Sep 18, 2024  
University Catalog 2021-2022 
University Catalog 2021-2022 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

Courses are numbered as follows: freshmen, 100-level; sophomores, 200-level; juniors, 300-level; seniors, 400-level; graduate students, 500- & 600-level. Certain 400-level courses may be taken by graduate students for graduate credit; in such cases, graduate students complete additional research assignments to bring the courses up to graduate level rigor. The letter G in parentheses, (G), appears at the end of those 400-level undergraduate course descriptions which are approved for graduate level work. When taught for graduate credit, those courses are taught by Graduate Faculty. Only students admitted to the Graduate School may enroll in 500- & 600-level courses.

No credit is allowed in any curriculum for any course with a catalog number beginning with zero (0) (e.g. ENGL 099 ).

The numerical listing after each course title gives the following information: the first number represents lab hours per week; the second digit represents the number of 75-minute lecture periods per week; the third digit represents the semester credit hours earned for successful completion of the course. A few courses will have a fourth digit in parentheses. This means the course may be repeated for credit and the fourth digit designates the total amount of semester hour credit that may be earned including repetition of the course. Typically, these courses are research-, performance-, or project-oriented and found in the 300-, 400-levels (undergraduate student) or 500-, 600-levels (graduate student).

Some courses require the student to complete a prerequisite course or to secure special permission from faculty prior to enrolling in the course. These prerequisites are listed immediately after the numerical semester credit hour designations. Each student is responsible for complying with prerequisite course work requirements and special instructions.


  1. Courses designated with an asterisk * mean this course will be accepted for General Education Requirement (GER) transfer credit. A course MAY or MAY NOT be accepted as equivalent to or substitute for a course in a specific discipline or major. Please check the Board of Regents web site at and the school you are transferring to for additional information.
  2. Courses with the designation (IER) meet the Board of Regents International Education Requirement.
  3. Students with a Freshman or Sophomore classification are not eligible to register for 400-level (Senior) courses without the written approval of the Academic Dean (or the Dean’s designated representative) of the college responsible for that specific subject and course)
  4. Course offerings for each term are made available prior to Early Registration via the BOSS website (“Available Course Sections”) and in .pdf format on the Registrars website (Quarterly Schedule of Classes-The Racing Form). Quarterly offerings are subject to change to accommodate the needs of students.

Louisiana Common Course Numbering (LCCN).

Louisiana uses a statewide common course numbersing system “…to facilitate program planning and the transfer of students and course credits between and among institutions.” Faculty representatives from all of the public colleges and universities worked to articulate common course content to be covered for each course included on the Board of Regents Master Course Articulation Matrix. Beginning with General Education Requirements (GER), this initiative will continue with an eye toward expansion throughout the entire Matrix.

Each course is identified by a 4-Alpha character “rubric” (i.e. prefix or department abbreviation) and a four-digit number. Each 4-Alpha rubric begins with “C” to signify that it is a state “Common” number, followed by a standard discipline abbreviation so that when they are included in campus catalogs and web sites, its meaning will be clear. For example, “CMAT” is the standardized LCCN abbreviation for Mathematics courses included in the Statewide Course Catalog. Another example would be “CENL” for English courses.

The 4-Alpha character rubric is followed by four digits, each with their own positional meaning. The first digit of the course number denoteds the academic level of the course (1 = freshman/1st year; 2 = sophomore/2nd year). The second and third digits establish course sequencing and/or distinguish the course from others of the same level, credit value, and rubric. The fourth digit denotes the credit value of the course in semester hours. For example, CMAT 1213 College Algebra (Common, Mathematics, Freshman/1st year, articulated standard sequence 21, 3 semester hours, College Algebra); CENL 1013 English Composition I (Common, English, Freshman/1st year, articulated standard sequence 01, 3 semester hours, English Composition I.

All rubric/number course identifiers correspond to course descriptiors listed in the Statewide Course Catalog, published by the Louisiana Board of Regents with direct faculty input.The Statewide Course Catalog will comprise the academic courses for which there is statewide agreement among discipline faculty representatives as to the minimum course content to be covered so that a student completing the course will be ready for the next course for which it is a prerequisite in a sequence or curriculum. Louisiana Tech University courses that are part of the Statewide Common Course Catalog can be readily identified by the [LCCN: AAAA####] at the end of the course description.

