Management |
MGMT 478: Staffing Organizations 3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite MGMT 468 or 470 Readings, problems and cases in human resource management. Analysis of current problems and future prospects are emphasized. (G) |
MGMT 485: International Business Management 3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite MGMT 310 . Readings and cases in international business: governmental activities, regionalism, market opportunities, structure of international companies, company intelligence, human relations, operating policies, procedures and problems. LCCN:CMGM4213 |
MGMT 494: Management Principles 3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-3 Self-paced course in management sufficeint to enable student to be successful with core MBA classes. Cannot be taken for credit towards an undergraduate degree. (Pass/Fail). |
MGMT 510: Contemporary Management 3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 An analysis of management principles, functions, and practices with a particular emphasis on the application of theory to contemporary management issues and problems. |
MGMT 537: Human Resources Management 3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite Consent of Instructor.
An advanced course in human resource management with an emphasis on personnel functions, within the context of the strategy, structure, and environment of contemporary organizations. |
MGMT 540: Principled Business Leadership 3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Theories, concepts, and practical applications necessary for leaders to guide individuals, work units, and organizations in the achievement of goals are examined. |
MGMT 544: Advanced Production and Operations Management 3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite Consent of Instructor.
An in-depth analysis of production/operations concepts, methods, and techniques from a systems perspective. |
MGMT 550: Directed Study in Management 1-3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-1 to 3(3) Prerequisite Consent of Instructor and Approval of Department Head Required Hours and credits to be arranged. Special problem or specific area of management. (Pass/Fail) |
MGMT 550A: Directed Study in Management 1 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-1 Prerequisite Consent of instructor & department head approval required Hours and credits to be arranged. Special problem or specific area of management. (Pass/Fail) |
MGMT 550B: Directed Study in Management 2 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-2 Prerequisite Consent of instructor & department head approval required Hours and credits to be arranged. Special problem or specific area of management. (Pass/Fail) |
MGMT 550C: Directed Study in Management 3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-3 Prerequisite Consent of instructor & department head approval required Hours and credits to be arranged. Special problem or specific area of management. (Pass/Fail) |
MGMT 560: Materials Management 3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite Consent of Instructor. Basic concepts of the materials management function including quality management, MRP II, scheduling, inventory management, purchasing, materials handling, JIT, and manufacturing strategy. |
MGMT 571: Organizational Behavior 3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 A seminar with emphasis on theories and concepts of the behavioral sciences relevant to the internal operations of the organization. |
MGMT 595: Administrative Policy 3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite All core MBA courses must be completed. A synthesis of the material covered in the courses required for the MBA. Specific problems and cases are used to develop executive decision-making. |
MGMT 601: Research Methods I 3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite QA 605 An in-depth study of principles, theories, objectives, techniques, and problems as applied in social science research. |
MGMT 602: Research Methods II 3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite QA 610 and MGMT 601 or MKTG 601 A course designed to introduce the student to the collection, analysis, and interpretation of survey research data with an emphasis on the application of multivariate satistical techniques. |
MGMT 603: Advanced Seminar in Research 3 (6) Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 (6) Prerequisite Doctoral Standing or special permission from instructor. The seminar will cover research methods and current trends in research. Critical evaluation of research is required. |
MGMT 604: Preparing Publishable Research 1-3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-1 to 3(3) Prerequisite Doctoral Standing. Integration of literature, methods, and statistics in management. Students work independently with facutly to develop research papers for bublication. Oral presentation of research required. |
MGMT 604A: Preparing Publishable Research 1 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-1 Prerequisite Doctoral Standing. Integration of literature, methods, and statistics in management. Students work independently with facutly to develop research papers for bublication. Oral presentation of research required. |
MGMT 604B: Preparing Publishable Research 2 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-2 Prerequisite Doctoral Standing. Integration of literature, methods, and statistics in management. Students work independently with facutly to develop research papers for bublication. Oral presentation of research required. |
