Jul 27, 2024  
University Catalog 2021-2022 
University Catalog 2021-2022 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

Courses are numbered as follows: freshmen, 100-level; sophomores, 200-level; juniors, 300-level; seniors, 400-level; graduate students, 500- & 600-level. Certain 400-level courses may be taken by graduate students for graduate credit; in such cases, graduate students complete additional research assignments to bring the courses up to graduate level rigor. The letter G in parentheses, (G), appears at the end of those 400-level undergraduate course descriptions which are approved for graduate level work. When taught for graduate credit, those courses are taught by Graduate Faculty. Only students admitted to the Graduate School may enroll in 500- & 600-level courses.

No credit is allowed in any curriculum for any course with a catalog number beginning with zero (0) (e.g. ENGL 099 ).

The numerical listing after each course title gives the following information: the first number represents lab hours per week; the second digit represents the number of 75-minute lecture periods per week; the third digit represents the semester credit hours earned for successful completion of the course. A few courses will have a fourth digit in parentheses. This means the course may be repeated for credit and the fourth digit designates the total amount of semester hour credit that may be earned including repetition of the course. Typically, these courses are research-, performance-, or project-oriented and found in the 300-, 400-levels (undergraduate student) or 500-, 600-levels (graduate student).

Some courses require the student to complete a prerequisite course or to secure special permission from faculty prior to enrolling in the course. These prerequisites are listed immediately after the numerical semester credit hour designations. Each student is responsible for complying with prerequisite course work requirements and special instructions.


  1. Courses designated with an asterisk * mean this course will be accepted for General Education Requirement (GER) transfer credit. A course MAY or MAY NOT be accepted as equivalent to or substitute for a course in a specific discipline or major. Please check the Board of Regents web site at www.regents.state.la.us/ and the school you are transferring to for additional information.
  2. Courses with the designation (IER) meet the Board of Regents International Education Requirement.
  3. Students with a Freshman or Sophomore classification are not eligible to register for 400-level (Senior) courses without the written approval of the Academic Dean (or the Dean’s designated representative) of the college responsible for that specific subject and course)
  4. Course offerings for each term are made available prior to Early Registration via the BOSS website (“Available Course Sections”) and in .pdf format on the Registrars website (Quarterly Schedule of Classes-The Racing Form). Quarterly offerings are subject to change to accommodate the needs of students.

Louisiana Common Course Numbering (LCCN).

Louisiana uses a statewide common course numbersing system “…to facilitate program planning and the transfer of students and course credits between and among institutions.” Faculty representatives from all of the public colleges and universities worked to articulate common course content to be covered for each course included on the Board of Regents Master Course Articulation Matrix. Beginning with General Education Requirements (GER), this initiative will continue with an eye toward expansion throughout the entire Matrix.

Each course is identified by a 4-Alpha character “rubric” (i.e. prefix or department abbreviation) and a four-digit number. Each 4-Alpha rubric begins with “C” to signify that it is a state “Common” number, followed by a standard discipline abbreviation so that when they are included in campus catalogs and web sites, its meaning will be clear. For example, “CMAT” is the standardized LCCN abbreviation for Mathematics courses included in the Statewide Course Catalog. Another example would be “CENL” for English courses.

The 4-Alpha character rubric is followed by four digits, each with their own positional meaning. The first digit of the course number denoteds the academic level of the course (1 = freshman/1st year; 2 = sophomore/2nd year). The second and third digits establish course sequencing and/or distinguish the course from others of the same level, credit value, and rubric. The fourth digit denotes the credit value of the course in semester hours. For example, CMAT 1213 College Algebra (Common, Mathematics, Freshman/1st year, articulated standard sequence 21, 3 semester hours, College Algebra); CENL 1013 English Composition I (Common, English, Freshman/1st year, articulated standard sequence 01, 3 semester hours, English Composition I.

All rubric/number course identifiers correspond to course descriptiors listed in the Statewide Course Catalog, published by the Louisiana Board of Regents with direct faculty input.The Statewide Course Catalog will comprise the academic courses for which there is statewide agreement among discipline faculty representatives as to the minimum course content to be covered so that a student completing the course will be ready for the next course for which it is a prerequisite in a sequence or curriculum. Louisiana Tech University courses that are part of the Statewide Common Course Catalog can be readily identified by the [LCCN: AAAA####] at the end of the course description.

