Civil Engineering |
CVEN 580: Trenchless Technology 3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite MEMT 313 and CVEN 324 . Survey of trenchless technologies, underground infrastructure management, cured in-place, slip lining and fold and form rehabilition, horizontal directional drilling, pipe jacking and microtunneling. Credit will not be given for both CVEN 480 and 580. |
CVEN 599: Graduate Seminar 1 Semester Credit Hours . 0-1-1 Issues in graduate education. Presentations of current topics in research, teaching and practice. May be repeated for credit. (Pass/Fail) |
Civil Technology |
CVTE 100: Introduction To Construction 3 Semester Credit Hours . 3-2-3 Prerequisite MATH 112 An introduction to the construction industry, the work of professional construction managers and technologies, the curriculum, and the reading of building and highway plans. |
CVTE 210: Basic Hydraulics 3 Semester Credit Hours . 4-2-3 Prerequisite MEMT 206 . Physical phenomena of hydraulics with application of the fundamental laws and empirical formulae. Pressure forces on submerged areas, buoyancy, flow in closed conduits and open channels and fluid measurements. |
CVTE 255: Computer Appl in Surveying 3 Semester Credit Hours . 3-3-3 Prerequisite CVEN 254 Computer-aided drafting and geometric construction tools, basic knowledge of GIS theory in combination with GPS applications for land surveying, construction layout and site preparations. |
CVTE 372: Structural Mechanics and Analysis 3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite MEMT 206 and MATH 220 . Theory of the mechanics of structural analysis and design. Not open to Civil Engineering majors. |
CVTE 373: Construction Materials 3 Semester Credit Hours . 4-2-3 Prerequisite ENGL 303 and MEMT 206 . Mechanical behavior of engineering materials, determination of strength and other properties of materials, and construction applications. |
CVTE 424: Seminar 1 Semester Credit Hours . 3-0-1 Prerequisite Senior status. Reading and discussion of assigned papers, presentation of current issues in construction, and discussions with professional construction personnel. |
CVTE 471: Reinf Concrete, Found and Formwrk 3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite CVTE 372 . Analysis and design of reinforced concrete structures, slabs, and footings. Design and selection of formwork and shoring. |
CVTE 473: Design of Structures 3 Semester Credit Hours . 3-2-3 Prerequisite CVTE 372 . Design of elementary structures in timber and steel. |
CVTE 475: Soils in Construction 3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite MEMT 206 . The nature of soils, earthwork in construction, and soil testing methods. |
CVTE 492: Construction Proj Bid Planning 2 Semester Credit Hours . 6-0-2 Prerequisite CVEN 436 , CVEN 438 , CVEN 439 , CVTE 475 , and within three quarters of Program Capstone construction experience that includes planning the sequence of construction operations, creating a bill of materials, and estimating the cost of a small construction project by student teams. |
CVTE 493: Capstone for Construction Project 3 Semester Credit Hours . 6-0-3 Prerequisite CVEN 436 , CVEN 438 , CVEN 439 , CVTE 475 AND WITHIN THREE QTRS OF GRADUATION Capstone experience including planning the sequence of construction operations, creating a bill of materials, meeting professional construction personnel, estimating cost of a project by teams. |
Clinical Laboratory Science |
CLAB 450: Pathophysiology 3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 A case history approach is taken in the correlation of laboratory data with clinical observation to diagnose disease. |
CLAB 460: Clinical Hematology . 0-2-2 to 6(6) Prerequisite Consent of instructor. Advanced concepts in the theory, application and medical interpretation of hematological and hemostatic mechanisms and methods. |
CLAB 460B: Clinical Hematology . 0-2-2 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Advanced concepts in the theory, application and medical interpretation of hematological and hemostatic mechanisms and methods. |
CLAB 460C: Clinical Hematology . 0-3-3 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Advanced concepts in the theory, application and medical interpretation of hematological and hemostatic mechanisms and methods. |
CLAB 460D: Clinical Hematology . 0-4-4 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Advanced concepts in the theory, application and medical interpretation of hematological and hemostatic mechanisms and methods. |
CLAB 460E: Clinical Hematology . 0-5-5 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Advanced concepts in the theory, application and medical interpretation of hematological and hemostatic mechanisms and methods. |
CLAB 460F: Clinical Hematology . 0-6-6 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Advanced concepts in the theory, application and medical interpretation of hematological and hemostatic mechanisms and methods. |
CLAB 461: Clinical Hematology Laboratory . 1-0-1 to 5(5) Prerequisite Consent of instructor. Instruction and laboratory practice in the development and use of advanced analytical procedures and instrumentation in clinical hematology and hemostatis. |