MGMT 604C: Preparing Publishable Research 3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-3 Prerequisite Doctoral Standing. Integration of literature, methods, and statistics in management. Students work independently with facutly to develop research papers for bublication. Oral presentation of research required. |
MGMT 610: Current Research Issues in Management 3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 A seminar emphasizing the nature of theory and theory development and the analysis of current theoretical and empirical literature within the field of management. |
MGMT 615: Seminar in Behavioral Research Methodology 3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 May repeat one time for credit. Analysis and intensive study of research and research methodology utilized in the behavioral sciences. The method of science as applied to management is emphasized. |
MGMT 629: Organization Theory 3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite Consent of Instructor. Requires Doctoral Standing. A macro approach to the study of complex organization emphasizing current research findings. May require additional class meetings. |
MGMT 637: Human Resources Management 3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite Consent of Instructor. Requires Doctoral Standing. An advanced course in human resource management with an emphasis on personnel functions, within the context of the strategy, structure, and environment of contemporary organizations. Credit will not be given for MGMT637 if credit is given for MGMT 537 . |
MGMT 639: Seminar in Strategy and Organizational Theory 3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite Consent of Instructor A doctoral seminar focusing on strategy and organization theory with emphasis on theoretical and empirical research and its application. |
MGMT 644: Advanced Production and Operations Management 3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite Consent of Instructor. Requires Doctoral Standing. An in-depth analysis of production/operations concepts, methods, and techniques from a systems perspective. Credit will not be given for MGMT644 if credit is given for MGMT 544 . |
MGMT 650: Directed Study in Management 1-3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-1 to 3(3) Prerequisite Consent of Instructor and Department Head Approval Required Hours and credits to be arranged. Special problem or specific area of management. (Pass/Fail) |
MGMT 650A: Directed Study in Management 1 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-1 Prerequisite Consent of instructor and department head approval required Hours and credits to be arranged. Special problem or specific area of management. (Pass/Fail) |
MGMT 650B: Directed Study in Management 2 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-2 Prerequisite Consent of instructor and department head approval required Hours and credits to be arranged. Special problem or specific area of management. (Pass/Fail) |
MGMT 650C: Directed Study in Management 3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-3 Prerequisite Consent of instructor and department head approval required Hours and credits to be arranged. Special problem or specific area of management. (Pass/Fail) |
MGMT 660: Materials Management 3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite Consent of Instructor, Requires Doctoral Standing Basic concepts of the materials management function including quality management, MRP II, scheduling, inventory management, purchasing, materials handling, JIT, and manufacturing strategy. Credit will not be given for MGMT660 if credit is given for MGMT 560 . |
MGMT 671: Organizational Behavior 3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite Consent of Instructor, Requires Doctoral Standing. A seminar with emphasis on theories and concepts of the behavioral sciences relevant to the internal operations of the organization. Credit will not be given for MGMT671 if credit is given for MGMT 571 . |
MGMT 685: Comprehensive Exam in Management 0 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-0 Prerequisite Doctoral Standing required. Required for all business administration doctoral students seeking to take the comprehensive exam in MGMT. Successful completion is a prerequisite to the oral comprehensive exam for those seeking a primary field or examined minor in MGMT. Requires consent of graduate director. |
Marketing |
MKTG 300: Marketing Principles and Policies 3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite Junior Standing Basic marketing concepts aimed at value creation, including core components such as advertising, distribution, pricing, service, customer behavior, research, big data, and social media marketing.
MKTG 307: Personal Selling 3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 A study of the basic concepts used in the selling process along with practical skills and presentation techniques necessary to be an effective salesperson. LCCN:CMKT3203 |
MKTG 320: Consumer Behavior 3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite MKTG 300 . Study of the consumer’s role in value creation and how psychological, sociological, and cultural factors influence the dynamics of exchange among individuals, families, and institutions.
MKTG 348: Leadership in Strategic Sports Marketing and Administration 3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 A survey course introducting the key concepts and issues involved in creating value through effectively positioning and managing the brand aspects of sports businesses. |
MKTG 365: Digital and Content Marketing 3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite MKTG 300 A survey of current marketing practices employing modern social, digital, and mobile media to promote institutional objectives by developing and delivering appropriate content.