The Master Course Articulation Matrix, and the Louisiana Statewide Common Course Catalogue can be found on the Louisiana Board of Regents website (https://regents.la.gov/master-course-articulation/).


Education Curriculum Instruction

  • EDCI 517: Critical Action Research

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Engages educators in formal inquiry of authentic problems embedded within the social, cultural, and political contexts of schooling.
  • EDCI 518: Algorithms and Programming for STEM

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Students focus on the development of good algorithms as solutions to interesting problems while discovering the importance of understanding problems in order to develop efficient step-by-step solutions and how to translate their algorithms to a language computers can understand.


  • EDCI 519: Data Structures for STEM

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Students explore and utilize data structures as they design algorithms to solve problems and how computer hardware provides a powerful platform on which to run software.


  • EDCI 520: Practicum for Graduate Students

    3 (9) Semester Credit Hours . 40-0-3 (9) Structured laboratory experiences in area(s) of specialization in education. May be repeated for credit up to 9 hours.
  • EDCI 521: Assessment of Students and Programs

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Diagnosing and evaluating students and programs within the framework of instruction; emphasis on problem solving in order to improve learning and teaching.
  • EDCI 522: Instructional Theory and Practice

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Exploration and investigation of methods and paradigms of instructional theory and delivery; emphasis on creative aplication of instructional technology and processes that create learning opportunities.
  • EDCI 524: Supervision of Student Teaching

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Designed for experienced teachers who are interested in serving as supervising teachers in teacher-education programs.
  • EDCI 525: Instructional Theory, Practice, and Assessment

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 A study of effective teaching and assessment methods, strategies, and practices.
  • EDCI 526: Curriculum Development

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Application of theory and research of curriculum; issues and trends in curriculum; strategies and techniques for planning curriculum; value and empirical bases for curriculum decisions.
  • EDCI 528: Evaluating Pupil Growth

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Methods and procedures in test development, administration, validation, and interpretation.
  • EDCI 530: Professional Development

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 The course is designed to help educational leaders understand the links between sustained, intellectually rigorous staff development and improved teaching and learning.
  • EDCI 531: Early Childhood/Elementary Graphophonics Methods

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 This course is designed to provide candidates with research-based, hands-on activities and pedagogical approaches to teach the graphophonic relationships of phonemic awareness, phonics, and spelling.


  • EDCI 533: Problems in Education

    1-4 (9) Semester Credit Hours . 0-1-1 to 4(9) Prerequisite Consent of instructor. An advanced course dealing with special problems in the different fields of education. May be repeated for credit.
  • EDCI 533A: Problems in Education

    1 (9) Semester Credit Hours . 0-1-1 (9) Prerequisite Consent of instructor. An advanced course dealing with special problems in the different fields of education. May be repeated for credit.
  • EDCI 533B: Problems in Education

    2 (9) Semester Credit Hours . 0-2-2 (9) Prerequisite Consent of instructor. An advanced course dealing with special problems in the different fields of education. May be repeated for credit.
  • EDCI 533C: Problems in Education

    3 (9) Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 (9) Prerequisite Consent of instructor. An advanced course dealing with special problems in the different fields of education. May be repeated for credit.
  • EDCI 533D: Problems in Education

    4 (9) Semester Credit Hours . 0-4-4 (9) Prerequisite Consent of instructor. An advanced course dealing with special problems in the different fields of education. May be repeated for credit.
  • EDCI 536: Braille I

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Students develop proficiency in reading and writing the Braille literary Code while developing an understanding of which visually impaired children can benefit from Braille reading instruction.
  • EDCI 540: Behavior Analysis and Classroom Management

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 1-2-3 Course emphasizes the application of concepts, principles, and skills necessary for designing, implementing, evaluating, and revising plans for classroom and behavior management.


  • EDCI 541: Early Childhood Curriculum

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Practical problems in the selection and organization of the curriculum to promote children’s learning.  Emphasis on planning, selecting equipment, teaching aids, and teaching procedure.