The Master Course Articulation Matrix, and the Louisiana Statewide Common Course Catalogue can be found on the Louisiana Board of Regents website (



  • PSYC 589D: Special Topics in Psychology

    . 0-0-4(4) Prerequisite Enrollment in relevant graduate program in PSYC or consent of instructor Current or specialized topics in psychology.
  • PSYC 599: Master’s Thesis

    3 (6 hours minimum) Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 (9) Original research conducted under the supervision of a departmental faculty membeer in the student’s program area. Student must be enrolled whenever university facilities or faculty are used. (Pass/Fail).
  • PSYC 600: Issues in Acad Psych and Tchng

    1 (9) Semester Credit Hours . 0-1-1 (9) May be repeated. Required of resident Counseling Psychology PhD students each quarter. Study of proferssional issues and research applications in counseling psychology. Non-degree credit.
  • PSYC 601: Hist Foundations: Modern Psyc

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Historical development of psychology from its philosophical beginnings to the present.
  • PSYC 602: Physiological Psychology

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 A study of the neuroanatomical and neurochemical bases of behavior; contributions of physiological processes to fundamental behavior processes.
  • PSYC 603: Sensation and Perception

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Sensory and perceptual phenomena that influence motivation, cognition, and learning.
  • PSYC 604: Theories of Social Psychology

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Theory and research concerning interpersonal perceptions, attitude perceptions, attitude formation and change, social motivation, and interactive processes.
  • PSYC 607: Fundamentals Psychopharmacology

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-4-3 Prerequisite Enrollment in Ph.D program in Counseling Psychology or permission of the instructor. Biochemical substrates of emotion, affect, and behavior are reviewed. Psychopharmaceutical mechanisms and intervention strategies are emphasized along with a review of the treatment research literature.
  • PSYC 608: Developmental Psychology

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 An advanced theory and research based study of the biological, psychological, social, and cultural processes in human growth and development. Counseling Psychology PhD students only.
  • PSYC 609: Personality Theory

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Comparative approach to personality theory from the framework of philosophical issues, definitional problems, and current research issues.
  • PSYC 610: Professional Issues and Ethics

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 An investigation of legal and ethical issues relevant to the practice of counseling psychology.
  • PSYC 611: Advanced Group Counseling and Psychotherapy

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 2-3-3 Prerequisite Practicum experience required Group counseling theories with emphasis on advanced techniques and application, ethical responsibilities, and current trends with group research methodology. Practicum experience required.
  • PSYC 614: Professional Seminar in Counseling Psychology

    3 (6) Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 (6) Prerequisite Counseling Psychology PhD students only. A survey of trends and issues pertinent to the professional activities of counseling pspychologists.
  • PSYC 615: Couples and Family Therapy

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite PhD program in Counseling Psychology An exploration of empirically supported couple and family therapies.
  • PSYC 616: Intellectual Assessment

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite Enrollment in Counseling Psychology PhD program and approval of instructor. This course focuses on psychological assessment and interpretation of tests of ability, achievement, and higher cognitive functions. Differential psypsychodiagnosis and formal report writing are emphasized.
  • PSYC 617: Personality Assessment: Objective and Projective

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite Approval of Instructor This course focuses on psychological assessment using tests of personality, DSM-5 psychodiagnosis, and DSM-5 Axis II disorders. Psychological report writing and interpretation are emphasized.
  • PSYC 618: Motivation

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 The study of levels of motivation from ethological to cognitive-social motives; relevant motivational theories are used to explain human behaviors.
  • PSYC 619: Psychopathology

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Comprehensive review of the etiology of psychological disorders and their diagnosis; clinical research findings are emphasized.
  • PSYC 620: Sex Roles and Behavior

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 An investigation of the effect of gender upon cognition, affect, and behavior.
  • PSYC 621: Career Theory and Assessment

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite Psychology PhD students only. Intensive review of theories and research literature on career development across the life span. Application of theories to assessment and counseling of career clients using interest, ability, and personality assessments.
  • PSYC 622: Theories of Counseling and Psychotherapy

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite Counseling Psychology PhD students only. A comparative approach to theories of counseling and psychotherapy at an advanced level.
  • PSYC 623: Integrative Assessment

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite PSYC 616  & PSYC 617 , Psychology PhD students only. Emphasis on selection, administration, and combination of results from various assessment instruments into an integrated whole. Integrative report writing is emphasized.
  • PSYC 624: Counseling Psychology Internship

