Sep 18, 2024  
University Catalog 2021-2022 
University Catalog 2021-2022 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

Courses are numbered as follows: freshmen, 100-level; sophomores, 200-level; juniors, 300-level; seniors, 400-level; graduate students, 500- & 600-level. Certain 400-level courses may be taken by graduate students for graduate credit; in such cases, graduate students complete additional research assignments to bring the courses up to graduate level rigor. The letter G in parentheses, (G), appears at the end of those 400-level undergraduate course descriptions which are approved for graduate level work. When taught for graduate credit, those courses are taught by Graduate Faculty. Only students admitted to the Graduate School may enroll in 500- & 600-level courses.

No credit is allowed in any curriculum for any course with a catalog number beginning with zero (0) (e.g. ENGL 099 ).

The numerical listing after each course title gives the following information: the first number represents lab hours per week; the second digit represents the number of 75-minute lecture periods per week; the third digit represents the semester credit hours earned for successful completion of the course. A few courses will have a fourth digit in parentheses. This means the course may be repeated for credit and the fourth digit designates the total amount of semester hour credit that may be earned including repetition of the course. Typically, these courses are research-, performance-, or project-oriented and found in the 300-, 400-levels (undergraduate student) or 500-, 600-levels (graduate student).

Some courses require the student to complete a prerequisite course or to secure special permission from faculty prior to enrolling in the course. These prerequisites are listed immediately after the numerical semester credit hour designations. Each student is responsible for complying with prerequisite course work requirements and special instructions.


  1. Courses designated with an asterisk * mean this course will be accepted for General Education Requirement (GER) transfer credit. A course MAY or MAY NOT be accepted as equivalent to or substitute for a course in a specific discipline or major. Please check the Board of Regents web site at and the school you are transferring to for additional information.
  2. Courses with the designation (IER) meet the Board of Regents International Education Requirement.
  3. Students with a Freshman or Sophomore classification are not eligible to register for 400-level (Senior) courses without the written approval of the Academic Dean (or the Dean’s designated representative) of the college responsible for that specific subject and course)
  4. Course offerings for each term are made available prior to Early Registration via the BOSS website (“Available Course Sections”) and in .pdf format on the Registrars website (Quarterly Schedule of Classes-The Racing Form). Quarterly offerings are subject to change to accommodate the needs of students.

Louisiana Common Course Numbering (LCCN).

Louisiana uses a statewide common course numbersing system “…to facilitate program planning and the transfer of students and course credits between and among institutions.” Faculty representatives from all of the public colleges and universities worked to articulate common course content to be covered for each course included on the Board of Regents Master Course Articulation Matrix. Beginning with General Education Requirements (GER), this initiative will continue with an eye toward expansion throughout the entire Matrix.

Each course is identified by a 4-Alpha character “rubric” (i.e. prefix or department abbreviation) and a four-digit number. Each 4-Alpha rubric begins with “C” to signify that it is a state “Common” number, followed by a standard discipline abbreviation so that when they are included in campus catalogs and web sites, its meaning will be clear. For example, “CMAT” is the standardized LCCN abbreviation for Mathematics courses included in the Statewide Course Catalog. Another example would be “CENL” for English courses.

The 4-Alpha character rubric is followed by four digits, each with their own positional meaning. The first digit of the course number denoteds the academic level of the course (1 = freshman/1st year; 2 = sophomore/2nd year). The second and third digits establish course sequencing and/or distinguish the course from others of the same level, credit value, and rubric. The fourth digit denotes the credit value of the course in semester hours. For example, CMAT 1213 College Algebra (Common, Mathematics, Freshman/1st year, articulated standard sequence 21, 3 semester hours, College Algebra); CENL 1013 English Composition I (Common, English, Freshman/1st year, articulated standard sequence 01, 3 semester hours, English Composition I.

All rubric/number course identifiers correspond to course descriptiors listed in the Statewide Course Catalog, published by the Louisiana Board of Regents with direct faculty input.The Statewide Course Catalog will comprise the academic courses for which there is statewide agreement among discipline faculty representatives as to the minimum course content to be covered so that a student completing the course will be ready for the next course for which it is a prerequisite in a sequence or curriculum. Louisiana Tech University courses that are part of the Statewide Common Course Catalog can be readily identified by the [LCCN: AAAA####] at the end of the course description.