  • EDCI 546: Adaptive Technology For Students Who Are Visually Impaired

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite EDCI 436 ; or National Certification in Unified English Braille (NCUEB); or successful completion (85%) on EDCI 436 final exam.

      Students become familiar with adaptive technology for people who are blind/visually impaired, including equipment, academic/functional/personal uses, assessments, laws, and resources.  Student receive hands-on experience using adaptive technology equipment, performing assessments, and writing reports and IEP goals.  Students receive information on AT resources, materials, websites, publications, trainings and vendors.


  • EDCI 547: Prof Considerations in Physical/Medical Management for Individuals and Their Families

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Evidence-based practices in teaming with families to provide early intervention for young children with special needs.
  • EDCI 548: Verbal Behavior and Complex Behaviors

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Knowledge and skills in evidence-based practices focused on behavior analytic procedures and complex behaviors for children at-risk and with disabilities.
  • EDCI 549: Advanced Behavior Analysis in Early Interventions

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Behavior analytic research and applications from early childhood and early intervention to address the complex needs of individuals, including historical and theoretical relationships.
  • EDCI 551: Research and Thesis

    . 0-0-3(6) Maximum credit allowed is six hours.
  • EDCI 556: Middle/Secondary Mathematics Methods

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 The nature of mathematics and methods of teaching.


  • EDCI 557: Middle/Secondary English Methods

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 The student will be introduced to the best techniques of organizing and presenting English material.


  • EDCI 559: Middle/Secondary Social Studies Methods

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 An examination of the character and purpose of social studies is followed by presentation of appropriate teaching suggestions.


  • EDCI 562: Elementary School Curriculum

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 A study of principles of curriculum construction in the elementary school. Emphasis is upon selection, organization and evaluation of materials suitable to the elementary school.
  • EDCI 563: Secondary School Curriculum

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 A study of the principles of curriculum development in the secondary school.
  • EDCI 564: Middle/Secondary Science Methods

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 The nature of science and methods of teaching.


  • EDCI 565: Assessment and Evaluation of Students With Disabilities

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 2-3-3 An examination of administration and interpretation of basic tests (standardized and curriculum-based) to make appropriate educational decisions regarding students with exceptionalities.
  • EDCI 566: Improving Intstruction in Remedial Education

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 2-2-3 Focuses on improvement of college level instruction at the remedial/developmental level.
  • EDCI 569: Introduction to Mentor Teacher/Content Leader

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite Admission to the Graduate School This 100% online course is designed for experienced teachers interested in serving as mentor teachers and/or content leaders to improve 21st century teaching and learning skills in K-12.  Credit will not be given for EDCI 569 if credit is given for EDLE 569.


  • EDCI 570: Mentor Teacher

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 This 100% online course is designed for experienced teachers who will serve as mentor teachers with an emphasis on improving teaching and learning in K-12.  Credit will not be given for EDCI 570 if credit is given for EDLE 570.


  • EDCI 571: Change Theory and Innovation in Education

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 A study of change theory and how varying factors and circumstances influence the extent of success or failure of planned innovations in public education.
  • EDCI 572: Education Foundations and Public Policy

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 An analysis of the links between educational policy and school history with particular emphasis on the historical, philosophical, social, and legal foundations of education.
  • EDCI 573: Math Content Leader

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 This 100% online course utilizes 21st century skills for the K-12 educator to help develop and strengthen the skills needed for their instructional leadership role as a math content leader.  Credit will not be given for EDCI 573 if credit is given for EDLE 573.


  • EDCI 574: ELA Content Leader

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 This 100% online course utilizes 21st century skills for the K-12 educator to help develop and strengthen the skills needed for their instructional leadership role as an ELA content leader.  Credit will not be given for EDCI 574 if credit is given for EDLE 574.