MKTG 390: Services Marketing 3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite MKTG 300 or Consent of Instructor. Study of value creation through effective deployment of resources for designing, delivering, and managing customer experiences in services industries such as healthcare, hospitality, and entertainment. |
MKTG 401: Internship in Marketing I 3(6) Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-3(6) Prerequisite Junior Standing and Consent of the Instructor
On site, supervised, structured work experiences in the field of Marketing. (Pass/Fail)
MKTG 403: Internship in Sports Marketing I 3(6) Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-3(6) Prerequisite Junior Standing and Consent of the Instructor On site, supervised, structured work experiences in the field of Sports Marketing. (Pass/Fail) |
MKTG 404: Internship in Sports Marketing II 3(6) Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-3(6) Prerequisite Junior Standing and Consent of the Instructor
On site, supervised, structured work experiences in the field of Sports Marketing. (Pass/Fail) |
MKTG 420: Marketing Communication 3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite MKTG 300 . Students learn and apply principles of marketing communications, including advertising and social networking, enabling students to effectively design and manage the promotional function of business. |
MKTG 425: Sales Management 3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 A study of the decision-making involved in managing a salesforce including their selection, organization, supervision, compensation, and motivation; and their coordination with other marketing functions. |
MKTG 435: Retailing 3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite MKTG 300 Strategic and operational concerns of retailers including visual merchandising, buying, logistics, inventory management, pricing, service, retail communications, social networking, location, staffing, and in-store/online technologies.
MKTG 473: Marketing Strategy 3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite MKTG 320 and one of the following: MKTG 307 , MKTG 420 , MKTG 435 , MKTG 482 , or MKTG 485 ; and senior standing. In-depth overview of strategy among key areas within marketing. Students develop a marketing plan for a client organization with recommendations addressing the client’s marketing needs.
MKTG 482: Marketing Research 3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite MKTG 300 , QA 233 and senior standing. Study of how marketplace information becomes the intelligence that drives business decision-making. Topics include research design, measurement, ethics, sampling, introductory analytics, and research communication techniques.
MKTG 494: Principles of Marketing 3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-3 Self-paced course in marketing sufficient to enable student to be successful with core MBA classes. Cannot be taken for credit towards an undergraduate degree. (Pass/Fail). |
MKTG 533: Advanced Marketing Research 3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite MKTG 530 or Consent of Instructor An in-depth study of research philosophy, theory, objectives, techniques, and problems as applied to marketing. |
MKTG 537: Seminar in Buyer Behavior 3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite MKTG 530 or Consent of Instructor This course examines the concepts and principles of customer behavior with the goal of understanding how consumer data provides input into better marketing decision making. |
MKTG 550: Directed Study in Marketing 1-3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-1 to 3(3) Prerequisite Consent of Instructor and Approval of Department Head Required Special problem or specific area of marketing. (Pass/Fail) |
MKTG 550A: Directed Study in Marketing 1 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-1 Prerequisite Consent of instructor and approval of department head required Special problem or specific area of marketing. (Pass/Fail) |
MKTG 550B: Directed Study in Marketing 2 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-2 Prerequisite Consent of instructor and approval of department head required Special problem or specific area of marketing. (Pass/Fail) |
MKTG 550C: Directed Study in Marketing 3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-3 Prerequisite Consent of instructor and approval of department head required Special problem or specific area of marketing. (Pass/Fail) |
MKTG 600: Survey of Marketing and Strategy 3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 A survey of the marketing literature on strategy and other related topics including: marketing management, services marketing, market orientation, brand management, and personal selling. |
MKTG 601: Research Methods I 3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Introduces the student to the collection, analysis, and interpretation of survey data with an emphasis on the application of statistical techniques and research ethics. |
MKTG 602: Research Methods II 3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite QA 610 and MGMT 601 or MKTG 601 A course designed to introduce the student to the collection, analysis, and interpretation of survey research data with an emphasis on the application of multivariate statistical techniques. |
MKTG 603: Advanced Seminar in Research 3 (6) Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 (6) Prerequisite Doctoral Standing or special permission from instructor. The seminar will cover research methods and current trends in research. Critical evaluation of research is required. |
