies

  • AFAS 125: U.S. Air Force Heritage & Values I

    1 Semester Credit Hours . 0-1-1 Corequisite AFAS 155   Examination of Air Force dress, appearance, customs, courtesies and core values.  Also includes a study of Air Forces’s formation.
  • AFAS 126: U.S. Air Force Heritage & Values II

    1 Semester Credit Hours . 0-1-1 Corequisite AFAS 156  Continuation of AFAS 125 .  Analysis of Air Force writing and briefing styles.  Examination of heritage, leadership and benefits of service.


  • AFAS 127: U.S. Air Force Heritage & Values III

    1 Semester Credit Hours . 0-1-1 Corequisite AFAS 157   Continuation of AFAS 126 .  Examination of air power evolution and the structure of the Air Force.  Introduction to Air Force tenets and capabilities. 



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