CLAB 461A: Clinical Hematology Laboratory . 1-0-1 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Instruction and laboratory practice in the development and use of advanced analytical procedures and instrumentation in clinical hematology and hemostatis. |
CLAB 461B: Clinical Hematology Laboratory . 2-0-2 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Instruction and laboratory practice in the development and use of advanced analytical procedures and instrumentation in clinical hematology and hemostatis. |
CLAB 461C: Clinical Hematology Laboratory . 3-0-3 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Instruction and laboratory practice in the development and use of advanced analytical procedures and instrumentation in clinical hematology and hemostatis. |
CLAB 461D: Clinical Hematology Laboratory . 4-0-4 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Instruction and laboratory practice in the development and use of advanced analytical procedures and instrumentation in clinical hematology and hemostatis. |
CLAB 461E: Clinical Hematology Laboratory . 5-0-5 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Instruction and laboratory practice in the development and use of advanced analytical procedures and instrumentation in clinical hematology and hemostatis. |
CLAB 462: Clinical Serology and Immunology . 0-1-1 to 3(3) Prerequisite Consent of instructor. Advanced concepts in the theory, application and medical interpretation of serological and immunological mechanisms and methods. |
CLAB 462A: Clinical Serology and Immunology . 0-1-1 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Advanced concepts in the theory, application and medical interpretation of serological and immunological mechanisms and methods. |
CLAB 462B: Clinical Serology and Immunology . 0-2-2 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Advanced concepts in the theory, application and medical interpretation of serological and immunological mechanisms and methods. |
CLAB 462C: Clinical Serology and Immunology . 0-3-3 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Advanced concepts in the theory, application and medical interpretation of serological and immunological mechanisms and methods. |
CLAB 462D: Clinical Serology and Immunology . 0-4-4 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Advanced concepts in the theory, application and medical interpretation of serological and immunological mechanisms and methods. |
CLAB 463: Clinical Serology/Immunology Lab . 1-0-1 to 4(4) Prerequisite Consent of instructor. Practical instruction and laboratory practice in the performance of serological and immunological procedures. |
CLAB 463A: Clinical Serology/Immunology Lab . 1-0-1 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Practical instruction and laboratory practice in the performance of serological and immunological procedures. |
CLAB 463B: Clinical Serology/Immunology Lab . 2-0-2 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Practical instruction and laboratory practice in the performance of serological and immunological procedures. |
CLAB 463C: Clinical Serology/Immunology Lab . 3-0-3 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Practical instruction and laboratory practice in the performance of serological and immunological procedures. |
CLAB 463D: Clinical Serology/Immunology Lab . 4-0-4 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Practical instruction and laboratory practice in the performance of serological and immunological procedures. |
CLAB 464: Clinical Bacteriology . 0-2-2 to 5(5) Prerequisite Consent of instructor. Advanced concepts in the use and interpretation of medical bacteriological procedures and data. |
CLAB 464B: Clinical Bacteriology . 0-2-2 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Advanced concepts in the use and interpretation of medical bacteriological procedures and data. |
CLAB 464C: Clinical Bacteriology . 0-3-3 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Advanced concepts in the use and interpretation of medical bacteriological procedures and data. |
CLAB 464D: Clinical Bacteriology . 0-4-4 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Advanced concepts in the use and interpretation of medical bacteriological procedures and data. |
CLAB 464E: Clinical Bacteriology . 0-5-5 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Advanced concepts in the use and interpretation of medical bacteriological procedures and data. |
CLAB 465: Clinical Bacteriology Lab . 1-0-1 to 7(7) Prerequisite Consent of instructor. Instruction and laboratory practice in the development and use of advanced analytical procedures and instrumentation in clinical bacteriology. |
CLAB 465C: Clinical Bacteriology Lab . 3-0-3 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Instruction and laboratory practice in the development and use of advanced analytical procedures and instrumentation in clinical bacteriology. |
CLAB 465D: Clinical Bacteriology Lab . 4-0-4 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Instruction and laboratory practice in the development and use of advanced analytical procedures and instrumentation in clinical bacteriology. |