The Master Course Articulation Matrix, and the Louisiana Statewide Common Course Catalogue can be found on the Louisiana Board of Regents website (


Civil Engineering

  • CVEN 580: Trenchless Technology

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite MEMT 313  and CVEN 324 . Survey of trenchless technologies, underground infrastructure management, cured in-place, slip lining and fold and form rehabilition, horizontal directional drilling, pipe jacking and microtunneling. Credit will not be given for both CVEN 480  and 580.
  • CVEN 599: Graduate Seminar

    1 Semester Credit Hours . 0-1-1 Issues in graduate education. Presentations of current topics in research, teaching and practice. May be repeated for credit. (Pass/Fail)

Civil Technology

  • CVTE 100: Introduction To Construction

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 3-2-3 Prerequisite MATH 112  An introduction to the construction industry, the work of professional construction managers and technologies, the curriculum, and the reading of building and highway plans.
  • CVTE 210: Basic Hydraulics

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 4-2-3 Prerequisite MEMT 206 . Physical phenomena of hydraulics with application of the fundamental laws and empirical formulae. Pressure forces on submerged areas, buoyancy, flow in closed conduits and open channels and fluid measurements.
  • CVTE 255: Computer Appl in Surveying

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 3-3-3 Prerequisite CVEN 254  Computer-aided drafting and geometric construction tools, basic knowledge of GIS theory in combination with GPS applications for land surveying, construction layout and site preparations.
  • CVTE 372: Structural Mechanics and Analysis

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite MEMT 206  and MATH 220 . Theory of the mechanics of structural analysis and design. Not open to Civil Engineering majors.
  • CVTE 373: Construction Materials

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 4-2-3 Prerequisite ENGL 303  and MEMT 206 . Mechanical behavior of engineering materials, determination of strength and other properties of materials, and construction applications.
  • CVTE 424: Seminar

    1 Semester Credit Hours . 3-0-1 Prerequisite Senior status. Reading and discussion of assigned papers, presentation of current issues in construction, and discussions with professional construction personnel.
  • CVTE 471: Reinf Concrete, Found and Formwrk

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite CVTE 372 . Analysis and design of reinforced concrete structures, slabs, and footings. Design and selection of formwork and shoring.
  • CVTE 473: Design of Structures

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 3-2-3 Prerequisite CVTE 372 . Design of elementary structures in timber and steel.
  • CVTE 475: Soils in Construction

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite MEMT 206  . The nature of soils, earthwork in construction, and soil testing methods.
  • CVTE 492: Construction Proj Bid Planning

    2 Semester Credit Hours . 6-0-2 Prerequisite CVEN 436 , CVEN 438 , CVEN 439 , CVTE 475 , and within three quarters of Program Capstone construction experience that includes planning the sequence of construction operations, creating a bill of materials, and estimating the cost of a small construction project by student teams.
  • CVTE 493: Capstone for Construction Project

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 6-0-3 Prerequisite CVEN 436 , CVEN 438 , CVEN 439 , CVTE 475  AND WITHIN THREE QTRS OF GRADUATION Capstone experience including planning the sequence of construction operations, creating a bill of materials, meeting professional construction personnel, estimating cost of a project by teams.

Clinical Laboratory Science

  • CLAB 450: Pathophysiology

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 A case history approach is taken in the correlation of laboratory data with clinical observation to diagnose disease.
  • CLAB 460: Clinical Hematology

    . 0-2-2 to 6(6) Prerequisite Consent of instructor. Advanced concepts in the theory, application and medical interpretation of hematological and hemostatic mechanisms and methods.
  • CLAB 460B: Clinical Hematology

    . 0-2-2 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Advanced concepts in the theory, application and medical interpretation of hematological and hemostatic mechanisms and methods.
  • CLAB 460C: Clinical Hematology

    . 0-3-3 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Advanced concepts in the theory, application and medical interpretation of hematological and hemostatic mechanisms and methods.
  • CLAB 460D: Clinical Hematology

    . 0-4-4 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Advanced concepts in the theory, application and medical interpretation of hematological and hemostatic mechanisms and methods.
  • CLAB 460E: Clinical Hematology

    . 0-5-5 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Advanced concepts in the theory, application and medical interpretation of hematological and hemostatic mechanisms and methods.
  • CLAB 460F: Clinical Hematology

    . 0-6-6 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Advanced concepts in the theory, application and medical interpretation of hematological and hemostatic mechanisms and methods.
  • CLAB 461: Clinical Hematology Laboratory

    . 1-0-1 to 5(5) Prerequisite Consent of instructor. Instruction and laboratory practice in the development and use of advanced analytical procedures and instrumentation in clinical hematology and hemostatis.
  • CLAB 461A: Clinical Hematology Laboratory

    . 1-0-1 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Instruction and laboratory practice in the development and use of advanced analytical procedures and instrumentation in clinical hematology and hemostatis.
  • CLAB 461B: Clinical Hematology Laboratory