  • EDCI 575: Practicum in Education

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 1-10-3 Prerequisite Consent of Director of Laboratory Experiences. (PASS/FAIL). Structured laboratory experiences in education.
  • EDCI 576: Student Teaching

    2-9 (9) Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-1 to 6(9) Structured laboratory experiences in area(s) of specialization in education. Minimum of 180 clock hours in direct teaching. May be repeated for credit up to 9 hours.
  • EDCI 576A: Student Teaching

    2 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-1(9) Structured laboratory experiences in area(s) of specialization in education. Minimum of 180 clock hours in direct teaching. May be repeated for credit up to 9 hours.
  • EDCI 576B: Student Teaching

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-2(9) Structured laboratory experiences in area(s) of specialization in education. Minimum of 180 clock hours in direct teaching. May be repeated for credit up to 9 hours.
  • EDCI 576C: Student Teaching

    4 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-3(9) Structured laboratory experiences in area(s) of specialization in education. Minimum of 180 clock hours in direct teaching. May be repeated for credit up to 9 hours.
  • EDCI 576D: Student Teaching

    5 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-4(9) Structured laboratory experiences in area(s) of specialization in education. Minimum of 180 clock hours in direct teaching. May be repeated for credit up to 9 hours.
  • EDCI 576F: Student Teaching

    7 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-6(9) Structured laboratory experiences in area(s) of specialization in education. Minimum of 180 clock hours in direct teaching. May be repeated for credit up to 9 hours.
  • EDCI 576I: Student Teaching

    9 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-9(9) Structured laboratory experiences in area(s) of specialization in education. Minimum of 180 clock hours in direct teaching. May be repeated for credit up to 9 hours.
  • EDCI 577: Teaching Methods for Effective Instruction of Science and Social Studies

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 2-1-3 Prerequisite PSYC 204  or EPSY 511. A course for the study of curriculum organization, instructional strategies and materials, and research findings related to PK-8 science and social studies.
  • EDCI 578: Braille II

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Students learn Nemeth and computer braille codes and how to make and teach tactile graphics while increasing profiency in reading, transcribing, and proofreading literary braille.
  • EDCI 579: Developmental Aspects of Blindness, Assessment and Evaluation

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Students learn the physical, social, and emotional development of blind children, birth through adulthood, and the methods used to assess and evaluate these children.
  • EDCI 580: Principles of Middle/Secondary Learning and Teaching

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-3(6) An investigation of the principles of teaching as reelated to the student, curriculum, and the teaching-learning process.


  • EDCI 582: Educational and Functional Implications of Low Vision and Blindness

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 An overview course addressing the educational and functional implications of low Vision and blindness, including eye anatomy, eye diseases, assessment, and intervention strategies.
  • EDCI 584: Orientation and Mobility for Teachers of Blind Students

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 2-1-3 Teaches basics of efficient, independent, nonvisual travel; movement for young blind children; multi-handicapped blind children and contemporary philosophical issues.
  • EDCI 585: Comprehensive Examination in Education

    No credit Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-0 Prerequisite Graduate standing is required. Required for all graduatin graduate students enrolled in the M.Ed., M.A.T., and M.S. programs of study in Teacher Education. Requires consent of the College of Education Graduate Director. May be repeated once.
  • EDCI 588: Behavior Analytic Teaching Strategies for Mild/Moderate

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Interventions, methods, materials, and research-based strategies for students with and without disabilities with emphasis on accommodations, modifications, and behavior analytic procedures across environments.
  • EDCI 590: American Society and Diversity: Issues for Educators

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 An overview and critical analysis of the philosophical, historical, and contemporary issues of diversity in American society and their impacts upon education.
  • EDCI 591: National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Trends and Issues I

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Experiences and reflections about teaching and learning to help participants begin the portfolio preparation process for National Board Certification.
  • EDCI 592: National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Trends and Issues II

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite EDCI 591 . (Pass/Fail). This course is designed to assist all teachers (PK-12) with preparation for certification as a National Board Certified Teacher.
  • EDCI 593: Tchr Wrk Sample (Tws)E-Portfolio

    No credit Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-0 Prerequisite Admission to Master of Arts in Teaching program and consent of the program DIRECTOR (Pass/Fail). Required for all graduating students enrolled in the Master of Arts in Teaching program.
  • EDCI 595: Sacs Casi Accreditation/School Improvement Process I

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Participants will gain understanding of the SACS CASI Accreditation Standards for Quality Schools and will learn techniques to organize and interpret data, lead school improvement initiatives, and serve as SACS CASI steering committee members.
  • EDCI 596: Sacs Casi: District Accreditation Protocol