    1-3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-1 to 3(12) Prerequisite Completion of departmental requirements, approval of Counseling/Psychology instructor. Minimum credit allowed is 4 hours. One calendar year (or two half-years) of supervised full-time, counseling psychology experience in a Department-approved (typically, APA-approved)internship facility.
  • PSYC 624A: Counseling Psychology Internship

    1 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-1(12) Prerequisite Completion of departmental requirements, approval of Counseling/Psychology instructor. Minimum credit allowed is 4 hours. One calendar year (or two half-years) of supervised full-time, counseling psychology experience in a Department-approved (typically, APA-approved)internship facility.
  • PSYC 624B: Counseling Psychology Internship

    2 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-2(12) Prerequisite Completion of departmental requirements, approval of Counseling/Psychology instructor. Minimum credit allowed is 4 hours. One calendar year (or two half-years) of supervised full-time, counseling psychology experience in a Department-approved (typically, APA-approved)internship facility.
  • PSYC 624C: Counseling Psychology Internship

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-3(12) Prerequisite Completion of departmental requirements, approval of Counseling/Psychology instructor. Minimum credit allowed is 4 hours. One calendar year (or two half-years) of supervised full-time, counseling psychology experience in a Department-approved (typically, APA-approved)internship facility.
  • PSYC 625: Research Seminar

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite Psychology PhD students only, or signature of instructor. Integration of research design, methodology, and statistics in psychological research.
  • PSYC 626: Techniques and Methods of Couns

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Overview and application of counseling techniques and methods employed in psychotherapy.
  • PSYC 627: Advanced Assessment Topics

    3 (9) Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 (9) Prerequisite Psychology PhD students only. A rotating topics course providing advanced training in selected assessment instruments and processes. May be repeated twice.
  • PSYC 628: Special Topics in Psychology

    1-3 (9) Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-1 to 3(9) Prerequisite Psychology PhD students only or permission of instructor. May be repeated. Intensive study of a selected topic in psychology.
  • PSYC 628A: Special Topics in Pscyhology

    1 (9) Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-1(9) Prerequisite Psychology PhD students only or permission of instructor. May be repeated. Intensive study of a selected topic in psychology.
  • PSYC 628B: Special Topics in Psychology

    2 (9) Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-2(9) Prerequisite Psychology PhD students only or permission of instructor. May be repeated. Intensive study of a selected topic in psychology.
  • PSYC 628C: Special Topics in Psychology

    3 (9) Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-3(9) Prerequisite Psychology PhD students only or permission of instructor. May be repeated. Intensive study of a selected topic in psychology.
  • PSYC 629: Advanced Seminar in Counseling Theories and Techniques

    3 (9) Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 (9) Prerequisite Counseling Psychology PhD students only. May be repeated. A rotating topics course providing advanced study of selected counseling theories and therapeutic techniques.
  • PSYC 630: Supervision in Counseling and Psychotherapy

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite Counseling Psychology PhD students only. Overview of supervision/consultation models, including application of principles to clinical practice.
  • PSYC 631: Multiculturalism and Diversity

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite Psychology PhD students only. In-depth examination of issues related to multiculturalism and diversity, with a focus on implications for professional practice at the doctoral level.
  • PSYC 632: Psychotherapy Research

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite Psychology PhD students only. Investigation of research on change elements and outcome research in psychotherapy, including factors impacting change processes and cost-benefit issues raised by managed mental health care.
  • PSYC 641: Advanced Experimental Design and Analysis

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Covers the principles of designing and implementing experimental, quasi-experimental, correlational, and descriptive research designs, especially as they pertain to counseling psychology.
  • PSYC 642: Advanced Statistical Methods

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Advanced univariate statistical theory and methods, with an emphasis on statistical problems likely to be encountered by counseling psychologists.
  • PSYC 643: Multivariate Statistics

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-4-3 Covers advanced multivariate statistical techniques, including (but not limited to) multiple regression, MANOVA/ANCOVA, and factor analysis, and the ir implementation in SPSS.
  • PSYC 650: Practicum in Counseling Psychology

    1-3 (12) Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-1 to 3(12) May be repeated. Supervised counseling experience within a practicum setting. (Pass/Fail).
  • PSYC 651: Advanced Practicum in Counseling Psychology