    . 2-0-2 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Instruction and laboratory practice in the development and use of advanced analytical procedures and instrumentation in clinical hematology and hemostatis.
  • CLAB 461C: Clinical Hematology Laboratory

    . 3-0-3 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Instruction and laboratory practice in the development and use of advanced analytical procedures and instrumentation in clinical hematology and hemostatis.
  • CLAB 461D: Clinical Hematology Laboratory

    . 4-0-4 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Instruction and laboratory practice in the development and use of advanced analytical procedures and instrumentation in clinical hematology and hemostatis.
  • CLAB 461E: Clinical Hematology Laboratory

    . 5-0-5 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Instruction and laboratory practice in the development and use of advanced analytical procedures and instrumentation in clinical hematology and hemostatis.
  • CLAB 462: Clinical Serology and Immunology

    . 0-1-1 to 3(3) Prerequisite Consent of instructor. Advanced concepts in the theory, application and medical interpretation of serological and immunological mechanisms and methods.
  • CLAB 462A: Clinical Serology and Immunology

    . 0-1-1 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Advanced concepts in the theory, application and medical interpretation of serological and immunological mechanisms and methods.
  • CLAB 462B: Clinical Serology and Immunology

    . 0-2-2 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Advanced concepts in the theory, application and medical interpretation of serological and immunological mechanisms and methods.
  • CLAB 462C: Clinical Serology and Immunology

    . 0-3-3 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Advanced concepts in the theory, application and medical interpretation of serological and immunological mechanisms and methods.
  • CLAB 462D: Clinical Serology and Immunology

    . 0-4-4 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Advanced concepts in the theory, application and medical interpretation of serological and immunological mechanisms and methods.
  • CLAB 463: Clinical Serology/Immunology Lab

    . 1-0-1 to 4(4) Prerequisite Consent of instructor. Practical instruction and laboratory practice in the performance of serological and immunological procedures.
  • CLAB 463A: Clinical Serology/Immunology Lab

    . 1-0-1 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Practical instruction and laboratory practice in the performance of serological and immunological procedures.
  • CLAB 463B: Clinical Serology/Immunology Lab

    . 2-0-2 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Practical instruction and laboratory practice in the performance of serological and immunological procedures.
  • CLAB 463C: Clinical Serology/Immunology Lab

    . 3-0-3 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Practical instruction and laboratory practice in the performance of serological and immunological procedures.
  • CLAB 463D: Clinical Serology/Immunology Lab

    . 4-0-4 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Practical instruction and laboratory practice in the performance of serological and immunological procedures.
  • CLAB 464: Clinical Bacteriology

    . 0-2-2 to 5(5) Prerequisite Consent of instructor. Advanced concepts in the use and interpretation of medical bacteriological procedures and data.
  • CLAB 464B: Clinical Bacteriology

    . 0-2-2 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Advanced concepts in the use and interpretation of medical bacteriological procedures and data.
  • CLAB 464C: Clinical Bacteriology

    . 0-3-3 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Advanced concepts in the use and interpretation of medical bacteriological procedures and data.
  • CLAB 464D: Clinical Bacteriology

    . 0-4-4 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Advanced concepts in the use and interpretation of medical bacteriological procedures and data.
  • CLAB 464E: Clinical Bacteriology

    . 0-5-5 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Advanced concepts in the use and interpretation of medical bacteriological procedures and data.
  • CLAB 465: Clinical Bacteriology Lab

    . 1-0-1 to 7(7) Prerequisite Consent of instructor. Instruction and laboratory practice in the development and use of advanced analytical procedures and instrumentation in clinical bacteriology.
  • CLAB 465C: Clinical Bacteriology Lab

    . 3-0-3 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Instruction and laboratory practice in the development and use of advanced analytical procedures and instrumentation in clinical bacteriology.
  • CLAB 465D: Clinical Bacteriology Lab

    . 4-0-4 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Instruction and laboratory practice in the development and use of advanced analytical procedures and instrumentation in clinical bacteriology.
  • CLAB 465E: Clinical Bacteriology Lab

    . 5-0-5 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Instruction and laboratory practice in the development and use of advanced analytical procedures and instrumentation in clinical bacteriology.
  • CLAB 465F: Clinical Bacteriology Lab

    . 6-0-6 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Instruction and laboratory practice in the development and use of advanced analytical procedures and instrumentation in clinical bacteriology.
  • CLAB 465G: Clinical Bacteriology Lab

    . 7-0-7 Instruction and laboratory practice in the development and use of advanced analytical procedures and instrumentation in clinical bacteriology.
  • CLAB 466: Clinical Immunohematology