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Provides school and district administrators with an in-depth understanding of the SACS CASI school district accreditation process. Participants learn techniques to build a shared Vision, develop school and district profiles, design action plans, and interpret the success of both school and district initiatives to further student learning.
  • EDCI 597: S.T.A.R. Evaluation and Assessment Protocol

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Designed for experienced teachers who are interested in serving being subject-matter qualified, research-based proficient, technology integrators, and advanced communicators in order to supervise, mentor, and lead teacher candidates in teacher-education programs.
  • EDCI 598: Certificate Completion

    No Credit Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-0 Prerequisite GRADUATE STANDING AND CONSENT OF COLLEGE OF EDUCATION GRADUATE DIRECTOR. Required for all students completing a Graduate Certificate program. (Pass/Fail)
  • EDCI 599: E-Portfolio

    No credit Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-0 Prerequisite Graduate standing required. (Pass/Fail). Required for all graduating graduate students enrolled in the Master of Science Curriculum and Instruction program or the Master of Arts in Teaching program who began their program Fall 2008 or later. May be repeated.
  • EDCI 601: Digital Teaching in the Online Environment

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Engaging learners and diversifying instruction, promoting digital citizenship, creating effective, purposeful assessments, and how to effectively build online communities are among the primary themes in this course.


  • EDCI 602: Leveraging Technology for Assessment of Student Learning

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Examination of assessment from both a formative and summative perspective.  Identification of effective processes and purposes for using assessment.  Exploration of digital tools appropriate for diverse types of assessments and learners.


  • EDCI 603: Designing Remote Learning

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Strategies that address crafting clear course expectations, designing measurable outcomes and assessments, ensuring that the entire course meets accessibility and usability standards, and leveraging effective, appropriate technology to foster quality engagement and student achievement.


  • EDCI 604: Technology Integration Coaching

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Course prepares individuals to identify a baseline of behaviors (practices and habits of mind), set meaningful goals for technology integration based on resources and student needs, assist teachers in developing technology literacy, aid teachers in effectively integrating various technologies.  Includes basic tenets of instructional coaching and delves into strategies to help teachers attain digital literacy and effective application of technology through evidence-based practices.



  • SPED 200: Human Exceptionalities

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Survey course that addresses the definitions, characteristics, identification, legislation, and educational procedures related to students with exceptionalities.


Education Leadership

  • EDLE 500: Research Appl for Educ Leaders

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Research knowledge and skills in collecting, analyzing, interpreting and using data to lead school improvement and designing action research.
  • EDLE 501: Curriculum Development and Assessment Planning for Educational Leaders

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Application of curriculum research and theory to inform practice; curriculum issues and trends, strategies and techniques for aligning curriculum to state and national standards.
  • EDLE 510: Teacher Leadership and Professional Practice

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Students will be exposed to conceptual frameworks needed to become effective instructional as well as peer/teacher leaders and to make calculated decisions based on best practice and research-based findings to postively impact teaching and learning at the local school site.
  • EDLE 511: Teach Leadership and Prof Prac II

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Foundations laid in the Teacher Leadership and Professionalism I course will be enhanced with an emphasis on technology skills to serve the teacher leader in making the best research-based decisions to effect positive teaching and learning at the local school site.
  • EDLE 520: Practicum for Administration and Supervision

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 40-0-3 (PASS/FAIL). Structured field-based experience in educational administration and supervision.
  • EDLE 527: Public School Organization and Administration

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Introduction to national, state, and local administration; public school finance; principles and practices of administration; administration of special services; national and state legal aspects of public school administration, and administration of school-community relations.
  • EDLE 530: Professional Development

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Designed to help educational leaders understand the links between sustained, intellectually rigorous staff development and improved teaching and learning.
  • EDLE 531: Supv of Instr for School Improve

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 A study of instructional leadership processes, functions, and tasks for effective teaching with particular emphasis on acquisition and assessment of numeracy and literacy skills.
  • EDLE 540: Org Behav and Innov Leadership

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 A study of the various elements of organizational behavior in educational environments and how they function to mediate planned change and school improvement.
  • EDLE 541: Effective Leadership Management