    1-3 (12) Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-1 to 3(12) Prerequisite PSYC 650  (8 hours total). Counseling Psychology PhD students only. May be repeated. Progressive development of advanced clinical skills within an approved practicum setting. (Pass/Fail).
  • PSYC 651A: Adv’D Practicum Counseling Psyc

    1 (9) Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-1(12) Prerequisite PSYC 650  (9 hours total). Counseling Psychology PhD students only. May be repeated. Progressive development of advanced clinical skills within an approved practicum setting. (Pass/Fail).
  • PSYC 651B: Adv’D Practicum Counseling Psyc

    2 (9) Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-2(12) Prerequisite PSYC 650  (9 hours total). Counseling Psychology PhD students only. May be repeated. Progressive development of advanced clinical skills within an approved practicum setting. (Pass/Fail).
  • PSYC 651C: Adv’D Practicum Counseling Psyc

    3 (9) Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-3(12) Prerequisite PSYC 650  (9 hours total). Counseling Psychology PhD students only. May be repeated. Progressive development of advanced clinical skills within an approved practicum setting. (Pass/Fail).
  • PSYC 652: Field Placement in Practicum Setting

    1-3 (18) Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-1 to 3(18) Prerequisite PSYC 650  & PSYC 651  (three quarters each), Counseling Psychology PhD students only. May be repeated. Advanced practicum in a field setting. (Pass/Fail).
  • PSYC 652A: Fld Place in Practicum Setting

    1 (18) Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-1(18) Prerequisite PSYC 650  & PSYC 651  (three quarters each), Counseling Psychology PhD students only. May be repeated. Advanced practicum in a field setting. (Pass/Fail).
  • PSYC 652B: Fld Place in Practicum Setting

    2 (18) Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-2(18) Prerequisite PSYC 650  & PSYC 651  (three quarters each), Counseling Psychology PhD students only. May be repeated. Advanced practicum in a field setting. (Pass/Fail).
  • PSYC 652C: Fld Place in Practicum Setting

    3 (18) Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-3(18) Prerequisite PSYC 650  & PSYC 651  (three quarters each), Counseling Psychology PhD students only. May be repeated. Advanced practicum in a field setting. (Pass/Fail).
  • PSYC 660: Dissertation Research

    1-3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-1 to 3(18) Proposal, research, and defense of original doctoral-level research study. May be repeated each quarter for 3 credit hours per quarter. Minimum credit allowed is 6 hours. Enrollment is minimally required during the term in which the dissertation proposal is defended and the term in which the dissertation research is defended. (Pass/Fail)
  • PSYC 660A: Dissertation Research

    1 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-1(18) Proposal, research, and defense of original doctoral-level research study. May be repeated each quarter for 3 credit hours per quarter. Minimum credit allowed is 6 hours. Enrollment is minimally required during the term in which the dissertation proposal is defended and the term in which the dissertation research is defended. (Pass/Fail)
  • PSYC 660B: Dissertation Research

    2 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-2(18) Proposal, research, and defense of original doctoral-level research study. May be repeated each quarter for 3 credit hours per quarter. Minimum credit allowed is 6 hours. Enrollment is minimally required during the term in which the dissertation proposal is defended and the term in which the dissertation research is defended. (Pass/Fail)
  • PSYC 660C: Dissertation Research

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-3(18) Proposal, research, and defense of original doctoral-level research study. May be repeated each quarter for 3 credit hours per quarter. Minimum credit allowed is 6 hours. Enrollment is minimally required during the term in which the dissertation proposal is defended and the term in which the dissertation research is defended. (Pass/Fail)
  • PSYC 685: Comp Exam in Counseling Psyc

    No credit Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-0 Required for all students in the Counseling Psychology doctoral program. Must be completed before applications are made for internship and before dissertation hours are begun.
  • PSYC 700: Seminar: Topics in I/O Psyc

    1 (6) Semester Credit Hours . 0-1-1 (6) Study of current professional issues and research applications in industrial/organizational psychology. May be repeated for up to 6 graduate hours of credit with change of topic.
  • PSYC 710: Foundations and Ethics of Industrial and Organizational Psychology

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Exploration of the philosophical foundations of Industrial and Organizational psychology in terms of both epistemology and ethics.
  • PSYC 713: Adv Organizational Psychology

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Advanced investigation of the field of Organizational Psychology including overarching theoretical models, research designs, and future directions.
  • PSYC 714: Organizational Consulting