CLAB 465E: Clinical Bacteriology Lab . 5-0-5 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Instruction and laboratory practice in the development and use of advanced analytical procedures and instrumentation in clinical bacteriology. |
CLAB 465F: Clinical Bacteriology Lab . 6-0-6 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Instruction and laboratory practice in the development and use of advanced analytical procedures and instrumentation in clinical bacteriology. |
CLAB 465G: Clinical Bacteriology Lab . 7-0-7 Instruction and laboratory practice in the development and use of advanced analytical procedures and instrumentation in clinical bacteriology. |
CLAB 466: Clinical Immunohematology . 0-1-1 to 4(4) Prerequisite Consent of instructor. An advanced study of the principles of immunohematology necessary to provide a patient with a safe blood transfusion. |
CLAB 466A: Clinical Immunohematology . 0-1-1 Prerequisite Consent of instructor An advanced study of the principles of immunohematology necessary to provide a patient with a safe blood transfusion. |
CLAB 466B: Clinical Immunohematology . 0-2-2 Prerequisite Consent of instructor An advanced study of the principles of immunohematology necessary to provide a patient with a safe blood transfusion. |
CLAB 466C: Clinical Immunohematology . 0-3-3 Prerequisite Consent of instructor An advanced study of the principles of immunohematology necessary to provide a patient with a safe blood transfusion. |
CLAB 466D: Clinical Immunohematolgy . 0-4-4 Prerequisite Consent of instructor An advanced study of the principles of immunohematology necessary to provide a patient with a safe blood transfusion. |
CLAB 467: Clinical Immunohematology Lab . 1-0-1 to 5(5) Prerequisite Consent of instructor. Practical instruction and laboratory practice in immunohematological procedures utilized in a hospital blood bank. |
CLAB 467A: Clinical Immmunohematology Lab . 1-0-1 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Practical instruction and laboratory practice in immunohematological procedures utilized in a hospital blood bank. |
CLAB 467B: Clinical Immunohematology Lab . 2-0-2 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Practical instruction and laboratory practice in immunohematological procedures utilized in a hospital blood bank. |
CLAB 467C: Clinical Immunohematology Lab . 3-0-3 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Practical instruction and laboratory practice in immunohematological procedures utilized in a hospital blood bank. |
CLAB 467D: Clinical Immunohematology Lab . 4-0-4 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Practical instruction and laboratory practice in immunohematological procedures utilized in a hospital blood bank. |
CLAB 467E: Clinical Immunohematology Lab . 5-0-5 Practical instruction and laboratory practice in immunohematological procedures utilized in a hospital blood bank. |
CLAB 468: Clinical Chemistry and Toxicology . 0-3-3 or 6(6) Prerequisite Consent of instructor. Advanced concepts in the theory application, and medical interpretation of clinical biochemical mechanisms and methods. |
CLAB 468C: Clinical Chemistry and Toxicology . 0-3-3 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Advanced concepts in the theory application, and medical interpretation of clinical biochemical mechanisms and methods. |
CLAB 468D: Clinical Chemistry and Toxicology . 0-4-4 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Advanced concepts in the theory application, and medical interpretation of clinical biochemical mechanisms and methods. |
CLAB 468E: Clinical Chemistry and Toxicology . 0-5-5 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Advanced concepts in the theory application, and medical interpretation of clinical biochemical mechanisms and methods. |
CLAB 468F: Clinical Chemistry and Toxicology . 0-6-6 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Advanced concepts in the theory application, and medical interpretation of clinical biochemical mechanisms and methods. |
CLAB 474: Clinical Urinalysis . 0-1-1 to 3 Prerequisite Consent of instructor. Advanced concepts in the use and interpretation of urinalysis procedures and data. |
CLAB 474A: Clinical Urinalysis . 0-1-1 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Advanced concepts in the use and interpretation of urinalysis procedures and data. |
CLAB 474B: Clinical Urinalysis . 0-2-2 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Advanced concepts in the use and interpretation of urinalysis procedures and data. |
CLAB 474C: Clinical Urinalysis . 0-3-3 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Advanced concepts in the use and interpretation of urinalysis procedures and data. |
CLAB 475: Clinical Urinalysis Lab . 1-0-1 to 3 Prerequisite Consent of instructor. Practical instruction and laboratory practice in the performance of urinalysis procedures. |
CLAB 475A: Clinical Urinalysis Lab . 1-0-1 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Practical instruction and laboratory practice in the performance of urinalysis procedures. |