MKTG 604: Preparing Publishable Research 1-3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-1 to 3(3) Prerequisite Doctoral Standing. Integration of literature, methods, and statistics in marketing. Students work independently with faculty to develop research papers for publication. Oral presentation of research required. |
MKTG 604A: Preparing Publishable Research 1 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-1(3) Prerequisite Doctoral Standing. Integration of literature, methods, and statistics in marketing. Students work independently with faculty to develop research papers for publication. Oral presentation of research required. |
MKTG 604B: Preparing Publishable Research 2 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-2(3) Prerequisite Doctoral Standing. Integration of literature, methods, and statistics in marketing. Students work independently with faculty to develop research papers for publication. Oral presentation of research required. |
MKTG 604C: Preparing Publishable Research 3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-3(3) Prerequisite Doctoral Standing. Integration of literature, methods, and statistics in marketing. Students work independently with faculty to develop research papers for publication. Oral presentation of research required. |
MKTG 610: Seminar in Marketing Management 3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 A survey of two of the four elements of the marketing mix (place, price, product, and promotion). An emphasis is placed on major topics of managerial and research interest. |
MKTG 615: Seminar in Marketing 3 (6) Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 (6) An examination of concepts and research findings related to selected topics in marketing. Presentation and critical evaluateion of reports from related disciplines. |
MKTG 620: Advanced Topics in Marketing Management 3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 A survey of two of the four elements of the marketing mix (place, price, product, and promotion). An emphasis is placed on major topics of managerial and research interest. |
MKTG 637: Seminar in Buyer Behavior 3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 The course prepares students to conceptualize, operationalize, and develop reseearch ideas in buyer behavior. It focuses on understanding theoretical and methodological foundations of consumer behavior. Credit will not be given for MKTG 637 if credit is given for MKTG 537 . |
MKTG 640: Marketing Theory 3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 A survey of the philosophy of science and the evolution of marketing ideas, concepts, and theories. The influence and contribution of individuals to marketing concepts are emphasized. |
MKTG 650: Directed Study in Marketing 1-3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-1 to 3(3) Prerequisite Consent of Instructor and Approval of Department Head Required Special problem or specific area of marketing. (Pass/Fail) |
MKTG 650A: Directed Study in Marketing 1 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-1 Prerequisite Consent of instructor and approval of department head required Special problem or specific area of marketing. (Pass/Fail) |
MKTG 650B: Directed Study in Marketing 2 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-2 Prerequisite Consent of instructor and approval of department head required Special problem or specific area of marketing. (Pass/Fail) |
MKTG 650C: Directed Study in Marketing 3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-3 Prerequisite Consent of instructor and approval of department head required Special problem or specific area of marketing. (Pass/Fail) |
MKTG 685: Comprehensive Exam in Marketing 0 Semester Credit Hours . 0-0-0 Prerequisite Doctoral Standing required. Doctoral standing required. Required for all business administration doctoral students seeking to take the comprehensive exam in marketing. Requires consent of graduate director. (Pass/Fail) |
Mathematics |
MATH 099: Preparation for College Math 4 Semester Credit Hours . 0-4-4 Required if Mathematics ACT score is less than 19 or Mathematics SAT is less than 500 (460 prior to 3-2016). Real numbers; exponents; polynomials and factoring; algebraic fractions; linear equations and inequalities; quadratic equations; graphing; radicals. (Pass/Fail) |
MATH 100B: College Algebra Lab 2 Semester Credit Hours . 2-0-2 Prerequisite See MATH 100C . Corequisite Concurrent enrollment in the corresponding section of MATH 100C is required. (Pass/Fail). Supplementary review material including rational exponents, integer exponents, multiplying polynomials, factoring, rational expressions. A grade of S” will be assigned in MATH 100B if and only if the student earns a minimum grade of “D” in MATH 100C . A student who drops MATH 100C and wishes to continue attending class to be better prepared for repeating MATH 100B-MATH 100C may remain enrolled in MATH 100B for the remainder of the term. Such a student who does continue to attend class will be assigned a grade of “NC” in MATH 100B.” |
MATH 100C: College Algebra 3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite MATH ACT score between 19 and 21 inclusive, or MATH SAT score between 500-540 (460-510 prior to 3-2016), or successful completion of MATH 099. Radical expressions; rational exponents; complex numbers; quadratic, absolute value, rational equations; systems of linear equations; inequalities; functions; conics; graphs; inverse, exponential, logarithmic functions; applications. |