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 This course will focus on theory, research, and practice of consulting for the enhancement of performance in a variety of organizational settings.
  • PSYC 716: Personnel Psychology

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 An advanced review of the research and literature on personnel selection.
  • PSYC 720: Adv Analytic Meth: Appl I/O Psyc

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 A hands-on introduction to specialized analytic approaches for use in Industrial and Organizational Psychology.
  • PSYC 730: Work Engagement

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 An introduction and examination of the major theoretical and empirical approaches to work engagement.
  • PSYC 740: Teams in Organizations

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Covers the fundamental concepts relating to team dynamics, team decision making, and interpersonal conflict.
  • PSYC 743: Advanced Psychometric Theory

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite PSYC 543  AND PSYC 643  An in-depth analysis of advanced psychometric theory including factor analytic, IRT and Rasch models.
  • PSYC 745: Human Performance Improvement

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Examines processes used to identify and analyze organizational and individual performance and how to plan for future performance improvement.
  • PSYC 750: I/O Psychology Practicum

    3 (6) Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-3(6) Prerequisite PSYC 785  Supervised experience within a pre-approved organizational setting. May be repeated once for credit. (Pass/Fail).
  • PSYC 760: Organizational Development and Change

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 An advanced exploration of the theoretical frameworks and research issues involved in organizational development and change.
  • PSYC 785: Comp Exam in I/O Psychology

    No credit Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-0 Required for all students in the Industrial/Organizational doctoral program. Must be successfully completed before taking practicum or dissertation hours.

Quantitative Analysis

  • QA 233: Basic Business Statistics

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite MATH 125 . Descriptive statistics, probability, sampling distributions, confidence intervals, inference, and regression and correlation. Emphasis is given to business applications. LCCN:CBUS2303
  • QA 390: Quantitative Methods for Business and Economics

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite Junior Standing Presentation and review of pertinent quantitative topics to furnish the necessary background for the graduate quantitative methods field of study.
  • QA 432: Intermediate Business Statistics

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite QA 233  Applied statistical methods utilizing the computerized Statistical Analysis System; multiple regression and correlation, Chi-Square, analysis of variance, and non-parametric methods.
  • QA 494: Prin of Quantitative Analysis

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-3 Self-paced course in quantitative analysis sufficient to enable student to be successful with core MBA classes. Cannot be taken for credit towards an undergraduate degree. (Pass/Fail).
  • QA 522: Advanced Business Statistics

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite QA 432  Applied statistical methods utilizing the computerized Statistical Analysis System (SAS): multiple regression and correlation, biased regression, analysis of variance, multiple comparisons, and non-parametric methods.
  • QA 525: Quantitative Approaches for Decision-Making

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite QA 233  and QA 390  or Consent of Instructor Survey of the quantitative and statistical methods for managerial decision making.
  • QA 540: Advanced Management Science Methods

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite QA 430 or Consent of Instructor Quantitative decision-making including linear, integer and parametric programming; project planning and scheduling with CPM/PERT and MAP as applied to business management.
  • QA 550: Directed Study in Quantitative Analysis

    1-3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-1 to 3(3) Prerequisite Consent of Instructor & Approval of Dept Head Required Hours and credits to be arranged. Special problem or specific area of quantitative analysis. (Pass/Fail)
  • QA 550A: Dir Study in Quantitative Analys

    1 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-1 Prerequisite Consent of Instructor & approval of Dept Head required
  • QA 550B: Dir Study in Quantitative Anayls

    2 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-2 Prerequisite Consent of Instructor & approval of Dept Head required
  • QA 550C: Dir Study in Quantitative Analys

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-3 Prerequisite Consent of Instructor & approval of Dept Head required
  • QA 603: Advanced Seminar in Research

    3 (6) Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 (6) Prerequisite Doctoral Standing or special permission from instructor. The seminar will cover current trends in research. Critical evaluation of research is required.
  • QA 604: Preparing Publishable Research

    1-3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-1 to 3(3) Prerequisite Doctoral Standing. Integration of literature, methods, and statistics in quantitative analysis. Students work independently with faculty to develop research papers for publication. Oral presentation of research required.
  • QA 604A: Preparing Publishable Research