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Duties and responsibilities in finance, business management, organization, leadership, administration and supervision of personnel in elementary/secondary schools.
  • EDLE 550: Supervision of Child Welfare and Attendance

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Principles and practices of census, child welfare, and attendance for the supervisor of child welfare and attendance or Visiting teacher.
  • EDLE 551: Facilitating School and Community Partnerships in Diverse Settings

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 This course is designed to familiarize educational administration candidates with the elements of efficient and collaborative school-community relations programs and campaigns for schools and school districts servicing diverse educational settings.
  • EDLE 552: Supervision of Instruction in Elementary and Secondary Schools

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite 0-3-3. A course designed to aid prospective elementary and secondary director. A course designed to aid prospective elementary and secondary administrators in theories, principles, and concepts of supervision.
  • EDLE 553: Leadership in 21st Century Learning Environments

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 This course is designed to enable aspiring education administrators to plan, manage, lead, and sustain effective technology implementation in schools.
  • EDLE 555: School and Community Relations

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Principles of school relations applied to education and the development of school and community understandings.
  • EDLE 556: School Law

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 State and national aspects and implications of public school law. Special attention is given to cases in both state and federal courts.
  • EDLE 557: Elementary School Principalship

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Duties and responsibilities in organization, leadership, administration, and supervision in the elementary school.
  • EDLE 558: Secondary School Principalship

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Duties and responsibilities in organization, leadership, and administration of the secondary school.
  • EDLE 559: School Finance

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 An in-depth survey into the financial and business management in public education.
  • EDLE 560: School Personnel Administration

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 A course to equip the new principal to administrate all school personnel.
  • EDLE 561: Sch Law, Pol, and Eth/Educ Leaders

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 State and national aspects of school law as well as implications of legal issues, policy, and ethics for educational leaders.
  • EDLE 562: Internship in Educ Leadership I

    1 Semester Credit Hours . 5-0-1 Prerequisite By application only. Structured field-based experiences in educational leadership and supervision. By application only. (Pass/Fail)
  • EDLE 563: Internship in Educ Leadership II

    1 Semester Credit Hours . 5-0-1 Prerequisite By application only. Structured field-based experiences in educational leadership and supervision. By application only. (Pass/Fail)


  • EDLE 564: Intern in Educ Leadership III

    1 Semester Credit Hours . 5-0-1 Prerequisite By application only. Structured field-based experiences in educational leadership and supervision. By application only. (Pass/Fail)


  • EDLE 565: Differentiated Supervision

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Focuses on improvement of classroom instruction through the building of the relationship between supervision and teaching.
  • EDLE 567: Adv Topics in Educational Ldrshp

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 (Pass/Fail). This course is designed for prospective or practicing elementary of secondary school administrators and topics vary. May be repeated multiple times for credit.
  • EDLE 569: Introduction to Mentor Teacher/Content Leader

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite Admission to the Graduate School This 100% online course is designed for experienced teachers interested in serving as mentor teachers and/or content leaders to improve 21st century teaching and learning skills in K-12.  Credit will not be given for EDLE 569 if credit is given for EDCI 569.



  • EDLE 570: Mentor Teacher

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 This 100% online course is designed for experienced teachers who will serve as mentor teachers with an emphasis on improving teaching and learning in K-12.  Credit will not be given for EDLE 570 if credit is given for EDCI 570.


  • EDLE 573: Math Content Leader

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 This 100% online course utilizes 21st century skills for the K-12 educator to help develop and strengthen the skills needed for their instructional leadership role as a math content leader.  Credit will not be given for EDLE 573 if credit is given for EDCI 573.


  • EDLE 574: ELA Content Leader

    3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 This 100% online course utilizes 21st century skills for the K-12 educator to help develop and strengthen the skills needed for their instructional leadership role as an ELA content leader.  Credit will not be given for EDLE 574 if credit is given for EDCI 574.


  • EDLE 585: Comprehensive Examination in Educational Leadership

    No credit Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-0 Prerequisite Graduate standing required. Required for all graduating graduate students enrolled in the M.Ed.or M.S. programs of study in Educational Leadership. Requires consent of the College of Education Graduate Director. May be repeated once.

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