    . 0-1-1 to 4(4) Prerequisite Consent of instructor. An advanced study of the principles of immunohematology necessary to provide a patient with a safe blood transfusion.
  • CLAB 466A: Clinical Immunohematology

    . 0-1-1 Prerequisite Consent of instructor An advanced study of the principles of immunohematology necessary to provide a patient with a safe blood transfusion.
  • CLAB 466B: Clinical Immunohematology

    . 0-2-2 Prerequisite Consent of instructor An advanced study of the principles of immunohematology necessary to provide a patient with a safe blood transfusion.
  • CLAB 466C: Clinical Immunohematology

    . 0-3-3 Prerequisite Consent of instructor An advanced study of the principles of immunohematology necessary to provide a patient with a safe blood transfusion.
  • CLAB 466D: Clinical Immunohematolgy

    . 0-4-4 Prerequisite Consent of instructor An advanced study of the principles of immunohematology necessary to provide a patient with a safe blood transfusion.
  • CLAB 467: Clinical Immunohematology Lab

    . 1-0-1 to 5(5) Prerequisite Consent of instructor. Practical instruction and laboratory practice in immunohematological procedures utilized in a hospital blood bank.
  • CLAB 467A: Clinical Immmunohematology Lab

    . 1-0-1 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Practical instruction and laboratory practice in immunohematological procedures utilized in a hospital blood bank.
  • CLAB 467B: Clinical Immunohematology Lab

    . 2-0-2 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Practical instruction and laboratory practice in immunohematological procedures utilized in a hospital blood bank.
  • CLAB 467C: Clinical Immunohematology Lab

    . 3-0-3 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Practical instruction and laboratory practice in immunohematological procedures utilized in a hospital blood bank.
  • CLAB 467D: Clinical Immunohematology Lab

    . 4-0-4 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Practical instruction and laboratory practice in immunohematological procedures utilized in a hospital blood bank.
  • CLAB 467E: Clinical Immunohematology Lab

    . 5-0-5 Practical instruction and laboratory practice in immunohematological procedures utilized in a hospital blood bank.
  • CLAB 468: Clinical Chemistry and Toxicology

    . 0-3-3 or 6(6) Prerequisite Consent of instructor. Advanced concepts in the theory application, and medical interpretation of clinical biochemical mechanisms and methods.
  • CLAB 468C: Clinical Chemistry and Toxicology

    . 0-3-3 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Advanced concepts in the theory application, and medical interpretation of clinical biochemical mechanisms and methods.
  • CLAB 468D: Clinical Chemistry and Toxicology

    . 0-4-4 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Advanced concepts in the theory application, and medical interpretation of clinical biochemical mechanisms and methods.
  • CLAB 468E: Clinical Chemistry and Toxicology

    . 0-5-5 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Advanced concepts in the theory application, and medical interpretation of clinical biochemical mechanisms and methods.
  • CLAB 468F: Clinical Chemistry and Toxicology

    . 0-6-6 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Advanced concepts in the theory application, and medical interpretation of clinical biochemical mechanisms and methods.
  • CLAB 474: Clinical Urinalysis

    . 0-1-1 to 3 Prerequisite Consent of instructor. Advanced concepts in the use and interpretation of urinalysis procedures and data.
  • CLAB 474A: Clinical Urinalysis

    . 0-1-1 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Advanced concepts in the use and interpretation of urinalysis procedures and data.
  • CLAB 474B: Clinical Urinalysis

    . 0-2-2 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Advanced concepts in the use and interpretation of urinalysis procedures and data.
  • CLAB 474C: Clinical Urinalysis

    . 0-3-3 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Advanced concepts in the use and interpretation of urinalysis procedures and data.
  • CLAB 475: Clinical Urinalysis Lab

    . 1-0-1 to 3 Prerequisite Consent of instructor. Practical instruction and laboratory practice in the performance of urinalysis procedures.
  • CLAB 475A: Clinical Urinalysis Lab

    . 1-0-1 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Practical instruction and laboratory practice in the performance of urinalysis procedures.
  • CLAB 475B: Clinical Urinalysis Lab

    . 2-0-2 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Practical instruction and laboratory practice in the performance of urinalysis procedures.
  • CLAB 475C: Clinical Urinalysis Lab

    . 3-0-3 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Practical instruction and laboratory practice in the performance of urinalysis procedures.
  • CLAB 476: Parasitology/Mycology/Mycobact

    . 0-1-1 to 2 Prerequisite Consent of instructor. Advanced concepts in the use and interpretation of procedures and data in clinical parasitology, mycology, and mycobateriology.
  • CLAB 476A: Parasitology/Mycology/Mycobact