    1 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-1(3) Prerequisite Doctoral Standing. Integration of literature, methods, and statistics in quantitative analysis. Students work independently with faculty to develop research papers for publication. Oral presentation of research required.
  • QA 604B: Preparing Publishable Research

    2 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-2(3) Prerequisite Doctoral Standing. Integration of literature, methods, and statistics in quantitative analysis. Students work independently with faculty to develop research papers for publication. Oral presentation of research required.
  • QA 604C: Preparing Publishable Research

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-3(3) Prerequisite Doctoral Standing. Integration of literature, methods, and statistics in quantitative analysis. Students work independently with faculty to develop research papers for publication. Oral presentation of research required.
  • QA 620: Seminar in Management Science

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Study of current topics in the discipline of Management Science. In-depth analysis of a specialized field along with an investigation of the literature.
  • QA 625: Applied Regression Analysis

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite QA 432  or Consent of Instructor. Least squares estimation, model interpretation, model formulation and diagnostics, inference, estimation and prediction, predictor transformations and interactions, response transformations, dummy variables, multicollinearity, computer software.
  • QA 630: Applied Design and Analysis of Experiments

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite QA 625  or Consent of Instructor. ANOVA for comparing means, completely randomized designs, randomized block designs, factorial designs, analysis of covariance, multiple comparison tests, diagnostics, sample size determination, computer software.
  • QA 635: Applied Multivariate Statistics

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite QA 630  or Consent of Instructor. Multivariate normal distribution, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, principal components analysis, factor analysis, discriminant analysis, logistic regression, cluster analysis, and canonical correlation analysis, MANOVA, MANCOVA, computer software.
  • QA 640: Advanced Management Science Methods

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite QA 430 or Consent of Instructor. Requires Doctoral Standing May require additional class meeting. Quantitative decision-making including linear, integer and parametric programming; project planning and scheduling with CPM/PERT and MAP as applied to business management. Credit will not be given for QA 640 if credit is given for QA 540 .
  • QA 645: Applied Structural Equations Modeling

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Structural equations modeling techniques emphasizing the distinction between theoretical and exploratory statistics, assessment of theoretical fit, process models, and psychometric analyses as applied in business.


  • QA 650: Directed Study in Quantitative Analysis

    1-3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-1 to 3(3) Prerequisite Consent of Instructor & Approval of Dept Head Required Hours and credits to be arranged. Special problem of specific area of quantitative analysis. (Pass/Fail)
  • QA 650A: Dir Study in Quantitative Analys

    1 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-1 Prerequisite Consent of instructor & approval of Dept Head required Hours and credits to be arranged. Special problem of specific area of quantitative analysis. (Pass/Fail)
  • QA 650B: Dir Study in Quantitative Analys

    2 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-2 Prerequisite Consent of Instructor & approval of Dept Head required Hours and credits to be arranged. Special problem of specific area of quantitative analysis. (Pass/Fail)
  • QA 650C: Dir Study in Quantitative Analys

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-3 Prerequisite Consent of Instructor & approval of Dept Head required Hours and credits to be arranged. Special problem of specific area of quantitative analysis. (Pass/Fail)
  • QA 685: Comprehensive Exam in Quantitative Analysis

    0 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-0 Prerequisite Doctoral Standing required. Required for all business administration doctoral students seeking to take the comprehensive exam in QA. Successful comletion is a prerequisite to the oral comprehensive exam for those seeking a primary field or examined minor in QA. Requires consent of graduate director.


  • READ 200: Reading Skills Improvement

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 This course is designed to assist any student who would like to improve basic reading skills. Emphasis on comprehension, concentration and speed.
  • READ 523: Material and Methods Elementary Language Arts/Literacy

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 2-3-3 Using current principles, methods, and research pertaining to the teaching of language arts, the teacher candidate will develop foundation skills for teaching language arts.
  • READ 524: Material and Methods Elementary School Reading

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 2-3-3 Using current principles, methods, and research pertaining to the teaching of reading, the teacher candidate will develop foundation skills for teaching elementary reading.


  • READ 531: Reading/Literacy Theory & Research

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 An examination of major theoretical models, the history, and seminal research (current and past) linking reading, literacy and learning. 
  • READ 532: Reading Curriculum Materials and Development

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Analysis of reading curriculum and development of instructional materials for various levels of reading ability.
  • READ 535: Clinical Reading I

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 10-2-3 Clinical experience in diagnosing reading problems of school children.

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