CLAB 475B: Clinical Urinalysis Lab . 2-0-2 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Practical instruction and laboratory practice in the performance of urinalysis procedures. |
CLAB 475C: Clinical Urinalysis Lab . 3-0-3 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Practical instruction and laboratory practice in the performance of urinalysis procedures. |
CLAB 476: Parasitology/Mycology/Mycobact . 0-1-1 to 2 Prerequisite Consent of instructor. Advanced concepts in the use and interpretation of procedures and data in clinical parasitology, mycology, and mycobateriology. |
CLAB 476A: Parasitology/Mycology/Mycobact . 0-1-1 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Advanced concepts in the use and interpretation of procedures and data in clinical parasitology, mycology, and mycobateriology. |
CLAB 476B: Parisitology/Mycology/Mycobact . 0-2-2 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Advanced concepts in the use and interpretation of procedures and data in clinical parasitology, mycology, and mycobateriology. |
CLAB 477: Parasit/Mycol/Mycobact Lab . 1-0-1 to 2 Prerequisite Consent of instructor. Instruction in laboratory practice in the development and use of advanced analytical procedures in clinical mycology, parasitology, and mycobacteriology. |
CLAB 477A: Parasit/Mycol/Mycobact Lab . 1-0-1 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Instruction in laboratory practice in the development and use of advanced analytical procedures in clinical mycology, parasitology, and mycobacteriology. |
CLAB 477B: Parasit/Mycol/Mycobact Lab . 2-0-2 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Instruction in laboratory practice in the development and use of advanced analytical procedures in clinical mycology, parasitology, and mycobacteriology. |
CLAB 478: Clinical Lab Administration . 0-1-1 to 3 Prerequisite Consent of instructor. Modern management concepts for the clinical laboratory. |
CLAB 478A: Clinical Lab Administration . 0-1-1 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Modern management concepts for the clinical laboratory. |
CLAB 478B: Clinical Lab Administration . 0-2-2 Prerequisite Consent of instructor Modern management concepts for the clinical laboratory. |
CLAB 478C: Clinical Lab Administration . 0-3-3 Modern management concepts for the clinical laboratory. |
CLAB 480: Clinical Med Tech Problems . 0-1-1 to 8(8) Prerequisite Consent of instructor. An introduction to emerging medical technologies. |
CLAB 480A: Clinical Med Tech Problems . 0-1-1 Prerequisite Consent of instructor An introduction to emerging medical technologies. |
CLAB 480B: Clinical Med Tech Problems . 0-2-2 Prerequisite Consent of instructor An introduction to emerging medical technologies. |
CLAB 480C: Clinical Med Tech Problems . 0-3-3 Prerequisite Consent of instructor An introduction to emerging medical technologies. |
CLAB 480D: Clinical Med Tech Problems . 0-4-4 Prerequisite Consent of instructor An introduction to emerging medical technologies. |
CLAB 480E: Clinical Med Tech Problems . 0-5-5 Prerequisite Consent of instructor An introduction to emerging medical technologies. |
CLAB 480F: Clinical Med Tech Problems . 0-6-6 Prerequisite Consent of instructor An introduction to emerging medical technologies. |
CLAB 480G: Clinical Med Tech Problems . 0-7-7 Prerequisite Consent of instructor An introduction to emerging medical technologies. |
CLAB 480H: Clinical Med Tech Porblems . 0-8-8 Prerequisite Consent of instructor An introduction to emerging medical technologies. |
CLAB 483: Clinical Parasitology . 0-1-1 to 2 Identification, clinical significance, and methods of prevention of parasitic infections. |
CLAB 483A: Clinical Parasitology . 0-1-1 Identification, clinical significance, and methods of prevention of parasitic infections. |
CLAB 483B: Clinical Parasitology . 0-2-2 Identification, clinical significance, and methods of prevention of parasitic infections. |
CLAB 484: Clinical Parasitology Lab . 1-0-1 to 2 Instruction and laboratory practice in the development and application of medical parasitology laboratory methods. |
CLAB 484A: Clinical Parasitology Lab . 1-0-1 Instruction and laboratory practice in the development and application of medical parasitology laboratory methods. |
CLAB 484B: Clinical Parasitology Lab . 2-0-2 Instruction and laboratory practice in the development and application of medical parasitology laboratory methods. |
CLAB 485: Clinical Mycology . 0-1-1 to 2 Identification, clinical significance and methods of prevention of mycotic infection. |
CLAB 485A: Clinical Mycology . 0-1-1 Identification, clinical significance and methods of prevention of mycotic infection. |
CLAB 485B: Clinical Mycology . 0-2-2 Identification, clinical significance and methods of prevention of mycotic infection. |
CLAB 486: Clin Phlebotomy and Spec Procure . 0-1-1 to 3 Prerequisite Consent of instructor. Instruction and laboratory practice in phlebotomy and the collection of other specimens for clinical analysis. Specimen preservation and safe lab practices are included. |
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