MATH 101: College Algebra 3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite Mathematics ACT score is greater than or equal to 22, or Mathematics SAT score is greater than or equal to 550 (520 prior to 3-2016). Covers the Radical expressions; rational exponents; complex numbers; quadratic, absolute value, rational equations; systems of linear equations; inequalities; functions; comics; graphs; inverse, exponential, logarithmic functions; applications. Credit will not be given for both MATH 100 and MATH 101. LCCN:CMAT1213 |
MATH 102: Applied Algebra for College Students 3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite Mathematics ACT score 22 and above, or Mathematics SAT score 550 and above (520 and above if test taken prior to March 2016). Intended for non-STEM students. Solving equations and inequalities; function properties and graphs; linear, quadratic, polynomial, exponential, and logarithmic functions, applications, system of equations and inequalities. Credit will not be given for MATH 102 if credit is given for MATH 100B/C or MATH 101.
MATH 103B: Applied Algebra for College Students 2 Semester Credit Hours . 2-0-2 Prerequisite Mathematics ACT score between 19 and 21 inclusive, or Mathematics SAT score between 500 and 540 inclusive (460 and 510 inclusive if test taken prior to March 2016), or successful completion of MATH 099 . Corequisite MATH 103C Supplementary review material from MATH 099 is provided in a co-requisite delivery format. A grade of S will be assigned in MATH 103B if and only if the student earns a minimum grade of D in MATH 103C. A student who drops MATH 103C may remain enrolled in MATH 103B for the remainder of the quarter. Such a student who satisfactorily completes supplemental review assignments will be assigned a grade of NC in MATH 103B. Math 103B/C covers the same material as MATH 102 and includes additional supplementary review material in a co-requisite delivery format. Credit will not be give for MATH 103B/C if credit is given for MATH 100B/C or MATH 101.
CMAT 1203 |
MATH 103C: Applied Algebra for College Students 3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite Mathematics ACT score between 19 and 21 inclusive, or Mathematics SAT score between 500 and 540 inclusive (460 and 510 inclusive if test taken prior to March 2016), or successful completion of MATH 099 . Corequisite MATH 103B Intended for non-STEM students. Solving equations and inequalities; function properties and graphs; linear, quadratic, polynomial, exponential, and logarithmic functions; applications; systems of equations and inequalities. MATH 103B/C covers the same material as MATH 102 and includes additional supplementary review material in a co-requisite delivery format. Credit will not be given for MATH 103B/C if credit is given for MATH 100B/C or MATH 101. CMAT 1203 |
MATH 112: Trigonometry 3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite Mathematics ACT score is greater than or equal to 26, or Mathematics SAT score is greater than or equal to 610 (590 prior to 3-2016), or Placement by Exam, or Math 100B andC , or MATH 101 . Solution of right triangles, reduction formulas, functions of multiple angles, trigonometric equations, inverse functions, and complex numbers. Credit will not be given for MATH 112 if credit is given for MATH 212 . LCCN:CMAT1223 |
MATH 113: Plane Geometry 3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite MATH 240 . A course in plane Euclidean geometry for a student who is planning to teach high school geometry. |
MATH 125: Algebra for Management and Social Sciences 3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite Mathematics ACT score is greater than or equal to 26, or Mathematics SAT score is greater than or equal to 610 (590 prior to 3-2016), or Placement by Exam, or MATH 100B/C , or MATH 103B/C , or MATH 101 , or MATH 102 . Linear and quadratic equations and functions, graphs, matrices, systems of linear equations, mathematics of finance, sets, probability and statistics, exponential and logarithmic functions. LCCN:CMAT1313 |
MATH 130: Contemporary Mathematics 3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite MATH 100B -MATH 100C or MATH 103B -MATH 103C or MATH 101 or MATH 102 . Intended for Non-STEM students. Solving strategies, logic, cryptology and puzzle solving, basic probability, voting systems, and an introduction to graphic theory with its applications. LCCN:CMAT1103 |
MATH 203: Introduction To Number Structure 3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite MATH 100B /MATH 100C , MATH 103B /MATH 103C , MATH 101 or MATH 102 . EARLY CHILDHOOD, ELEMENTARY AND MIDDLE SCHOOL EDUCATION. Developing number sense and concepts underlying computation, estimation, pattern recognition, and function definition. Studying number relationships, systems, and theory. Applying algebraic concepts to solve problems. |
MATH 204: Conceptual Geometry and Quantitative Analysis 3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite MATH 203 ; EARLY CHILDHOOD, ELEMENTARY AND MIDDLE SCHOOL EDUCATION MAJORS ONLY. Studying the geometry of one, two, and three dimensions and applications to problems in the physical world. Exploring probability and statistics in real-world situations. |
MATH 212: Applied Technical Mathematics With Calculus 3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite Mathematics ACT score greater than or equal to 26, or Mathematics SAT score is greater than or equal to 610, or Placement by Exam, or MATH 101.