    . 0-1-1 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Advanced concepts in the use and interpretation of procedures and data in clinical parasitology, mycology, and mycobateriology.
  • CLAB 476B: Parisitology/Mycology/Mycobact

    . 0-2-2 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Advanced concepts in the use and interpretation of procedures and data in clinical parasitology, mycology, and mycobateriology.
  • CLAB 477: Parasit/Mycol/Mycobact Lab

    . 1-0-1 to 2 Prerequisite Consent of instructor. Instruction in laboratory practice in the development and use of advanced analytical procedures in clinical mycology, parasitology, and mycobacteriology.
  • CLAB 477A: Parasit/Mycol/Mycobact Lab

    . 1-0-1 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Instruction in laboratory practice in the development and use of advanced analytical procedures in clinical mycology, parasitology, and mycobacteriology.
  • CLAB 477B: Parasit/Mycol/Mycobact Lab

    . 2-0-2 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Instruction in laboratory practice in the development and use of advanced analytical procedures in clinical mycology, parasitology, and mycobacteriology.
  • CLAB 478: Clinical Lab Administration

    . 0-1-1 to 3 Prerequisite Consent of instructor. Modern management concepts for the clinical laboratory.
  • CLAB 478A: Clinical Lab Administration

    . 0-1-1 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Modern management concepts for the clinical laboratory.
  • CLAB 478B: Clinical Lab Administration

    . 0-2-2 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Modern management concepts for the clinical laboratory.
  • CLAB 478C: Clinical Lab Administration

    . 0-3-3 Modern management concepts for the clinical laboratory.
  • CLAB 480: Clinical Med Tech Problems

    . 0-1-1 to 8(8) Prerequisite Consent of instructor. An introduction to emerging medical technologies.
  • CLAB 480A: Clinical Med Tech Problems

    . 0-1-1 Prerequisite Consent of instructor An introduction to emerging medical technologies.
  • CLAB 480B: Clinical Med Tech Problems

    . 0-2-2 Prerequisite Consent of instructor An introduction to emerging medical technologies.
  • CLAB 480C: Clinical Med Tech Problems

    . 0-3-3 Prerequisite Consent of instructor An introduction to emerging medical technologies.
  • CLAB 480D: Clinical Med Tech Problems

    . 0-4-4 Prerequisite Consent of instructor An introduction to emerging medical technologies.
  • CLAB 480E: Clinical Med Tech Problems

    . 0-5-5 Prerequisite Consent of instructor An introduction to emerging medical technologies.
  • CLAB 480F: Clinical Med Tech Problems

    . 0-6-6 Prerequisite Consent of instructor An introduction to emerging medical technologies.
  • CLAB 480G: Clinical Med Tech Problems

    . 0-7-7 Prerequisite Consent of instructor An introduction to emerging medical technologies.
  • CLAB 480H: Clinical Med Tech Porblems

    . 0-8-8 Prerequisite Consent of instructor An introduction to emerging medical technologies.
  • CLAB 483: Clinical Parasitology

    . 0-1-1 to 2 Identification, clinical significance, and methods of prevention of parasitic infections.
  • CLAB 483A: Clinical Parasitology

    . 0-1-1 Identification, clinical significance, and methods of prevention of parasitic infections.
  • CLAB 483B: Clinical Parasitology

    . 0-2-2 Identification, clinical significance, and methods of prevention of parasitic infections.
  • CLAB 484: Clinical Parasitology Lab

    . 1-0-1 to 2 Instruction and laboratory practice in the development and application of medical parasitology laboratory methods.
  • CLAB 484A: Clinical Parasitology Lab

    . 1-0-1 Instruction and laboratory practice in the development and application of medical parasitology laboratory methods.
  • CLAB 484B: Clinical Parasitology Lab

    . 2-0-2 Instruction and laboratory practice in the development and application of medical parasitology laboratory methods.
  • CLAB 485: Clinical Mycology

    . 0-1-1 to 2 Identification, clinical significance and methods of prevention of mycotic infection.
  • CLAB 485A: Clinical Mycology

    . 0-1-1 Identification, clinical significance and methods of prevention of mycotic infection.
  • CLAB 485B: Clinical Mycology

    . 0-2-2 Identification, clinical significance and methods of prevention of mycotic infection.
  • CLAB 486: Clin Phlebotomy and Spec Procure

    . 0-1-1 to 3 Prerequisite Consent of instructor. Instruction and laboratory practice in phlebotomy and the collection of other specimens for clinical analysis. Specimen preservation and safe lab practices are included.

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