Applied trigonometry, vectors, basic applied differential and integral calculus for professional aviation. Credit will not be given for MATH 212 if credit is given for MATH 112 . |
MATH 220: Applied Calculus 3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite MATH 100 or MATH 101 and MATH 112 or Placement by Exam Functions and graphs, the derivative, applications of derivatives, indefinite integrals, application of definite integrals. Credit will not be given for MATH 220 if credit is given for MATH 222 or 230 or MATH 240 or MATH 241 or MATH 242 . |
MATH 222: Calculus for Business Administration and Economics 3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite MATH 125 or MATH 240 or Placement by Exam Functions and graphs, the derivative, the indefinite integral and the definite integral; applications as applied to business and economics. Credit will not be given for MATH 222 if credit is given for MATH 220 or MATH 241 or MATH 242 . LCCN:CMAT2103 |
MATH 223: Applied Calculus for Electrical Technology 3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite MATH 220 Applications of calculus and differential equations to electrical technology; includes integration techniques, series, differential equations, and transforms. |
MATH 224: Applied Calculus for Instrumentation and Control Technology 4 Semester Credit Hours . 0-4-4 Prerequisite MATH 220 Applications of calculus and differential equations to instrumentation and control technology; includes integration techniques, series, differential equations, and transforms.
MATH 240: Precalculus 3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite Either (A) or (B): (A) High school trigonometry or MATH 112 and one of the following: Mathematics ACT score of 26 or better, or Mathematics SAT score of 610 (590 prior to 3-2016), or MATH 101 . (B) MATH 100B /MATH 100C and MATH 112 . Corequisite ENGR 120 & CHEM 100 Functions, graphs, polynomial functions; trigonometric functions, exponential and logarithmic functions and equations; inverse functions; introduction to analytic geometry. Credit will not be given for MATH 240 if credit is given for MATH 220 . LCCN:CMAT1233 |
MATH 241: Calculus I 3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite MATH 240 or placement by exam. Limits, continuity, derivatives, differentiation rules; derivatives of algebraic, and transcendental functions; applications of differentiation; optimization; anti-differentiation. Credit will not be given for Math 241 if credit is given for MATH 220 or MATH 222 .
MATH 242: Calculus II 3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite MATH 241 Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, techniques of integration, areas and volumes, numerical integration, improper integrals, single variable continuous statistics, exponential and normal distributions, Central Limit Theorem. Credit will not be given for Math 242 if credit is given for MATH 220 or MATH 222 . |
MATH 243: Calculus III 3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite MATH 242 Vectors, three-dimensional coordinates, double and triple integrals, vector valued functions and motion in space. |
MATH 244: Calculus IV 3 Semester Credit Hours . 0-3-3 Prerequisite MATH 243 Differentiation of functions of several variables, vector calculus, Stokes’ theorem, Divergence theorem, multivariable optimization, Lagrange multipliers, infinite sequences, power series, Taylor series. |
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